# # PSRule for Azure configuration # # Please see the documentation for all configuration options: # https://aka.ms/ps-rule-azure # https://aka.ms/ps-rule-azure/options # https://aka.ms/ps-rule/options # https://aka.ms/ps-rule-azure/bicep # Use rules from the following modules/ include: module: - 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' # Require a minimum version of modules that include referenced baseline. requires: PSRule: '@pre >=2.3.2' PSRule.Rules.Azure: '@pre >=1.18.1' # Reference the repository in output. repository: url: https://github.com/Azure/ALZ-Bicep execution: # Ignore warnings for resources and objects that don't have any rules. notProcessedWarning: false configuration: # Enable expansion for Bicep source files. AZURE_BICEP_FILE_EXPANSION: true # Expand Bicep module from Azure parameter files. AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION: true # Set timeout for expanding Bicep source files. AZURE_BICEP_FILE_EXPANSION_TIMEOUT: 15 input: pathIgnore: # Ignore common files that don't need analysis. - '**/bicepconfig.json' - '*.md' - '*.png' - '.github/' # Exclude Bicep docs files - docs/scripts/callModuleFromACR.example.bicep # Exclude Bicep module files - 'infra-as-code/bicep/**/*.bicep' # Include samples/ test files from modules - '!infra-as-code/bicep/**/samples/*.bicep' binding: preferTargetInfo: true targetType: - resourceType - type rule: exclude: # Ignore these recommendations for this repo. - Azure.Resource.UseTags - Azure.ACR.MinSku - Azure.ACR.ContentTrust - Azure.Policy.AssignmentAssignedBy # Currently a bug as of v1.15.2. Review in the next release. - Azure.PublicIP.Name