зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/ARO-RP.git
245 строки
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245 строки
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package cluster
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
import (
mgmtnetwork "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2020-08-01/network"
utilrand "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/rand"
func (m *manager) createDNS(ctx context.Context) error {
return m.dns.Create(ctx, m.doc.OpenShiftCluster)
func (m *manager) ensureInfraID(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
if m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.InfraID != "" {
return err
// generate an infra ID that is 27 characters long with 5 bytes of them random
infraID := generateInfraID(strings.ToLower(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Name), 27, 5)
m.doc, err = m.db.PatchWithLease(ctx, m.doc.Key, func(doc *api.OpenShiftClusterDocument) error {
doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.InfraID = infraID
return nil
return err
func (m *manager) ensureResourceGroup(ctx context.Context) error {
resourceGroup := stringutils.LastTokenByte(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.ClusterProfile.ResourceGroupID, '/')
// Retain the existing resource group configuration (such as tags) if it exists
group, err := m.resourceGroups.Get(ctx, resourceGroup)
if err != nil {
if detailedErr, ok := err.(autorest.DetailedError); !ok || detailedErr.StatusCode != http.StatusNotFound {
return err
group.Location = &m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Location
group.ManagedBy = &m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.ID
// HACK: set purge=true on dev clusters so our purger wipes them out since there is not deny assignment in place
if m.env.IsLocalDevelopmentMode() {
if group.Tags == nil {
group.Tags = map[string]*string{}
group.Tags["purge"] = to.StringPtr("true")
// According to https://stackoverflow.microsoft.com/a/245391/62320,
// re-PUTting our RG should re-create RP RBAC after a customer subscription
// migrates between tenants.
_, err = m.resourceGroups.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, resourceGroup, group)
var serviceError *azure.ServiceError
// CreateOrUpdate wraps DetailedError wrapping a *RequestError (if error generated in ResourceGroup CreateOrUpdateResponder at least)
if detailedErr, ok := err.(autorest.DetailedError); ok {
if requestErr, ok := detailedErr.Original.(*azure.RequestError); ok {
serviceError = requestErr.ServiceError
// TODO [gv]: Keeping this for retro-compatibility, but probably this can be removed
if requestErr, ok := err.(*azure.RequestError); ok {
serviceError = requestErr.ServiceError
if serviceError != nil && serviceError.Code == "RequestDisallowedByPolicy" {
// if request was disallowed by policy, inform user so they can take appropriate action
b, _ := json.Marshal(serviceError)
return &api.CloudError{
StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
CloudErrorBody: &api.CloudErrorBody{
Code: api.CloudErrorCodeDeploymentFailed,
Message: "Deployment failed.",
Details: []api.CloudErrorBody{
Message: string(b),
if err != nil {
return err
return m.env.EnsureARMResourceGroupRoleAssignment(ctx, m.fpAuthorizer, resourceGroup)
func (m *manager) deployStorageTemplate(ctx context.Context) error {
resourceGroup := stringutils.LastTokenByte(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.ClusterProfile.ResourceGroupID, '/')
infraID := m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.InfraID
clusterStorageAccountName := "cluster" + m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.StorageSuffix
azureRegion := strings.ToLower(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Location) // Used in k8s object names, so must pass DNS-1123 validation
resources := []*arm.Resource{
m.storageAccount(clusterStorageAccountName, azureRegion, true),
m.storageAccountBlobContainer(clusterStorageAccountName, "ignition"),
m.storageAccountBlobContainer(clusterStorageAccountName, "aro"),
m.storageAccount(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.ImageRegistryStorageAccountName, azureRegion, true),
m.storageAccountBlobContainer(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.ImageRegistryStorageAccountName, "image-registry"),
m.clusterNSG(infraID, azureRegion),
m.networkPublicIPAddress(azureRegion, infraID+"-pip-v4"),
if m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.IngressProfiles[0].Visibility == api.VisibilityPublic {
resources = append(resources,
m.networkPublicIPAddress(azureRegion, infraID+"-default-v4"),
if m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.FeatureProfile.GatewayEnabled {
resources = append(resources,
t := &arm.Template{
Schema: "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
ContentVersion: "",
Resources: resources,
if !m.env.FeatureIsSet(env.FeatureDisableDenyAssignments) {
t.Resources = append(t.Resources, m.denyAssignment())
return arm.DeployTemplate(ctx, m.log, m.deployments, resourceGroup, "storage", t, nil)
func (m *manager) attachNSGs(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, subnetID := range []string{
} {
m.log.Printf("attaching network security group to subnet %s", subnetID)
// TODO: there is probably an undesirable race condition here - check if etags can help.
s, err := m.subnet.Get(ctx, subnetID)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.SubnetPropertiesFormat == nil {
s.SubnetPropertiesFormat = &mgmtnetwork.SubnetPropertiesFormat{}
nsgID, err := subnet.NetworkSecurityGroupID(m.doc.OpenShiftCluster, subnetID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Sometimes we get into the race condition between external services modifying
// subnets and our validation code. We try to catch this early, but
// these errors is propagated to make the user-facing error more clear incase
// modification happened after we ran validation code and we lost the race
if s.SubnetPropertiesFormat.NetworkSecurityGroup != nil {
if strings.EqualFold(*s.SubnetPropertiesFormat.NetworkSecurityGroup.ID, nsgID) {
return api.NewCloudError(http.StatusBadRequest, api.CloudErrorCodeInvalidLinkedVNet, "", "The provided subnet '%s' is invalid: must not have a network security group attached.", subnetID)
s.SubnetPropertiesFormat.NetworkSecurityGroup = &mgmtnetwork.SecurityGroup{
ID: to.StringPtr(nsgID),
err = m.subnet.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, subnetID, s)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *manager) setMasterSubnetPolicies(ctx context.Context) error {
// TODO: there is probably an undesirable race condition here - check if etags can help.
s, err := m.subnet.Get(ctx, m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.MasterProfile.SubnetID)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.SubnetPropertiesFormat == nil {
s.SubnetPropertiesFormat = &mgmtnetwork.SubnetPropertiesFormat{}
if m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.FeatureProfile.GatewayEnabled {
s.SubnetPropertiesFormat.PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies = to.StringPtr("Disabled")
s.SubnetPropertiesFormat.PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies = to.StringPtr("Disabled")
return m.subnet.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, m.doc.OpenShiftCluster.Properties.MasterProfile.SubnetID, s)
// generateInfraID take base and returns a ID that
// - is of length maxLen
// - contains randomLen random bytes
// - only contains `alphanum` or `-`
// see openshift/installer/pkg/asset/installconfig/clusterid.go for original implementation
func generateInfraID(base string, maxLen int, randomLen int) string {
maxBaseLen := maxLen - (randomLen + 1)
// replace all characters that are not `alphanum` or `-` with `-`
re := regexp.MustCompile("[^A-Za-z0-9-]")
base = re.ReplaceAllString(base, "-")
// replace all multiple dashes in a sequence with single one.
re = regexp.MustCompile(`-{2,}`)
base = re.ReplaceAllString(base, "-")
// truncate to maxBaseLen
if len(base) > maxBaseLen {
base = base[:maxBaseLen]
base = strings.TrimRight(base, "-")
// add random chars to the end to randomize
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", base, utilrand.String(randomLen))