зеркало из https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/angle.git
1346 строки
32 KiB
1346 строки
32 KiB
# Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# import the use_x11 variable
if (angle_has_build) {
if (is_android) {
# android/rules.gni can only be imported for Android targets
declare_args() {
# Use the PCI lib to collect GPU information on Linux.
use_libpci =
(is_linux || is_chromeos) && (!is_chromecast || is_cast_desktop_build) &&
(angle_use_x11 || use_ozone) && angle_has_build
# Link in system libGL, to work with apitrace. See doc/DebuggingTips.md.
angle_link_glx = false
# Defaults to capture building to $root_out_dir/angle_libs/with_capture.
# Switch on to build capture to $root_out_dir.
angle_with_capture_by_default = false
# Don't build extra (test, samples etc) for Windows UWP. We don't have
# infrastructure (e.g. windowing helper functions) in place to run them.
angle_build_all = !build_with_chromium && !angle_is_winuwp && angle_has_build
# Enable generating current commit information using git
angle_enable_commit_id = true
# Abseil has trouble supporting MSVC, particularly regarding component builds.
# http://crbug.com/1126524
angle_enable_abseil = angle_has_build && is_clang
# Adds run-time checks to filter out EVENT() messages when the debug annotator is disabled.
angle_enable_annotator_run_time_checks = false
# Enables non-conformant extensions and features
angle_expose_non_conformant_extensions_and_versions = false
if (angle_build_all) {
group("all") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# This config is exported to dependent targets (and also applied to internal
# ones).
config("external_config") {
include_dirs = [ "include" ]
# Prevent the GL headers from redeclaring ANGLE entry points.
config("no_gl_prototypes") {
defines = [
config("gl_prototypes") {
defines = [
# This config is applied to internal Angle targets (not pushed to dependents).
config("internal_config") {
include_dirs = [
defines = []
if (angle_64bit_current_cpu) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_IS_64_BIT_CPU" ]
} else {
defines += [ "ANGLE_IS_32_BIT_CPU" ]
if (is_win) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_IS_WIN" ]
} else if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_IS_LINUX" ]
# Enables debug/trace-related functionality, including logging every GLES/EGL API command to the
# "angle_debug.txt" file on desktop. Enables debug markers for AGI, but must also set
# angle_enable_annotator_run_time_checks to improve performance.
if (angle_enable_trace) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_DEBUG_TRACE=1" ]
# When used with angle_enable_trace, enables logging every GLES/EGL API command to Android logcat
# Enables debug markers for AGI regardless of run-time checks.
if (angle_enable_trace_android_logcat) {
if (is_chromeos) {
if (is_ggp) {
defines += [ "__ggp__" ]
if (angle_use_vulkan_display) {
defines += [
if (angle_vulkan_display_mode == "simple") {
} else if (angle_vulkan_display_mode == "headless") {
if (is_lsan) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_WITH_LSAN" ]
config("constructor_and_destructor_warnings") {
if (is_clang) {
cflags = [
config("extra_warnings") {
cflags = []
is_gcc = !is_clang && !is_win
# Avoid failing builds for warnings enabled by Skia build.
if (defined(is_skia_standalone)) {
cflags += [ "-w" ]
# Enable more default warnings on Windows.
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
"/we4244", # Conversion: possible loss of data.
"/we4312", # Conversion: greater size.
"/we4456", # Variable shadowing.
"/we4458", # declaration hides class member.
"/we4715", # not all control paths return a value
"/we4800", # forcing value to bool.
"/we4838", # narrowing conversion.
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [
# The below warnings are used by WebKit. We enable them to make rolling
# ANGLE in WebKit easier.
if (!use_xcode_clang) {
# Mac catalyst uses a clang version that doesn't have these.
cflags += [
if (is_gcc) {
cflags_cc = [ "-Wdeprecated-copy" ]
if (angle_is_winuwp) {
cflags += [ "/wd4447" ] # 'main' signature found without threading model.
