# Admin Portal Version 2 ## REQUIRED: Install Node and NPM > Using NVM is easiest ``` curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash nvm install 16.16.0 nvm use 16.16.0 ``` ## Installing, Auditing & Building > Below are instructions to install dependencies and run a build test. ## Install ``` cd portal/v2 npm install ``` ## Audit ``` npm audit ``` > Expected output: `found 0 vulnerabilities` ## Polyfills With the introduction of react-scripts and webpack v5.x.x polyfills for node.js core modules are no longer included by default. As such, we need to employ a configuration override to dependencies that require them. You can find these in [config-overrides](./config-overrides.js) After adding the required fallback in `Object.assign` you need to `npm install --save-dev` the package that is needed. ## Build ``` npm run build ```