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package monitor
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
import (
// master updates the monitor document with the list of buckets balanced between
// registered monitors
func (mon *monitor) master(ctx context.Context) error {
// if we know we're not the master, attempt to gain the lease on the monitor
// document
if !mon.isMaster {
doc, err := mon.dbMonitors.TryLease(ctx)
if err != nil || doc == nil {
return err
mon.isMaster = true
// we know we're not the master; give up
if !mon.isMaster {
return nil
// we think we're the master. Gather up all the registered monitors
// including ourself, balance buckets between them and write the bucket
// allocations to the database. If it turns out that we're not the master,
// the patch will fail
_, err := mon.dbMonitors.PatchWithLease(ctx, "master", func(doc *api.MonitorDocument) error {
docs, err := mon.dbMonitors.ListMonitors(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
var monitors []string
if docs != nil {
monitors = make([]string, 0, len(docs.MonitorDocuments))
for _, doc := range docs.MonitorDocuments {
monitors = append(monitors, doc.ID)
mon.balance(monitors, doc)
return nil
if err != nil && err.Error() == "lost lease" {
mon.isMaster = false
return err
// balance shares out buckets over a slice of registered monitors
func (mon *monitor) balance(monitors []string, doc *api.MonitorDocument) {
// initialise doc.Monitor
if doc.Monitor == nil {
doc.Monitor = &api.Monitor{}
// ensure len(doc.Monitor.Buckets) == mon.bucketCount: this should only do
// anything on the very first run
if len(doc.Monitor.Buckets) < mon.bucketCount {
doc.Monitor.Buckets = append(doc.Monitor.Buckets, make([]string, mon.bucketCount-len(doc.Monitor.Buckets))...)
if len(doc.Monitor.Buckets) > mon.bucketCount { // should never happen
doc.Monitor.Buckets = doc.Monitor.Buckets[:mon.bucketCount]
var unallocated []int
m := make(map[string][]int, len(monitors)) // map of monitor to list of buckets it owns
for _, monitor := range monitors {
m[monitor] = nil
var target int // target number of buckets per monitor
if len(monitors) > 0 {
target = mon.bucketCount / len(monitors)
if mon.bucketCount%len(monitors) != 0 {
// load the current bucket allocations into the map
for i, monitor := range doc.Monitor.Buckets {
if buckets, found := m[monitor]; found && len(buckets) < target {
// if the current bucket is allocated to a known monitor and doesn't
// take its number of buckets above the target, keep it there...
m[monitor] = append(m[monitor], i)
} else {
// ...otherwise we'll reallocate it below
unallocated = append(unallocated, i)
// reallocate all unallocated buckets, appending to the least loaded monitor
if len(monitors) > 0 {
for _, i := range unallocated {
var leastMonitor string
for monitor := range m {
if leastMonitor == "" ||
len(m[monitor]) < len(m[leastMonitor]) {
leastMonitor = monitor
m[leastMonitor] = append(m[leastMonitor], i)
// write the updated bucket allocations back to the document
for _, i := range unallocated {
doc.Monitor.Buckets[i] = "" // should only happen if there are no known monitors
for monitor, buckets := range m {
for _, i := range buckets {
doc.Monitor.Buckets[i] = monitor