# This config adds build-ids to the associated library.
# -Wl is a special option that indicates that clang should pass the associated
# option --build-id to the linker. This will cause a build-id section to be added
# to the associated library. The build-id makes it possible for a debugger to
# find the right symbol file to use.
config("build_id_config") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,--build-id" ]
_use_copy_compiler_dll = angle_has_build && is_win && target_cpu != "arm64"
# Windows ARM64 is available since 10.0.16299 so no need to copy
# d3dcompiler_47.dll because this file is available as inbox.
if (_use_copy_compiler_dll) {
# We also ship an older DLL for compatiblity with Windows 7 machines without
# the UCRT. This DLL isn't available in the standard SDK distribution.
_old_compiler = "$windows_sdk_path/Redist/D3D/$target_cpu/d3dcompiler_old.dll"
_has_old_compiler =
exec_script("scripts/file_exists.py", [ _old_compiler ], "value")
copy("copy_compiler_dll") {
sources = [ "$windows_sdk_path/Redist/D3D/$target_cpu/d3dcompiler_47.dll" ]
if (_has_old_compiler) {
sources += [ _old_compiler ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# Holds the shared includes so we only need to list them once.
config("includes_config") {
include_dirs = [ "include" ]
config("angle_uwp_env") {
if (angle_is_winuwp) {
angle_source_set("includes") {
sources = libangle_includes
public_configs = [ ":includes_config" ]
angle_static_library("preprocessor") {
sources = angle_preprocessor_sources
public_deps = [
config("angle_disable_pool_alloc") {
config("debug_annotations_config") {
if (is_debug) {
if (angle_enable_annotator_run_time_checks) {
# When used with angle_enable_trace, enables debug markers for AGI with run-time checks to
# filter out EVENT() messages when the debug annotator is disabled.
config("angle_release_asserts_config") {
if (dcheck_always_on) {
config("angle_common_config") {
include_dirs = [ "src/common/third_party/base" ]
if (is_android) {
libs = [ "log" ]
# Silences the "indirect call of a function with wrong dynamic type" cfi error
config("angle_no_cfi_icall") {
if (is_cfi && use_cfi_icall && current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
cflags = [ "-fno-sanitize=cfi-icall" ]
# Silences the "cast from void* or another unrelated type to the wrong dynamic type" cfi error
config("angle_no_cfi_unrelated_cast") {
if (is_cfi && use_cfi_cast && current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
cflags = [ "-fno-sanitize=cfi-unrelated-cast" ]
angle_source_set("xxhash") {
sources = xxhash_sources
if (is_clang) {
cflags_c = [ "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough" ]
if (angle_has_build) {
fuzzer_test("xxhash_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "src/common/third_party/xxhash/xxhash_fuzzer.cpp" ]
deps = [ ":xxhash" ]
angle_static_library("angle_common") {
sources = libangle_common_sources
configs += [
deps = [ ":xxhash" ]
public_deps = [
public_configs += [ ":angle_common_config" ]
if (angle_has_build && use_fuzzing_engine) {
all_dependent_configs = [ ":angle_disable_pool_alloc" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
libs = [ "dl" ]
if (is_android && (angle_enable_gl || angle_enable_vulkan)) {
# In API level 26 ANativeWindow APIs were moved from libandroid.so
# into a separate library, libnativewindow.so
if (ndk_api_level_at_least_26) {
libs = [ "nativewindow" ]
} else {
libs = [ "android" ]
if (angle_expose_non_conformant_extensions_and_versions) {
config("angle_image_util_config") {
include_dirs = [
angle_source_set("angle_image_util_headers") {
sources = libangle_image_util_headers
public_deps = [ ":angle_common" ]
angle_static_library("angle_image_util") {
sources = libangle_image_util_sources
public_configs += [ ":angle_image_util_config" ]
public_deps = [ ":angle_image_util_headers" ]
