ARG REGISTRY ARG ARO_VERSION ############################################################################### # Stage 1: Build the SRE Portal Assets ############################################################################### FROM ${REGISTRY}/ubi8/nodejs-16 AS portal-build LABEL aro-portal-build=true WORKDIR /build/portal/v2 USER root # Copying package files and installing dependencies COPY portal/v2/package*.json ./ # Combine npm install and audit in one step to reduce layers and clean cache RUN npm ci \ && npm audit --audit-level high --omit=dev # Copying the rest of the source and build COPY --chown=root:root portal/v2/ ./ RUN npm run lint && npm run build ############################################################################### # Stage 2: Compile the Golang RP code ############################################################################### FROM ${REGISTRY}/ubi8/go-toolset:1.21.13-1 AS builder ARG ARO_VERSION LABEL aro-builder=true USER root WORKDIR /app # golang config and build steps ENV GOPATH=/root/go ENV GOFLAGS="-tags=containers_image_openpgp,exclude_graphdriver_btrfs,exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper" COPY .bingo .bingo RUN source .bingo/variables.env \ # install bingo itself && make -f .bingo/ ${BINGO} \ # and all the tools it manages && ${BINGO} get -l ENV PATH=$PATH:${GOPATH}/bin/ # Copy dependencies and source files COPY go.mod go.sum ./ COPY vendor vendor COPY swagger swagger COPY hack hack COPY cmd cmd COPY pkg pkg COPY test test # Ensure JS assets are available before generating Go code COPY --from=portal-build /build/pkg/portal/assets/v2/build /app/pkg/portal/assets/v2/build # Build RP and E2E test suite bins RUN go build -ldflags "-X${ARO_VERSION}" ./cmd/aro RUN go test ./test/e2e/... -tags e2e, -c -ldflags "-X${ARO_VERSION}" -o e2e.test # Additional tests RUN gotestsum --format pkgname --junitfile report.xml -- -coverprofile=cover.out ./... \ && gocov convert cover.out | gocov-xml > coverage.xml # Validate FIPS RUN hack/fips/ ./aro ############################################################################### # Stage 3: final is our slim image with minimal layers and tools ############################################################################### FROM ${REGISTRY}/ubi8/ubi-minimal AS final LABEL aro-final=true RUN microdnf update && microdnf clean all COPY --from=builder /app/aro /app/e2e.test /usr/local/bin/ ENTRYPOINT ["aro"] EXPOSE 2222/tcp 8080/tcp 8443/tcp 8444/tcp USER 1000 ENV HOME=/tmp