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Merge pull request #1 from Azure/Consumption

This commit is contained in:
Ritika Ravichandra 2015-07-22 11:34:46 -07:00
Родитель 424a158fb6 b204a38baf
Коммит 118e2beb5b
1 изменённых файлов: 512 добавлений и 0 удалений

maml/R/consumeRRS.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
#' This function discovers using the workspace ID and web service ID, information specific to the consumption functions
#' @param workspaceId workspace ID
#' @param webserviceID web service ID
#' @param scheme the URI scheme
#' @param host optional parameter that defaults to ussouthcentral.services.azureml.net
#' @param api_version that defaults to 2.0
#' @return List containing the request URL of the webservice, column names of the data, sample input as well as the input schema
discoverSchema <- function(workspaceId, webserviceID, scheme = "https", host = "requestresponse001.cloudapp.net:443", api_version = "2.0") {
# Construct swagger document URL using parameters
# Use paste method without separator
swaggerURL = paste(scheme,"://", host, "/workspaces/", workspaceId, "/services/", webserviceID,"/swagger.json?api-version=",api_version, sep = "")
# Uses httr package to get the HTTP response from the swagger document URL
httr::set_config(config(ssl_VERIFYHOST=FALSE,ssl_verifyPEER=FALSE), override=TRUE)
response <- httr::GET(swaggerURL)
# Automatically parses the content and gets the swagger document
swagger <- httr::content(response)
# Accesses the input schema in the swagger document
inputSchema = swagger$definitions$ExecutionInputs$properties
#Accesses the example in the swagger document and converts it to JSON
exampleJson <- rjson::toJSON(swagger$definitions$ExecutionRequest$example)
#Accesses a single specific JSON object and formats it to be a request inputted as a list in R
inputExample = as.list((jsonlite::fromJSON((exampleJson)))$Inputs$input1)
for(i in 1:length(inputExample)) {
if(typeof(inputExample[[i]]) == "character") {
inputExample[i] = "Please input valid String"
#Accesses the names of the columns in the example and stores it in a list of column names
columnNames = list()
for(i in 1:length(inputExample)) {
columnNames[[i]] = names(inputExample)[[i]]
# Uses multiple nested loops to access the various paths in the swagger document and find the execution path
foundExecPath = FALSE
pathNo = 0
execPathNo= -1
for(execPath in swagger$paths) {
pathNo = pathNo + 1
for(operationpath in execPath) {
for(operation in operationpath) {
#Goes through the characteristcs in every operation e.g. operationId
for(charac in operation) {
# Finds the path in which the operationId (characteristic of the path) = execute and sets the execution path number
if(charac[1] == "execute")
#Sets found execution path to true
foundExecPath = TRUE
execPathNo = pathNo
#Stores the execution path
if(foundExecPath) {
executePath = names(swagger$paths)[[execPathNo]]
} else{
executePath = "Path not found"
# Constructs the request URL with the parameters as well as execution path found. The separator is set to an empty string
requestUrl = paste(scheme,"://", host, "/workspaces/", workspaceId, "/services/", webserviceID, executePath, sep = "")
# Constructs the request URL to send a request in the Data Table format with the parameters as well as execution path found. This excludes the suffix &format=swagger which is for key-value format requests
requestUrlDataTable = paste(scheme,"://", host, "/workspaces/", workspaceId, "/services/", webserviceID, "/execute?api-version=2.0&details=true", sep = "")
# Access the HTTP method type e.g. GET/ POST and constructs an example request
httpMethod = toupper(names(swagger$paths[[2]]))
httpRequest = paste(httpMethod,requestUrl)
# Tell user what functions they can use and prints to the console
if(foundExecPath) {
consumeFile = paste("To score a file: consumeFile(apiKey, requestUrl, dataframe)")
consumeDataFrame = paste("To score a dataframe: consumeDataframe(apiKey, requestUrl, scoreDataFrame)")
consumeLists = paste("To score requests as lists in the key-value format: consumeLists(apiKey, requestUrl, ...)")
consumeSingleRows = paste("To score requests as lists in the data table format: consumeSingleRows(apiKey, requestUrl, columnNames, ...)")