config("angle_gl_visibility_config") {
if (is_win) {
defines = [
} else {
defines = [
config("angle_gpu_info_util_config") {
include_dirs = [
angle_static_library("angle_gpu_info_util") {
public_configs += [
public_deps = [ ":angle_common" ]
sources = libangle_gpu_info_util_sources
deps = []
libs = []
defines = []
if (!is_chromeos && angle_has_build) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_vulkan_sources
deps += [ "$angle_vulkan_headers_dir:vulkan_headers" ]
if (is_android) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_android_sources
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_fuchsia_sources
deps += [ "$angle_root/src/common/vulkan:angle_vulkan_entry_points" ]
if (is_win) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_win_sources
if (!angle_is_winuwp) {
libs += [ "setupapi.lib" ]
libs += [ "dxgi.lib" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_linux_sources
if (angle_use_x11 && angle_has_build) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_x11_sources
deps += [ "src/third_party/libXNVCtrl:libXNVCtrl" ]
defines += [ "GPU_INFO_USE_X11" ]
libs += [
if (use_libpci) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_libpci_sources
defines += [ "GPU_INFO_USE_LIBPCI" ]
libs += [ "pci" ]
if (is_apple) {
frameworks = [
if (angle_enable_eagl) {
frameworks += [ "OpenGLES.framework" ]
} else if (angle_enable_cgl) {
frameworks += [ "OpenGL.framework" ]
if (is_mac || angle_enable_cgl) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_mac_sources
if (is_ios && !angle_enable_cgl) {
sources += libangle_gpu_info_util_ios_sources
angle_source_set("angle_translator_headers") {
sources = angle_translator_exported_headers
public_deps = [ ":includes" ]
angle_static_library("translator") {
sources = angle_translator_sources
defines = []
_needs_glsl_base = false
_needs_glsl_and_vulkan_base = false
_uses_spirv = false
if (angle_enable_essl || use_fuzzing_engine) {
_needs_glsl_base = true
sources += angle_translator_essl_sources
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_ESSL" ]
if (angle_enable_glsl || use_fuzzing_engine) {
_needs_glsl_base = true
_needs_glsl_and_vulkan_base = true
sources += angle_translator_glsl_sources
if (is_apple) {
sources += angle_translator_glsl_mac_sources
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_GLSL" ]
if (angle_enable_hlsl || use_fuzzing_engine) {
sources += angle_translator_hlsl_sources
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_HLSL" ]
if (angle_enable_vulkan || use_fuzzing_engine || angle_enable_metal) {
_needs_glsl_base = true
_needs_glsl_and_vulkan_base = true
_uses_spirv = true
# This translator is needed by metal backend also.
sources += angle_translator_lib_vulkan_sources
if (_needs_glsl_base) {
sources += angle_translator_glsl_base_sources
if (_needs_glsl_and_vulkan_base) {
sources += angle_translator_glsl_and_vulkan_base_sources
if (angle_enable_vulkan || use_fuzzing_engine) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_VULKAN" ]
if (angle_enable_metal) {
sources += angle_translator_lib_metal_sources
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_METAL" ]
if (angle_enable_swiftshader) {
public_configs += [ ":external_config" ]
deps = [
if (_uses_spirv) {
deps += [
public_deps = [
if (is_win) {
# Necessary to suppress some system header xtree warnigns in Release.
# For some reason this warning doesn't get triggered in Chromium
cflags = [ "/wd4718" ]
angle_source_set("translator_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "src/compiler/fuzz/translator_fuzzer.cpp" ]
include_dirs = [
deps = [ ":translator" ]
config("angle_commit_id_config") {
include_dirs = [ "$root_gen_dir/angle" ]
visibility = [ ":angle_commit_id" ]
_commit_id_output_file = "$root_gen_dir/angle/angle_commit.h"
action("angle_commit_id") {
script = "src/commit_id.py"
outputs = [ _commit_id_output_file ]
