# github.com/jim-minter/rp ## Install 1. Install the following: * go 1.12 or later * az client 1. Log in to Azure: ``` az login ``` 1. You will need a publicly resolvable DNS zone resource in Azure. For RH ARO engineering, this is the `osadev.cloud` zone in the `dns` resource group. 1. You will need an AAD application with: * client certificate and (for now) client secret authentication enabled * (for now) User Access Administrator role granted on the subscription * (for now) `Azure Active Directory Graph / Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy` privileges granted For RH ARO engineering, this is the `aro-team-shared` AAD application. You will need the client ID, client secret, and a key/certificate file (`aro-team-shared.pem`) that can be loaded into your key vault. Ask if you do not have these. For non-RH ARO engineering, a suitable key/certificate file can be generated using the following helper utility: ``` # Non-RH ARO engineering only go run ./hack/genkey -extKeyUsage client "$AZURE_CLIENT_ID" ``` 1. Copy env.example to env, edit the values and source the env file. This file holds (only) the environment variables necessary for the RP to run. * AZURE_TENANT_ID: Azure tenant UUID * AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Azure subscription UUID * AZURE_CLIENT_ID: Azure AD application client UUID * AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: Azure AD application client secret * LOCATION: Azure location where RP and cluster(s) will run (default: `eastus`) * RESOURCEGROUP: Name of a new resource group which will contain the RP resources * PULL_SECRET: A cluster pull secret retrieved from [Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager](https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/azure/installer-provisioned) * RP_MODE: Set to `development` when not in production. ``` cp env.example env vi env . ./env ``` 1. Choose the RP deployment parameters: * COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT: Name of a new CosmosDB account * DOMAIN: DNS subdomain shared by all clusters (RH: $something.osadev.cloud) * KEYVAULT_NAME: Name of a new key vault * ADMIN_OBJECT_ID: AAD object ID for key vault admin(s) (RH: `az ad group list --query "[?displayName=='Engineering'].objectId" -o tsv`) * RP_OBJECT_ID: AAD object ID for AAD application (RH: `az ad app list --all --query "[?appId=='$AZURE_CLIENT_ID'].objectId" -o tsv`) 1. Create the resource group and deploy the RP resources: ``` COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT=mycosmosdb DOMAIN=mydomain.osadev.cloud KEYVAULT_NAME=mykeyvault ADMIN_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad group list --query "[?displayName=='Engineering'].objectId" -o tsv) RP_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad sp list --all --query "[?appId=='$AZURE_CLIENT_ID'].objectId" -o tsv) az group create -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" -l "$LOCATION" az group deployment create -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" --mode complete --template-file deploy/rp.json --parameters "location=$LOCATION" "databaseAccountName=$COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT" "domainName=$DOMAIN" "keyvaultName=$KEYVAULT_NAME" "adminObjectId=$ADMIN_OBJECT_ID" "rpObjectId=$RP_OBJECT_ID" ``` 1. Load the application key/certificate into the key vault: ``` AZURE_KEY_FILE=aro-team-shared.pem az keyvault certificate import --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" --name azure --file "$AZURE_KEY_FILE" ``` 1. Generate a self-signed serving key/certificate and load it into the key vault: ``` TLS_KEY_FILE=localhost.pem go run ./hack/genkey localhost az keyvault certificate import --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" --name tls --file "$TLS_KEY_FILE" ``` 1. Create a glue record in the parent DNS zone: ``` PARENT_DNS_RESOURCEGROUP=dns az network dns record-set ns create --resource-group "$PARENT_DNS_RESOURCEGROUP" --zone "$(cut -d. -f2- <<<"$DOMAIN")" --name "$(cut -d. -f1 <<<"$DOMAIN")" for ns in $(az network dns zone show --resource-group "$RESOURCEGROUP" --name "$DOMAIN" --query nameServers -o tsv); do az network dns record-set ns add-record --resource-group "$PARENT_DNS_RESOURCEGROUP" --zone "$(cut -d. -f2- <<<"$DOMAIN")" --record-set-name "$(cut -d. -f1 <<<"$DOMAIN")" --nsdname $ns; done ``` ## Running the RP ``` go run ./cmd/rp ``` ## Useful commands ``` export CLUSTER=cluster ``` * Register a subscription: curl -k -X PUT "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID?api-version=2.0" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"state": "Registered"}' * Create a cluster: ``` az group create -g "$CLUSTER-vnet" -l "$LOCATION" az network vnet create -g "$CLUSTER-vnet" -n "$CLUSTER-vnet" --address-prefixes az network vnet subnet create -g "$CLUSTER-vnet" --vnet-name "$CLUSTER-vnet" -n master --address-prefixes az network vnet subnet create -g "$CLUSTER-vnet" --vnet-name "$CLUSTER-vnet" -n worker --address-prefixes envsubst