293 строки
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293 строки
12 KiB
if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ){
throw "File or folder does not exist"
if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ){
throw "The Path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed."
if($_ -notmatch "(\.yaml)"){
throw "The config file must be of type 'yaml'"
return $true
# Start Region: Set user inputs
if (!$location)
{$location = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter region of your current Arc resource bridge'}
if (!$applianceSubscriptionId)
{$applianceSubscriptionId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the Subscription ID of your Arc resource bridge'}
if (!$applianceResourceGroupName)
{$applianceResourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the Resource Group name of your Arc resource bridge'}
if (!$applianceName)
{$applianceName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the original name in Azure of your current Arc resource bridge'}
if (!$customLocationSubscriptionId)
{$customLocationSubscriptionId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the Subscription ID of your custom location'}
if (!$customLocationResourceGroupName)
{$customLocationResourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the Resource Group name of your custom location'}
# TODO: Allow for multiple custom location inputs
if (!$customLocationName)
{$customLocationName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the current name in Azure of your custom location'}
if (!$vCenterSubscriptionId)
{$vCenterSubscriptionId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the Subscription ID of your vCenter resource in Azure'}
if (!$vCenterResourceGroupName)
{$vCenterResourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the Resource Group name of your vCenter resource in Azure'}
if (!$vCenterName)
{$vCenterName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the current name of your vCenter resource in Azure'}
# End Region: Set user inputs
function confirmationPrompt($msg) {
Write-Host $msg
while ($true) {
$inp = Read-Host "Yes(y)/No(n)?"
$inp = $inp.ToLower()
if ($inp -eq 'y' -or $inp -eq 'yes') {
return $true
elseif ($inp -eq 'n' -or $inp -eq 'no') {
return $false
$logFile = "arcvmware-output.log"
function logH1($msg) {
$pattern = '0-' * 40
$spaces = ' ' * (40 - $msg.length / 2)
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
$msgFull = "$nl $nl $pattern $nl $spaces $msg $nl $pattern $nl"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $msgFull
Write-Output $msgFull >> $logFile
function logH2($msg) {
$msgFull = "==> $msg"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta $msgFull
Write-Output $msgFull >> $logFile
function logText($msg) {
Write-Host "$msg"
Write-Output "$msg" >> $logFile
function createRG($subscriptionId, $rgName) {
$group = (az group show --subscription $subscriptionId -n $rgName)
if (!$group) {
$Error[0] | Out-String >> $logFile
throw "Resource Group $rgName does not exist in subscription $subscriptionId."
# TODO: Figure out if we can get the rg name from the appliance ARM ID
logH1 "Step 1/5: Setting up the current workstation"
if (!$UseProxy -and (confirmationPrompt -msg "Is the current workstation behind a proxy?")) {
$UseProxy = $true
Write-Host "Setting the TLS Protocol for the current session to TLS 1.2."
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$proxyCA = ""
if ($UseProxy) {
logH2 "Provide proxy details"
$proxyURL = Read-Host "Proxy URL"
if ($proxyURL.StartsWith("http") -ne $true) {
$proxyURL = "http://$proxyURL"
$noProxy = Read-Host "No Proxy (comma separated)"
$env:http_proxy = $proxyURL
$env:HTTP_PROXY = $proxyURL
$env:https_proxy = $proxyURL
$env:HTTPS_PROXY = $proxyURL
$env:no_proxy = $noProxy
$env:NO_PROXY = $noProxy
$proxyCA = Read-Host "Proxy CA cert path (Press enter to skip)"
if ($proxyCA -ne "") {
$proxyCA = Resolve-Path -Path $proxyCA
$credential = $null
$proxyAddr = $proxyURL
if ($proxyURL.Contains("@")) {
$x = $proxyURL.Split("//")
$proto = $x[0]
$x = $x[2].Split("@")
$userPass = $x[0]
$proxyAddr = $proto + "//" + $x[1]
$x = $userPass.Split(":")
$proxyUsername = $x[0]
$proxyPassword = $x[1]
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $proxyPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $proxyUsername, $password
[system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy = new-object system.net.webproxy($proxyAddr)
[system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.credentials = $credential
[system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = $true
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
try {
if ($proxyCA -ne "") {
logH2 "Logging into azure"
$azLoginMsg = "Please login to Azure CLI.`n" +
"`t* If you're running the script for the first time, select yes.`n" +
"`t* If you've recently logged in to az while running the script, you can select no.`n" +
"Confirm login to azure cli?"
if (confirmationPrompt -msg $azLoginMsg) {
az login --use-device-code -o table
az account set -s $applianceSubscriptionId
$Error[0] | Out-String >> $logFile
throw "The default subscription for the az cli context could not be set."
# Add necessary extensions
az extension add --upgrade --name arcappliance
az extension add --upgrade --name k8s-extension
az extension add --upgrade --name customlocation
az extension add --upgrade --name connectedvmware
logH1 "Completed Step 1/5: Workstation configured and all extensions successfully installed"
createRG "$applianceSubscriptionId" "$applianceResourceGroupName"
logH1 "Step 2/5: Deleting and recreating a healthy Arc resource bridge"
logH2 "Provide vCenter details to deploy Arc resource bridge VM. The credentials will be used by Arc resource bridge to update and scale itself."
