SHELL = /bin/bash TAG ?= $(shell git describe --exact-match 2>/dev/null) COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)$(shell [[ $$(git status --porcelain) = "" ]] || echo -dirty) ARO_IMAGE_BASE = ${RP_IMAGE_ACR} E2E_FLAGS ?= -test.timeout 180m -test.v -ginkgo.v -ginkgo.noColor # fluentbit version must also be updated in RP code, see pkg/util/version/const.go FLUENTBIT_VERSION = 1.9.1-1 FLUENTBIT_IMAGE ?= ${RP_IMAGE_ACR}$(FLUENTBIT_VERSION) AUTOREST_VERSION = 3.3.2 AUTOREST_IMAGE = "${AUTOREST_VERSION}" ifneq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin) export CGO_CFLAGS=-Dgpgme_off_t=off_t endif ifeq ($(TAG),) VERSION = $(COMMIT) else VERSION = $(TAG) endif # default to for build images on local builds and CI builds without $RP_IMAGE_ACR set. ifeq ($(RP_IMAGE_ACR),arointsvc) REGISTRY = else ifeq ($(RP_IMAGE_ACR),arosvc) REGISTRY = else ifeq ($(RP_IMAGE_ACR),) REGISTRY = else REGISTRY = $(RP_IMAGE_ACR) endif ARO_IMAGE ?= $(ARO_IMAGE_BASE):$(VERSION) build-all: go build -tags aro,containers_image_openpgp ./... aro: generate go build -tags aro,containers_image_openpgp, -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" ./cmd/aro runlocal-rp: go run -tags aro,containers_image_openpgp -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" ./cmd/aro rp az: pyenv . pyenv/bin/activate && \ cd python/az/aro && \ python3 ./ bdist_egg && \ python3 ./ bdist_wheel || true && \ rm -f ~/.azure/commandIndex.json # clean: rm -rf python/az/aro/{aro.egg-info,build,dist} aro find python -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete find python -type d -name __pycache__ -delete find -type d -name 'gomock_reflect_[0-9]*' -exec rm -rf {} \+ 2>/dev/null client: generate hack/ "${AUTOREST_IMAGE}" 2020-04-30 2021-09-01-preview 2022-04-01 2022-09-04 # TODO: hard coding dev-config.yaml is clunky; it is also probably convenient to # override COMMIT. deploy: go run -tags aro,containers_image_openpgp -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" ./cmd/aro deploy dev-config.yaml ${LOCATION} dev-config.yaml: go run ./hack/gendevconfig >dev-config.yaml discoverycache: $(MAKE) admin.kubeconfig KUBECONFIG=admin.kubeconfig go run ./hack/gendiscoverycache $(MAKE) generate generate: go generate ./... image-aro: aro e2e.test docker pull $(REGISTRY)/ubi8/ubi-minimal docker build --network=host --no-cache -f Dockerfile.aro -t $(ARO_IMAGE) --build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) . image-aro-multistage: docker build --network=host --no-cache -f Dockerfile.aro-multistage -t $(ARO_IMAGE) --build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) . image-autorest: docker build --network=host --no-cache --build-arg AUTOREST_VERSION="${AUTOREST_VERSION}" --build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) -f Dockerfile.autorest -t ${AUTOREST_IMAGE} . image-fluentbit: docker build --network=host --no-cache --build-arg VERSION=$(FLUENTBIT_VERSION) --build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) -f Dockerfile.fluentbit -t $(FLUENTBIT_IMAGE) . image-proxy: proxy docker pull $(REGISTRY)/ubi8/ubi-minimal docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile.proxy -t $(REGISTRY)/proxy:latest --build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) . publish-image-aro: image-aro docker push $(ARO_IMAGE) ifeq ("${RP_IMAGE_ACR}-$(BRANCH)","arointsvc-master") docker tag $(ARO_IMAGE) docker push endif publish-image-aro-multistage: image-aro-multistage docker push $(ARO_IMAGE) ifeq ("${RP_IMAGE_ACR}-$(BRANCH)","arointsvc-master") docker tag $(ARO_IMAGE) docker push endif publish-image-autorest: image-autorest docker push ${AUTOREST_IMAGE} publish-image-fluentbit: image-fluentbit docker push $(FLUENTBIT_IMAGE) publish-image-proxy: image-proxy docker push ${RP_IMAGE_ACR} proxy: go build -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" ./hack/proxy run-portal: go run -tags aro,containers_image_openpgp -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" ./cmd/aro portal build-portal: cd portal/v1 && npm install && npm run build && cd ../v2 && npm install && npm run build make generate pyenv: python3 -m venv pyenv . pyenv/bin/activate && \ pip install -U pip && \ pip install autopep8 azdev azure-mgmt-loganalytics==0.2.0 colorama ruamel.yaml wheel && \ azdev setup -r . && \ sed -i -e "s|^dev_sources = $(PWD)$$|dev_sources = $(PWD)/python|" ~/.azure/config secrets: @[ "${SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME}" ] || ( echo ">> SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME is not set"; exit 1 ) rm -rf secrets az storage blob download -n secrets.tar.gz -c secrets -f secrets.tar.gz --account-name ${SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME} >/dev/null tar -xzf secrets.tar.gz rm secrets.tar.gz secrets-update: @[ "${SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME}" ] || ( echo ">> SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME is not set"; exit 1 ) tar -czf secrets.tar.gz secrets az storage blob upload -n secrets.tar.gz -c secrets -f secrets.tar.gz --overwrite --account-name ${SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME} >/dev/null rm secrets.tar.gz tunnel: go run ./hack/tunnel $(shell az network public-ip show -g ${RESOURCEGROUP} -n rp-pip --query 'ipAddress') e2e.test: go test ./test/e2e -tags e2e, -c -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" -o e2e.test test-e2e: e2e.test ./e2e.test $(E2E_FLAGS) test-go: generate build-all validate-go lint-go unit-test-go validate-go: gofmt -s -w cmd hack pkg test go run ./vendor/ -w cmd hack pkg test go run ./hack/validate-imports cmd hack pkg test go run ./hack/licenses @[ -z "$$(ls pkg/util/*.go 2>/dev/null)" ] || (echo error: go files are not allowed in pkg/util, use a subpackage; exit 1) @[ -z "$$(find -name "*:*")" ] || (echo error: filenames with colons are not allowed on Windows, please rename; exit 1) @sha256sum --quiet -c .sha256sum || (echo error: client library is stale, please run make client; exit 1) go vet -tags containers_image_openpgp ./... go test -tags e2e -run ^$$ ./test/e2e/... validate-go-action: go run ./hack/licenses -validate -ignored-go vendor,pkg/client,.git -ignored-python python/client,vendor,.git go run ./hack/validate-imports cmd hack pkg test @[ -z "$$(ls pkg/util/*.go 2>/dev/null)" ] || (echo error: go files are not allowed in pkg/util, use a subpackage; exit 1) @[ -z "$$(find -name "*:*")" ] || (echo error: filenames with colons are not allowed on Windows, please rename; exit 1) @sha256sum --quiet -c .sha256sum || (echo error: client library is stale, please run make client; exit 1) validate-fips: hack/fips/ unit-test-go: go run ./vendor/ --format pkgname --junitfile report.xml -- -tags=aro,containers_image_openpgp -coverprofile=cover.out ./... lint-go: hack/ lint-admin-portal: docker build --build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) -f Dockerfile.portal_lint . -t linter docker run -it --rm localhost/linter ./src --ext .ts test-python: pyenv az . pyenv/bin/activate && \ azdev linter && \ azdev style && \ hack/ shared-cluster-login: oc login ${SHARED_CLUSTER_API} -u kubeadmin -p ${SHARED_CLUSTER_KUBEADMIN_PASSWORD} unit-test-python: hack/ admin.kubeconfig: hack/ /subscriptions/${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCEGROUP}/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/${CLUSTER} >admin.kubeconfig aks.kubeconfig: hack/ vendor: # See comments in the script for background on why we need it hack/ .PHONY: admin.kubeconfig aks.kubeconfig aro az clean client deploy dev-config.yaml discoverycache generate image-aro image-aro-multistage image-fluentbit image-proxy lint-go runlocal-rp proxy publish-image-aro publish-image-aro-multistage publish-image-fluentbit publish-image-proxy secrets secrets-update e2e.test tunnel test-e2e test-go test-python vendor build-all validate-go unit-test-go coverage-go validate-fips