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title: "Create Django Web app with PostgreSQL"
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<a class="url fn n profile-usercard-hover" href="" target="_blank">mksunitha</a>
<time> 5/10/2017 8:00:57 AM</time>
<div id="content">This tutorial describes how to get started running Django on <a href="">Azure Web Apps</a> with <a href="">Azure Database for PostgreSQL(Preview)</a>. Web Apps provides limited free hosting and rapid deployment, and you can use Python.
<h2>Before you begin</h2>
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a <a href="">free account</a> before you begin.
<h2>Deploy from Marketplace</h2>
This blog post describes how to get started running a Django app with postgresql from Azure marketplace . This marketplace solution creates the following resources : <b>Web Apps on Windows </b> and <b>Azure Database for PostgreSQL (Preview)</b>.
Log in to the <a href="">Azure Portal</a>. Launch the <a href="">Django + PostgreSQL template</a> in the Azure marketplace to get started. Provide the necessary information for web app and database to be deployed.
<img alt="djangopg1" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4445" height="891" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/djangopg1-1010x1024.png" width="879"/>
<td>App Name</td>
<div><span>Enter a unique app name for your </span><span>**Web App Name**</span><span>. This name is used as part of the default DNS name for your app </span><em>&lt;app_name&gt;</em><span>, so it needs to be unique across all apps in Azure. You can later map a custom domain name to your app before you expose it to your users </span></div>
<td>Select a <span><strong>Subscription</strong></span><span>. If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the appropriate subscription.</span></td>
<td>Resource group</td>
<div><span>Enter a </span><span><strong>resource group</strong></span><span>. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources like web apps, databases that is deployed and managed. You can create a resource group or use an existing one</span></div>
<td>App Service Plan</td>
<div style="text-align: left"><span>App Service plans represent the collection of physical resources used to host your apps. Select the </span><span><strong>Location</strong></span><span> and the </span><span><strong>Pricing tier</strong></span><span>. For more information on pricing, see <a href=""> App service pricing tier</a> </span></div>
<td>Server Name</td>
<td>Enter a postgresql database servername</td>
<td>Server admin login name</td>
<td><span>Enter a postgresql database administrator username </span></td>
<td>Server admin password</td>
<td><span>Enter a postgresql database administrator password</span></td>
<td><span>Azure database for PostgreSQL(Preview) currenlty supports PostgreSQL 9.5 version</span></td>
<td>Pricing tier</td>
<td><span>Choose Basic or Standard pricing tier. For more information on pricing, see <a href=""> App service pricing tier</a> </span></td>
<td>Database Name</td>
<td><span>Enter a database name for your web app</span></td>
You can watch the progress by clicking the bell icon at the top of the portal page while the app is being deployed.
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/deploy-success.png"><img alt="deploy-success" class="alignnone wp-image-4455" height="100" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/deploy-success.png" width="413"/></a>
When the web app creation is finished, navigate in the Azure portal to the resource group to view the web app and PostgreSQL server.
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/resources-djngo.png"><img alt="resources-djngo" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4465" height="297" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/resources-djngo-1024x346.png" width="879"/></a>
Select the web app line and then click <strong>Browse</strong>.
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/django-browse.png"><img alt="django-browse" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4475" height="217" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/django-browse-1024x253.png" width="879"/></a>
<h2>Develop your application</h2>
The Django + PostgreSQL template contains the Django framework on top of which you can build your application. You can create an Django app using  Kudu.
To access Kudu , select your web app in the portal and click <strong>Advanced Tools -&gt; Go </strong>. <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/django-kudu.png"><img alt="django-kudu" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4485" height="192" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/django-kudu-1024x224.png" width="879"/></a>
Click on <strong>Debug Console </strong> to access the <strong>CMD </strong> prompt. In the console run the following commands  under wwwroot folder.
<pre>env\scripts\python.exe env\scripts\django-admin.exe startapp myapp</pre>
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/console-django.png"><img alt="console-django" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4505" height="87" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/console-django-1024x101.png" width="879"/></a>
This will create <strong>myapp </strong>folder with starter Django app . For more details in Django app, see <a href="">Get started with Django</a> .
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/create-app-django.png"><img alt="create-app-django" class="alignnone wp-image-4506" height="249" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/create-app-django-1024x436.png" width="585"/></a>
<h2>Database configuration</h2>
You can access the database information within Azure portal by clicking in <b>Application settings -&gt; Connection strings</b>. It is best practice to use App Settings for storing your database information instead of hard coding it in your <em></em> file. Create these app settings in Azure portal for your web app.
<img alt="django-appsettings" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-4516" height="211" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/media/2017/05/django-appsettings-1024x246.png" width="879"/>
Update DATABASES setting in local <em></em> file in your application. to read from <b>App Settings</b> environment variables.
<pre>DATABASES = {
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': os.environ.get('DATABASENAME', ''),
'USER': os.environ.get('DATABASEUSER', ''),
'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('DATABASEPASSWORD', ''),
'HOST': os.environ.get('DATABASEHOST', ''),
'PORT': '5432',
<h2>Database Management</h2>
Use <a href="">PgAdmin</a> PostgreSQL Client to manage your PostgreSQL server and database remotely.
<h2>Django Poll application sample</h2>
You can deploy your own app via GIT or use this sample <a href="">Django-poll application</a>. Fork this sample repository or download to locally to start using the sample. For more information to setup GIT, see <a href="">Local Git Deployment to Azure App Service</a>.
<h2>Next Steps</h2>
<li><a href="">Django Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="">Python Tools for Visual Studio Documentation</a></li>
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