# TODO: Fetch necessary information for all related ARM resources
# Get appliance name, cluster extension name, custom location names, vCenter name
# Delete existing resource bridge VM and ARM resource
logH2 "Cleaning up existing Arc Resource Bridge"
# Ask if they're sure about deleting
$deleteWarningMsg = "This will delete the existing Arc resource bridge and deploy a new one with the existing VM template.`n" +
"`t*Confirm deletion and recreation of Arc resource bridge?"
if (!(confirmationPrompt -msg $deleteWarningMsg)) {
$Error[0] | Out-String >> $logFile
throw "Arc resource bridge recovery process canceled."
# TODO: Catch exit code
az arcappliance delete vmware --debug --config-file $config
# Redeploying new resource bridge VM
logH2 "Deploying new Arc Resource Bridge"
az arcappliance deploy vmware --debug --config-file $config
# Recreating resource bridge ARM resource and connecting new resource bridge VM and Azure
logH2 "Connecting new Arc Resource Bridge to Azure"
az arcappliance create vmware --debug --config-file $config --kubeconfig .\kubeconfig
$applianceId = (az arcappliance show --subscription $applianceSubscriptionId --resource-group $applianceResourceGroupName --name $applianceName --query id -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if (!$applianceId) {
throw "Appliance recreation has failed."
# TODO: Get every 30 seconds, timeout after 5 minutes
$applianceStatus = (az resource show --debug --ids "$applianceId" --query 'properties.status' -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if ($applianceStatus -ne "Running") {
throw "Appliance is not in running state. Current state: $applianceStatus."
logH1 "Completed Step 2/5: Arc resource bridge is back up and running"
logH1 "Step 3/5: Reinstalling cluster extension"
az k8s-extension create --debug --subscription $applianceSubscriptionId --resource-group $applianceResourceGroupName --name azure-vmwareoperator --extension-type 'Microsoft.vmware' --scope cluster --cluster-type appliances --cluster-name $applianceName --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=azure-vmwareoperator 2>> $logFile
$clusterExtensionId = (az k8s-extension show --subscription $applianceSubscriptionId --resource-group $applianceResourceGroupName --name azure-vmwareoperator --cluster-type appliances --cluster-name $applianceName --query id -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if (!$clusterExtensionId) {
throw "Cluster extension reinstallation failed."
$clusterExtensionState = (az resource show --debug --ids "$clusterExtensionId" --query 'properties.provisioningState' -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if ($clusterExtensionState -ne "Succeeded") {
throw "Provisioning State of cluster extension is not succeeded. Current state: $clusterExtensionState."
logH1 "Completed Step 3/5: Cluster extension reinstalled successfully"
logH1 "Step 4/5: Reconnecting custom location"
createRG "$customLocationSubscriptionId" "$customLocationResourceGroupName"
$customLocationNamespace = ("$customLocationName".ToLower() -replace '[^a-z0-9-]', '')
az customlocation create --debug --tags "" --subscription $customLocationSubscriptionId --resource-group $customLocationResourceGroupName --name $customLocationName --location $location --namespace $customLocationNamespace --host-resource-id $applianceId --cluster-extension-ids $clusterExtensionId 2>> $logFile
$customLocationId = (az customlocation show --subscription $customLocationSubscriptionId --resource-group $customLocationResourceGroupName --name $customLocationName --query id -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if (!$customLocationId) {
throw "Custom location reconnection failed."
$customLocationState = (az resource show --debug --ids $customLocationId --query 'properties.provisioningState' -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if ($customLocationState -ne "Succeeded") {
throw "Provisioning State of custom location is not succeeded. Current state: $customLocationState."
logH1 "Completed Step 4/5: Custom location reconnected successfully"
logH1 "Step 5/5: Reconnecting to vCenter"
createRG "$vCenterSubscriptionId" "$vCenterResourceGroupName"
logH2 "Provide vCenter details"
logText "`t* These credentials will be used when you perform vCenter operations through Azure."
logText "`t* You can provide the same credentials that you provided for Arc resource bridge earlier."
az connectedvmware vcenter connect --debug --tags "" --subscription $vCenterSubscriptionId --resource-group $vCenterResourceGroupName --name $vCenterName --custom-location $customLocationId --location $location --port 443
$vcenterId = (az connectedvmware vcenter show --subscription $vCenterSubscriptionId --resource-group $vCenterResourceGroupName --name $vCenterName --query id -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if (!$vcenterId) {
throw "Reconnecting to vCenter failed."
$vcenterState = (az resource show --debug --ids "$vcenterId" --query 'properties.provisioningState' -o tsv 2>> $logFile)
if ($vcenterState -ne "Succeeded") {
throw "Provisioning State of vCenter is not succeeded. Current state: $vcenterState."
logH1 "Completed Step 5/5: vCenter was reconnected successfully"
logH1 "Your vCenter has been successfully reonboarded to Azure Arc and recovery is completed!"
catch {
$err = $_.Exception | Out-String
logText -ForegroundColor Red ("Script execution failed: " + $err)
finally {