# Add git as a dependency if it is available.
if (angle_enable_commit_id &&
exec_script("src/commit_id.py", [ "check" ], "value") == 1) {
# commit id should depend on angle's HEAD revision
inputs = [ ".git/HEAD" ]
branch = read_file(".git/HEAD", "string")
result = string_split(branch)
if (result[0] == "ref:") {
inputs += [ ".git/" + result[1] ]
args = [
rebase_path(_commit_id_output_file, root_build_dir),
public_configs = [ ":angle_commit_id_config" ]
# TODO(jmadill): Remove this. http://b/168736059
group("commit_id") {
data_deps = [ ":angle_commit_id" ]
angle_source_set("angle_version") {
# TODO(jmadill): Remove version.h. http://b/168736059
sources = [
public_deps = [ ":angle_commit_id" ]
config("angle_backend_config") {
defines = []
if (angle_delegate_workers) {
configs = []
if (angle_enable_d3d11) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d:angle_d3d11_backend_config" ]
if (angle_enable_d3d9) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d:angle_d3d9_backend_config" ]
if (angle_enable_gl) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/gl:angle_gl_backend_config" ]
if (angle_enable_null) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/null:angle_null_backend_config" ]
if (angle_enable_metal) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/metal:angle_metal_backend_config" ]
if (angle_enable_vulkan) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan:angle_vulkan_backend_config" ]
if (angle_is_winuwp) {
configs += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d:angle_enable_winuwp_config" ]
config("libANGLE_config") {
cflags = []
defines = []
libs = []
ldflags = []
if (is_win) {
cflags += [ "/wd4530" ] # C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics
# are not enabled.
if (is_android && (angle_enable_gl || angle_enable_vulkan)) {
# In API level 26 ANativeWindow APIs were moved from libandroid.so
# into a separate library, libnativewindow.so
if (ndk_api_level_at_least_26) {
libs += [ "nativewindow" ]
} else {
libs += [ "android" ]
if (angle_use_x11) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_USE_X11" ]
if (angle_enable_overlay) {
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_OVERLAY=1" ]
if (angle_enable_perf_counter_output) {
angle_source_set("libANGLE_headers") {
sources = libangle_headers
public_deps = [
public_configs += [ ":libANGLE_config" ]
# Don't even try to build glslang if Metal and Vulkan are disabled.
if (angle_enable_vulkan || angle_enable_metal) {
angle_source_set("angle_glslang_wrapper") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (is_win) {
angle_source_set("angle_d3d_format_tables") {
sources = [
if (!angle_is_winuwp) {
sources += [
public_deps = [ ":libANGLE_headers" ]
configs += [ ":angle_backend_config" ]
angle_source_set("libANGLE_base") {
sources = libangle_sources
include_dirs = []
libs = []
defines = []
if (angle_link_glx) {
libs += [ "GL" ]
defines += [ "ANGLE_LINK_GLX" ]
public_deps = [
deps = [
if (is_win && !angle_is_winuwp) {
libs += [
if (angle_enable_d3d11) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d:angle_d3d11_backend" ]
if (angle_enable_d3d9) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d:angle_d3d9_backend" ]
if (angle_enable_gl) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/gl:angle_gl_backend" ]
if (angle_enable_null) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/null:angle_null_backend" ]
if (angle_enable_vulkan) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan:angle_vulkan_backend" ]
if (angle_is_winuwp) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d:angle_enable_winuwp" ]
if (angle_enable_d3d11) {
libs += [ "dxguid.lib" ]
if (angle_enable_metal) {
public_deps += [ "src/libANGLE/renderer/metal:angle_metal_backend" ]
# Enable extra Chromium style warnings for libANGLE.
if (is_clang && angle_has_build && !use_xcode_clang) {
suppressed_configs -= [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ]
if (is_apple) {
sources += libangle_mac_sources
if (is_debug) {
configs += [ ":debug_annotations_config" ]