cat("Sample functions to execute the web service and get a response synchronously:","\n", consumeFile,"\n", consumeDataFrame,"\n", consumeLists,"\n", consumeSingleRows,"\n","\n")
} else {
cat("Warning! There was no execution path found for this web service, hence a request URL cannot be constructed!","\n","\n")
# Warns user of characters and urges them to enter valid strings for them
firstWarning = TRUE
for(i in 1:length(inputExample)) {
if(typeof(inputExample[[i]]) == "character") {
if(firstWarning) {
cat("Warning! The sample input does not contain sample values for characters. Please input valid Strings for these fields", "\n")
cat(" ", names(inputExample)[[i]],"\n")
firstWarning = FALSE
#Returns what was discovered in the form of a list
return (list("requestUrl" = requestUrl, "requestUrlDataTable" = requestUrlDataTable, "columnNames" = columnNames, "sampleInput" = inputExample, "inputSchema" = inputSchema))
#' This function takes in an API key, file name and the request URL as compulsory parameters.
#' It scores a file and returns results in a data frame.
#' It calls a helper function that sends requests to the server in the key-value format.
#' It processes requests in batches and stores the responses in order of batches in an array. It returns the results in a data frame, and stores the results in a text file.
#' @param apiKey entered as a string
#' @param requestUrl entered as a string or discovered through the discover schema method
#' @param inFileName the name of the file scored as a string
#' @param globalParam global parameters entered as a list, default value is an empty list
#' @param outputFileName the name of the file to output results to, entered as a string, default value is "results.csv"
#' @param batchSize batch size of each batch, default value is 250
#' @param retryDelay the time in seconds to delay before retrying in case of a server error, default value is 0.3 seconds
#' @return returnDataFrame data frame containing results returned from web service call
consumeFile <- function(apiKey, requestUrl, inFileName, globalParam = setNames(list(), character(0)), outputFileName = "results.csv", batchSize = 300, retryDelay = 0.3) {
#Stops users if they miss out mandatory fields
if (missing(apiKey)) {
stop("Need to specify API key")
if (missing(inFileName)) {
stop("Need to specify file to be scored")
if (missing(requestUrl)) {
stop("Need to specify request URL")
#read file and store as a data frame to be scored
scoreDataFrame = read.csv(inFileName,check.names=FALSE)
# create empty data frame that stores results to be returned
returnDataFrame <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# create data frame that stores requests in each batch
requestBatch = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
counter = 1
lastProc = 0
# Loop that iterates through the rows of the entire data frame that is to be scored
for(i in 1:(nrow(scoreDataFrame))) {
# If we have reached the batch size provided or the end of the data frame
if(counter == batchSize || i == (nrow(scoreDataFrame))) {
# Create empty data frame that stores results for that batch
batchResults = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Store a single batch of requests in a data frame
requestBatch = scoreDataFrame[(lastProc+1):i,]
# Convert them into key-value lists using rjson and df2json packages
keyvalues = rjson::fromJSON((df2json::df2json(requestBatch)))
# Store results returned from call in temp variable
temp <- callAPI(apiKey, requestUrl, keyvalues, globalParam, retryDelay)
# Set last processed to current row
lastProc = i
# Access output by converting from JSON into list and indexing into Results
resultStored <- jsonlite::fromJSON(temp)
resultList = resultStored$Results
# Add every output from results to batchResults
for(output in resultList) {
if(length(returnDataFrame) != 0 && length(batchResults) != 0) {
names(batchResults) <- names(output)
batchResults <- rbind(batchResults,data.frame(output))
# Force returnDataFrame to have the same column names to avoid errors
if(length(returnDataFrame) != 0 && length(batchResults) != 0) {
names(returnDataFrame) <- names(batchResults)
#Add batch results to the dataframe to be returned
returnDataFrame <- rbind(returnDataFrame,batchResults)
#Print how many rows in total have been processed
print(sprintf("%i %s %i %s", i,"out of",nrow(scoreDataFrame),"processed"))
#Reset the requests in the batch to empty data frame
requestBatch = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
counter = 0
counter = counter + 1
# Write results to a csv file
resultsFile <-file(outputFileName,"w")
write.csv(returnDataFrame, resultsFile)
return (returnDataFrame)
#' This function takes in an API key, request URL, column names of the requests and requests as lists in the data table format as compulsory parameters.
