
176 строки
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
namespace BabySmash
public class WordFinder
private const int MinimumWordLength = 2, MaximumWordLength = 15;
private bool wordsReady;
private HashSet<string> words = new HashSet<string>();
public WordFinder(string wordsFilePath)
// File path provided should be relative to our running location, so combine for full path safety.
string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
wordsFilePath = Path.Combine(dir, wordsFilePath);
// Bail if the source word file is not found.
if (!File.Exists(wordsFilePath))
// Source word file was not found; place a 'words.txt' file next to BabySmash.exe to enable combining
// letters into typed words. Some common names may work too (but successful OS speech synth may vary).
// Load up the string dictionary in the background.
Thread t = new Thread(() =>
// Read through the word file and create a hashtable entry for each one with some
// further parsed word data (such as various game scores, etc)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wordsFilePath);
string s = sr.ReadLine();
while (s != null)
// Ignore invalid lines, comment lines, or words which are too short or too long.
if (!s.Contains(";") && !s.Contains("/") && !s.Contains("\\") &&
s.Length >= MinimumWordLength && s.Length <= MaximumWordLength)
s = sr.ReadLine();
// Store all words into separate buckets based on the last letter for faster compares.
// Mark that we're done loading so we can speak words instead of just letters.
wordsReady = true;
t.IsBackground = true;
public string LastWord(List<UserControl> figuresQueue)
// If not done loading, or could not yet form a word based on queue length, just abort.
int figuresPos = figuresQueue.Count - 1;
if (!this.wordsReady || figuresPos < MinimumWordLength - 1)
return null;
// Loop while the most recently pressed things are still letters; loop proceeds from the
// most recent letter, back towards the beginning, as we only care about the longest word
// that we JUST now finished typing.
string longestWord = null;
var stringToCheck = new StringBuilder();
int lowestIndexToCheck = Math.Max(0, figuresPos - MaximumWordLength);
while (figuresPos >= lowestIndexToCheck)
var lastFigure = figuresQueue[figuresPos] as CoolLetter;
if (lastFigure == null)
// If we encounter a non-letter, move on with the best word so far (if any).
// IE typing "o [bracket] p e n" can match word "pen" but not "open" since our
// intention back at [bracket] shows we don't necessarily mean to type "open".
// Build up the string and check to see if it is a word so far.
stringToCheck.Insert(0, lastFigure.Character);
string s = stringToCheck.ToString();
if (this.words.Contains(stringToCheck.ToString()) && s.Length >= MinimumWordLength)
// Since we're progressively checking longer and longer letter combinations,
// each time we find a word, it is our new "longest" word so far.
longestWord = s;
return longestWord;
public void AnimateLettersIntoWord(List<UserControl> figuresQueue, string lastWord)
// Prepare to animate the letters into their respective positions, on each screen.
Duration duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1200));
int totalLetters = lastWord.Length;
Point wordCenter = this.FindWordCenter(figuresQueue, totalLetters);
Point wordSize = this.FindWordSize(figuresQueue, totalLetters);
double wordLeftEdge = wordCenter.X - wordSize.X / 2f;
// Figure out where to move each letter used in the word; find the letters used based on
// the word length; they are the last several figures in the figures queue.
for (int i = figuresQueue.Count - 1; i >= figuresQueue.Count - totalLetters; i--)
UserControl currentFigure = figuresQueue[i];
// Find the translation animation of this element, or make one if there is not one yet.
var transformGroup = currentFigure.RenderTransform as TransformGroup;
var transform = FindOrAddTranslationTransform(transformGroup);
// We know where we want to center the word, and the word's left edge based on figure
// sizes, and now just need to figure out how far from that left edge we need to adjust
// to make this letter move to the correct relative position to spell out the word.
double wordOffsetX = 0d;
for (int j = figuresQueue.Count - totalLetters; j < i; j++)
wordOffsetX += figuresQueue[j].Width;
// Start translating from wherever we were already translated to (or 0 if not yet
// translated) and going to the new position for this letter based for the word.
var wordTranslationX = wordLeftEdge - Canvas.GetLeft(currentFigure);
var wordTranslationY = wordCenter.Y - Canvas.GetTop(currentFigure);
var animationX = new DoubleAnimation(transform.X, wordTranslationX + wordOffsetX, duration);
var animationY = new DoubleAnimation(transform.Y, wordTranslationY, duration);
transform.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.XProperty, animationX);
transform.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.YProperty, animationY);
private Point FindWordCenter(List<UserControl> letterQueue, int letterCount)
// For now, target centering the word at the average position of all its letters.
var x = (from c in letterQueue select Canvas.GetLeft(c)).Reverse().Take(letterCount).Average();
var y = (from c in letterQueue select Canvas.GetTop(c)).Reverse().Take(letterCount).Average();
return new Point(x, y);
private Point FindWordSize(List<UserControl> letterQueue, int letterCount)
var x = (from c in letterQueue select c.Width).Reverse().Take(letterCount).Sum();
var y = (from c in letterQueue select c.Height).Reverse().Take(letterCount).Max();
return new Point(x, y);
private TranslateTransform FindOrAddTranslationTransform(TransformGroup transformGroup)
var translationTransform = (from t in transformGroup.Children
where t is TranslateTransform
select t).FirstOrDefault() as TranslateTransform;
if (translationTransform == null)
translationTransform = new TranslateTransform();
return translationTransform;