# Azure DevOps Pipeline running CI trigger: branches: include: - master paths: exclude: - docs/* tags: include: - v2* variables: - template: vars.yml - name: REGISTRY value: registry.access.redhat.com - name: LOCAL_ARO_RP_IMAGE value: "arosvcdev.azurecr.io/aro" - name: LOCAL_ARO_AZEXT_IMAGE value: "arosvcdev.azurecr.io/azext-aro" - name: LOCAL_VPN_IMAGE value: "arosvcdev.azurecr.io/vpn" - name: TAG value: $(Build.BuildId) - name: VERSION value: $(Build.BuildId) jobs: - job: Build_Test_And_Push_Az_ARO_Extension pool: name: 1es-aro-ci-pool steps: - template: ./templates/template-checkout.yml # Build and test the Az ARO Extension - script: | set -xe DOCKER_BUILD_CI_ARGS="--load" make ci-azext-aro VERSION=$(VERSION) displayName: 🛠 Build & Test Az ARO Extension # Push the image to ACR - template: ./templates/template-acr-push.yml parameters: acrFQDN: 'arosvcdev.azurecr.io' repository: 'azext-aro' pushLatest: true - job: Build_And_Test_RP_And_Portal pool: name: 1es-aro-ci-pool steps: - template: ./templates/template-checkout.yml # Build and test RP and Portal - script: | set -xe DOCKER_BUILD_CI_ARGS="--load" make ci-rp VERSION=$(VERSION) displayName: 🛠 Build & Test RP and Portal # Publish test results - task: PublishTestResults@2 displayName: 📊 Publish tests results inputs: testResultsFiles: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/report.xml condition: succeededOrFailed() # Publish code coverage results - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@2 displayName: 📈 Publish code coverage inputs: codeCoverageTool: Cobertura summaryFileLocation: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/coverage.xml failIfCoverageEmpty: false condition: succeededOrFailed() # Push the image to ACR - template: ./templates/template-acr-push.yml parameters: acrFQDN: 'arosvcdev.azurecr.io' repository: 'aro' pushLatest: true