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#Create resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $azureResourceGroup -Location $azureLocation
#Deploy Container Registry into Resource Group
$deploymentOutput=New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateFile infra-as-code/bicep/CRML/containerRegistry/containerRegistry.bicep -ResourceGroupName $azureResourceGroup -name deployACR
#Query the Deployment to get the login server to pass.
#Leverage Powershell too loop through all bicep modules within the repository
#convert the filename to lower case as Azure Container Registry doesnt support Camelcase
#Leverage az bicep to publish module to Azure Container Registry created above
$files = $(Get-ChildItem -path "$pwd/infra-as-code/bicep/modules" -Recurse -Include *.bicep -exclude *orch-hubSpoke.bicep)
foreach ($file in $files)
#Grab the Full Path and Name and Filename only and store as variables
#Grab bicep module name and set to lowercase for Container Registry support
$filenamelower = $($fileShortName.Substring(0,$fileShortName.length-6)).toLower()
Write-Output "Publishing $filewithPath to ACR: $azureContainerRegistryName"
az bicep publish --file "$filewithPath" --target "br:$azureContainerRegistryName/bicep/modules/$($filenamelower):V1"