public_configs += [
# Windows ARM64 is available since 10.0.16299 so no need to copy
# d3dcompiler_47.dll because this file is available as inbox.
if (_use_copy_compiler_dll) {
data_deps = [ ":copy_compiler_dll" ]
config("angle_frame_capture_disabled") {
defines = [ "ANGLE_CAPTURE_ENABLED=0" ]
config("angle_frame_capture_enabled") {
defines = [ "ANGLE_CAPTURE_ENABLED=1" ]
angle_source_set("libANGLE") {
public_deps = [ ":libANGLE_base" ]
public_configs = [ ":angle_frame_capture_disabled" ]
sources = [ "src/libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture_mock.cpp" ]
# gl_enum_utils defaults included in with_capture build
deps = []
if (angle_enable_trace || is_debug) {
deps += [ ":angle_gl_enum_utils" ]
angle_source_set("angle_gl_enum_utils") {
public_deps = [ ":libANGLE_base" ]
sources = [
if (!defined(angle_abseil_cpp_dir)) {
angle_abseil_cpp_dir = "//third_party/abseil-cpp"
config("angle_abseil_config") {
if (angle_enable_abseil) {
defines = [ "ANGLE_USE_ABSEIL" ]
configs = [
group("angle_abseil") {
if (angle_enable_abseil) {
# When build_with_chromium=true we need to include "//third_party/abseil-cpp:absl" while
# we can be more specific when building standalone ANGLE.
if (build_with_chromium || is_component_build) {
public_deps = [ "$angle_abseil_cpp_dir:absl" ]
} else {
public_deps = [ "$angle_abseil_cpp_dir/absl/container:flat_hash_map" ]
public_configs = [ ":angle_abseil_config" ]
config("angle_compression_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//third_party/zlib/google" ]
group("angle_compression") {
public_configs = [
public_deps =
[ "$angle_zlib_compression_utils_dir:compression_utils_portable" ]
angle_source_set("libjson_serializer") {
public_deps = [
sources = [
angle_source_set("libANGLE_with_capture") {
public_deps = [
deps = [ ":angle_compression" ]
public_configs = [ ":angle_frame_capture_enabled" ]
sources = libangle_capture_sources
config("shared_library_public_config") {
if (is_mac && !is_component_build) {
# Executable targets that depend on the shared libraries below need to have
# the rpath setup in non-component build configurations.
ldflags = [
if (build_with_chromium) {
ldflags += [
# Path for loading shared libraries for unbundled binaries.
# From //build/config/mac/BUILD.gn, this is only added for
# component builds. However, since ANGLE always dynamically
# links to libvulkan, it should be re-added for non-component
# builds. (anglebug.com/4455)
if (angle_is_winuwp) {
ldflags = [
# Disable warning about invalid subsystem number.
# A default appropriate subsystem is selected automatically.
config("library_name_config") {
if (is_component_build && is_android) {
defines = [
} else {
defines = [
# This config controls export definitions on ANGLE API calls.
config("angle_static") {
defines = [
set_defaults("angle_libGLESv2") {
sources = []
output_name = "libGLESv2"
template("angle_libGLESv2") {
angle_shared_library(target_name) {
sources = libglesv2_sources + invoker.sources
if (is_win) {
sources += [ "src/libGLESv2/${invoker.output_name}_autogen.def" ]
output_name = "${invoker.output_name}${angle_libs_suffix}"
configs += [
deps = invoker.deps + [ ":includes" ]
public_deps = [ ":angle_version" ]
angle_libGLESv2("libGLESv2") {
if (angle_with_capture_by_default) {
deps = [ ":libANGLE_with_capture" ]
} else {
deps = [ ":libANGLE" ]
