# Handling Test Failures ANGLE is tested by a number of test suites, including by the ANGLE CI and Try testers, and by the Chromium FYI testers. See pointers and explanations in the [ANGLE Wrangling](https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle/+/refs/heads/main/infra/ANGLEWrangling.md) documentation. We run a large number of tests for each ANGLE CL, both in ANGLE standalone and Chromium configurations, both pre- and post- commit. Some tests will fail, crash, or timeout. If these cannot be addressed in a timely manner, file a bug and update test expectations files. Timeliness depends on the context. For example, a Wrangler trying to unblock an AutoRoller will typically suppress failures immediately; where a developer will typically delay landing their CL in favor of fixing test failures. ## Handling a Vulkan Validation Layer error Many tests are run with an option that enables the Vulkan Validation Layers (sometimes referred to as VVL). Validation errors will cause an otherwise-passing test to fail. The [vulkan-deps into ANGLE AutoRoller](https://autoroll.skia.org/r/vulkan-deps-angle-autoroll) updates ANGLE to the top-of-tree (ToT) upstream Vulkan tools and SDK. Sometimes validation errors are the result of bugs in the Vulkan Validation Layers, sometimes because of bugs in ANGLE. Therefore, investigate the cause of the error and determine if it's an ANGLE bug or a Vulkan Validation Layer bug. For Vulkan Validation Layer bugs, file an [upstream bug](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-ValidationLayers/issues/new), and suppress the error. The ANGLE Wrangler will also suppress a validation error when the `vulkan-deps` AutoRoller introduces a new validation error. The ANGLE Wrangler isn't expected to resolve the error or diagnose an upstream bug (but it is welcome as extra credit). Handle a validation error by doing the following: 1. [File an ANGLE bug](http://anglebug.com/new). If this is an active Wrangler issue, set the Label `Hotlist-Wrangler` on the bug. 2. Add the VVL error tag to the [kSkippedMessages](https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle.git/+/8f8ca06dfb903fcc8517c69142c46c05e618f40d/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/RendererVk.cpp#129) array in `RendererVk.cpp` file. Follow the pattern for adding a comment with the associated bug in the line above the VVL tag. ## dEQP test expectations There are a set of [dEQP](dEQP.md) expectations files in the [src/tests/deqp_support](../src/tests/deqp_support) directory. Notice the format of a line and your choices for OS, driver, etc. This is described in the directory's [README.md](../src/tests/deqp_support/README.md) file. This includes: - `FLAKY` - For rare flakes - `FAIL` - For a test that flakes often or persistently fails - `SKIP` - For a test that crashes - `TIMEOUT` - For a test that is very slow and may timeout ## angle_end2end_tests expectations These expectations all live in the [angle_end2end_tests_expectations.txt](../src/tests/angle_end2end_tests_expectations.txt) file. The file format is the same as for the dEQP expectations. However, `FAIL` and `FLAKY` are not valid, and so the choices are: - `SKIP` - For a test that fails or crashes - `TIMEOUT` - For a test that is very slow and may timeout ## Rubber stamping expectations CLs CLs that only change dEQP or angle_end2end_tests expectations don't require a human reviewer and can be [Rubber Stamped](https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/refs/heads/main/go/src/infra/appengine/rubber-stamper/README.md). The procedure is: 1. Add rubber-stamper@appspot.gserviceaccount.com as the reviewer on the expectations CL. Please also CC a human reviewer for TBR. 2. After 1 minute, Rubber Stamper should set "Bot-Commit: +1" on the CL. 3. Now you should be able to "Commit-Queue: +2" your CL. ## WebGL conformance test expectations The expectations files are hosted in the `chromium/src` repository under [content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations/). Note that this is not included in local ANGLE-only source tree. The format of the file, including the different tags, is documented at the top of the file. This includes the following results: - `RetryOnFailure` - For a test that rarely flakes - `Failure` - For a test that fails consistently or flakes often - `Skip` - For a test that causes catastrophic failures (e.g. ends an entire test run, causes a bot to BSoD); `Skip` should be used very sparingly You will need to contact an OWNER of the file to +1 your CL. You have two options for creating a CL to the expectations files: 1. For trivial edits, you can edit the expectations files via [Chromium Code Search](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations/): - In the browser, press the `Edit code` button. This will bring up a new browser window/tab, in an editor mode. - Edit the expecations and then press the `Create change` (or `Update change` button if you need to change your CL later), which will create a CL. 2. Otherwise please [check out the code](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/docs/get_the_code.md) and [upload a CL](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/contributing.md#Creating-a-change) # Requesting access to the Commit Queue and issue tracker If you need to request access for a user (or yourself) please ask a project owner to help. Googlers, email angle-team@google.com. External users, find a couple owners in the [OWNERS](../OWNERS) file and send a request via email. If you are an ANGLE owner and you want to grant a user access: * For the Monorail issue tracker, add users via the ["People" administration console][MonorailPeople]. * For the ANGLE Commit Queue (CQ), grant try-job access via the [Chrome Infra Auth administration console][ChromeAdmin]. * The admin console also has a separate group for [CQ access][CQAccessAdmin]. [MonorailPeople]: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/angleproject/people/list [ChromeAdmin]: https://chrome-infra-auth.appspot.com/auth/groups/project-angle-tryjob-access [CQAccessAdmin]: https://chrome-infra-auth.appspot.com/auth/groups/project-angle-committers