remove postAdminOpenShiftClusterUpgrade geneva action

This commit is contained in:
Jim Minter 2020-05-05 10:38:06 -05:00
Родитель c351da74c6
Коммит 7771d6dc0d
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 0730CBDA10D1A2D3
5 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 259 удалений

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package frontend
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
import (
func (f *frontend) postAdminOpenShiftClusterUpgrade(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
log := ctx.Value(middleware.ContextKeyLog).(*logrus.Entry)
r.URL.Path = filepath.Dir(r.URL.Path)
err := f._postAdminOpenShiftClusterUpgrade(ctx, r, log)
adminReply(log, w, nil, nil, err)
func (f *frontend) _postAdminOpenShiftClusterUpgrade(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, log *logrus.Entry) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
resourceID := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/admin")
doc, err := f.db.OpenShiftClusters.Get(ctx, resourceID)
switch {
case cosmosdb.IsErrorStatusCode(err, http.StatusNotFound):
return api.NewCloudError(http.StatusNotFound, api.CloudErrorCodeResourceNotFound, "", "The Resource '%s/%s' under resource group '%s' was not found.", vars["resourceType"], vars["resourceName"], vars["resourceGroupName"])
case err != nil:
return err
return f.kubeActionsFactory(log, f.env).ClusterUpgrade(ctx, doc.OpenShiftCluster)

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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
package frontend
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
import (
mock_database ""
mock_kubeactions ""
utiltls ""
func TestAdminUpdate(t *testing.T) {
mockSubID := "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
ctx := context.Background()
clientkey, clientcerts, err := utiltls.GenerateKeyAndCertificate("client", nil, nil, false, true)
if err != nil {
serverkey, servercerts, err := utiltls.GenerateKeyAndCertificate("server", nil, nil, false, false)
if err != nil {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
cli := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: pool,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{
Certificate: [][]byte{clientcerts[0].Raw},
PrivateKey: clientkey,
type test struct {
name string
resourceID string
mocks func(*test, *mock_database.MockOpenShiftClusters, *mock_kubeactions.MockInterface)
wantStatusCode int
wantError string
for _, tt := range []*test{
name: "basic coverage test",
resourceID: fmt.Sprintf("/subscriptions/%s/resourcegroups/resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/resourceName", mockSubID),
mocks: func(tt *test, openshiftClusters *mock_database.MockOpenShiftClusters, kactions *mock_kubeactions.MockInterface) {
clusterDoc := &api.OpenShiftClusterDocument{
OpenShiftCluster: &api.OpenShiftCluster{
ID: "fakeClusterID",
Name: "resourceName",
Type: "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openshiftClusters",
Properties: api.OpenShiftClusterProperties{
AROServiceKubeconfig: api.SecureBytes(""),
openshiftClusters.EXPECT().Get(gomock.Any(), strings.ToLower(tt.resourceID)).Return(clusterDoc, nil)
kactions.EXPECT().ClusterUpgrade(gomock.Any(), clusterDoc.OpenShiftCluster).Return(nil)
wantStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
defer cli.CloseIdleConnections()
l := listener.NewListener()
defer l.Close()
_env := &env.Test{
L: l,
TestLocation: "eastus",
TLSKey: serverkey,
TLSCerts: servercerts,
cli.Transport.(*http.Transport).Dial = l.Dial
controller := gomock.NewController(t)
defer controller.Finish()
kactions := mock_kubeactions.NewMockInterface(controller)
openshiftClusters := mock_database.NewMockOpenShiftClusters(controller)
tt.mocks(tt, openshiftClusters, kactions)
f, err := NewFrontend(ctx, logrus.NewEntry(logrus.StandardLogger()), _env, &database.Database{
OpenShiftClusters: openshiftClusters,
}, api.APIs, &noop.Noop{}, nil, func(*logrus.Entry, env.Interface) kubeactions.Interface {
return kactions
}, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
go f.Run(ctx, nil, nil)
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://server/admin%s/upgrade", tt.resourceID)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, nil)
if err != nil {
req.Header = http.Header{
"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
resp, err := cli.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != tt.wantStatusCode {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
if tt.wantError != "" {
cloudErr := &api.CloudError{StatusCode: resp.StatusCode}
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &cloudErr)
if err != nil {
if cloudErr.Error() != tt.wantError {

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@ -197,12 +197,6 @@ func (f *frontend) authenticatedRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
s = r.
s = r.

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ import (
configv1 ""
configclient ""
metav1 ""
@ -18,12 +16,10 @@ import (
type Interface interface {
@ -31,7 +27,6 @@ type Interface interface {
List(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster, groupKind, namespace string) ([]byte, error)
CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster, obj *unstructured.Unstructured) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster, groupKind, namespace, name string) error
ClusterUpgrade(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster) error
MustGather(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster, w io.Writer) error
@ -204,32 +199,3 @@ func (ka *kubeactions) Delete(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster, gro
return dyn.Resource(*gvr).Namespace(namespace).Delete(name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
// ClusterUpgrade posts the new version and image to the cluster-version-operator
// which will effect the upgrade.
func (ka *kubeactions) ClusterUpgrade(ctx context.Context, oc *api.OpenShiftCluster) error {
restconfig, err := restconfig.RestConfig(ka.env, oc)
if err != nil {
return err
configcli, err := configclient.NewForConfig(restconfig)
if err != nil {
return err
return retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
cv, err := configcli.ConfigV1().ClusterVersions().Get("version", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
cv.Spec.DesiredUpdate = &configv1.Update{
Version: version.OpenShiftVersion,
Image: version.OpenShiftPullSpec,
_, err = configcli.ConfigV1().ClusterVersions().Update(cv)
return err

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@ -38,20 +38,6 @@ func (m *MockInterface) EXPECT() *MockInterfaceMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// ClusterUpgrade mocks base method
func (m *MockInterface) ClusterUpgrade(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *api.OpenShiftCluster) error {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "ClusterUpgrade", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(error)
return ret0
// ClusterUpgrade indicates an expected call of ClusterUpgrade
func (mr *MockInterfaceMockRecorder) ClusterUpgrade(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "ClusterUpgrade", reflect.TypeOf((*MockInterface)(nil).ClusterUpgrade), arg0, arg1)
// CreateOrUpdate mocks base method
func (m *MockInterface) CreateOrUpdate(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *api.OpenShiftCluster, arg2 *unstructured.Unstructured) error {