# Output capture lib when `angle_with_capture_by_default` disabled, vice versa.
angle_libGLESv2("libGLESv2_capture_complement") {
if (angle_with_capture_by_default) {
deps = [ ":libANGLE" ]
output_name += "_no_capture"
} else {
deps = [ ":libANGLE_with_capture" ]
output_name += "_with_capture"
if (is_win && !angle_is_winuwp) {
angle_shared_library("libGL") {
sources = libgl_sources
output_name = "openGL32"
output_dir = "$root_out_dir/angle_libs"
configs += [
defines = [
deps = [
public_deps = [ ":angle_version" ]
angle_static_library("libGLESv2_static") {
sources = libglesv2_sources
configs += [ ":debug_annotations_config" ]
public_configs += [ ":angle_static" ]
deps = [ ":includes" ]
public_deps = [ ":libANGLE" ]
angle_static_library("libGLESv2_with_capture_static") {
sources = libglesv2_sources
configs += [ ":debug_annotations_config" ]
public_configs += [ ":angle_static" ]
deps = [ ":includes" ]
public_deps = [ ":libANGLE_with_capture" ]
angle_shared_library("libGLESv1_CM") {
sources = libglesv1_cm_sources
output_name = "libGLESv1_CM${angle_libs_suffix}"
configs += [
defines = []
deps = [
if (is_win) {
sources += [ "src/libGLESv1_CM/libGLESv1_CM.def" ]
angle_static_library("libGLESv1_CM_static") {
sources = libglesv1_cm_sources
configs += [ ":debug_annotations_config" ]
public_configs += [ ":angle_static" ]
deps = [
config("libEGL_egl_loader_config") {
defines = [ "ANGLE_USE_EGL_LOADER" ]
angle_source_set("libEGL_egl_loader") {
sources = [
public_configs += [
deps = [ ":includes" ]
angle_shared_library("libEGL") {
sources = libegl_sources
output_name = "libEGL${angle_libs_suffix}"
configs += [
if (is_win) {
defines += [ "EGLAPI=" ]
} else {
defines += [ "EGLAPI=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))" ]
if (is_win) {
sources += [ "src/libEGL/libEGL_autogen.def" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [ ":includes" ]
data_deps = [ ":libGLESv2" ]
angle_static_library("libEGL_static") {
sources = libegl_sources
configs += [
public_configs += [ ":angle_static" ]
deps = [
angle_static_library("libEGL_with_capture_static") {
sources = libegl_sources
configs += [
public_configs += [ ":angle_static" ]
deps = [
# Convenience targets for some of the samples so they can be built
# with Chromium's toolchain.
angle_executable("angle_shader_translator") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "samples/shader_translator/shader_translator.cpp" ]
deps = [ ":translator" ]
defines = []
if (angle_enable_vulkan) {
deps += [
defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_VULKAN" ]
if (angle_standalone || build_with_chromium) {
config("angle_feature_support_config") {
include_dirs = [
if (is_debug) {
angle_shared_library("libfeature_support") {
output_name = "libfeature_support${angle_libs_suffix}"
if (is_android) {
libs = [ "log" ]
configs += [
if (is_apple && !is_component_build) {
ldflags = [
sources = [
deps = [
if (!is_component_build && is_android && symbol_level != 0) {
action_foreach("compressed_symbols") {
sources = []
foreach(_library, angle_libraries) {
sources += [ "$root_out_dir/${_library}${angle_libs_suffix}.so" ]
if (angle_enable_vulkan_validation_layers) {
foreach(_layer, vulkan_validation_layers) {
sources += [ "$root_out_dir/lib${_layer}.so" ]
script = rebase_path("${root_build_dir}/android/compress_symbols.py",
deps = []
foreach(_library, angle_libraries) {
deps += [ ":$_library" ]
if (angle_enable_vulkan_validation_layers) {
foreach(_layer, vulkan_validation_layers) {
deps += [ "$angle_vulkan_validation_layers_dir:${_layer}" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/lib.compressed/{{source_file_part}}" ]
android_nm = "${android_tool_prefix}nm"
android_strip = "${android_tool_prefix}strip"
args = [
rebase_path(android_objcopy, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_nm, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(android_strip, root_build_dir),
if (build_with_chromium && !is_component_build && is_android &&
current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
apk_version_code = "0"
if (angle_enable_commit_id) {
apk_version_code =
exec_script("src/commit_id.py", [ "position" ], "trim string")
# Package ANGLE libraries for normal use on Android
angle_apk("angle_chromium_apk") {
package_name = "org.chromium.angle"
apk_name = "AngleLibraries"
version_name = "ANGLE Developer Build"
version_code = apk_version_code
# Package ANGLE libraries for AGI use on Android
angle_apk("angle_agi_chromium_apk") {
package_name = "org.chromium.angle.agi"
apk_name = "AngleAgiLibraries"
version_name = "ANGLE AGI Build"
version_code = apk_version_code
group("angle_apks") {
deps = [
group("angle") {
data_deps = [