#' It scores single rows of requests and returns results in a data frame.
#' It calls a helper function that sends requests to the server in the data table format.
#' It processes requests in batches and stores the responses in order of batches in an array. It returns the results in a data frame.
#' @param apiKey entered as a string
#' @param requestUrl entered as a string or discovered through the discover schema method
#' @param columnNames column names entered as a list or discovered through the discover schema method
#' @param ... variable number of requests entered as rows of values in list format
#' @param globalParam global parameters entered as a list, default value is an empty list
#' @param retryDelay the time in seconds to delay before retrying in case of a server error, default value is 0.3 seconds
#' @return returnDataFrame data frame containing results returned from web service call
consumeSingleRows <- function(apiKey, requestUrl, columnNames, ..., globalParam="", retryDelay = 0.3) {
#Stops users if they miss out mandatory fields
if (missing(apiKey)) {
stop("Need to specify API key")
if (missing(requestUrl)) {
stop("Need to specify request URL")
if (missing(columnNames)) {
stop("Need to specify column names")
if(missing(globalParam)) {
globalParam = ""
# Store variable number of lists entered as a list of lists
requestsLists <- lapply(X=list(...), function(x) x)
# Make API call with parameters
result <- callDTAPI(apiKey, requestUrl, columnNames, requestsLists, globalParam, retryDelay)
# Access output by converting from JSON into list and indexing into Results
resultStored <- jsonlite::fromJSON(result)
resultList = resultStored$Results
# Store output results in a data frame
resultDataFrame = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for(output in resultList) {
# Access the actual values
outputVal = output$value$Values
resultDataFrame <- rbind(resultDataFrame,data.frame(outputVal))
# Set column names
colnames(resultDataFrame) = output$value$ColumnNames
#' This function takes in an API key, request URL, requests as lists in the key value format as compulsory parameters.
#' It scores requests with lists entered in the key-value format and returns results in a data frame.
#' It calls a helper function that sends requests to the server in the key value format.
#' It processes requests in batches and stores the responses in order of batches in an array. It returns the results in a data frame.
#' @param apiKey entered as a string
#' @param requestUrlDataTable request URL entered as a string or discovered through the discover schema method
#' @param ... variable number of requests entered as lists in the key-value format
#' @param globalParam global parameters entered as a list, default value is an empty list
#' @param retryDelay the time in seconds to delay before retrying in case of a server error, default value is 0.3 seconds
#' @return returnDataFrame data frame containing results returned from web service call
consumeLists <- function(apiKey, requestUrlDataTable, ..., globalParam = setNames(list(), character(0)), retryDelay = 0.3) {
#Stops users if they miss out mandatory fields
if (missing(apiKey)) {
stop("Need to specify API key")
if (missing(requestUrlDataTable)) {
stop("Need to specify request URL")
if(missing(globalParam)) {
globalParam = setNames(list(), character(0))
# Store variable number of lists entered as a list of lists
requestsLists <- list(...)
# Make API call with parameters
result <- callAPI(apiKey, requestUrlDataTable, requestsLists, globalParam, retryDelay)
# Access output by converting from JSON into list and indexing into Results
resultStored <- jsonlite::fromJSON(result)
resultList = resultStored$Results
# Store results in a data frame
resultDataFrame = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for(output in resultList) {
resultDataFrame <- rbind(resultDataFrame,data.frame(output))
colnames(resultDataFrame) = colnames(output)
#' This function takes in an API key, data frame and the request URL as compulsory parameters.
#' It scores a data frame and returns results in a data frame.
#' It calls a helper function that sends requests to the server in the key-value format.
#' It processes requests in batches and stores the responses in order of batches in an array.
#' @param apiKey entered as a string
#' @param requestUrl entered as a string or discovered through the discover schema method
#' @param scoreDataFrame the data frame to be scored
#' @param globalParam global parameters entered as a list, default value is an empty list
#' @param batchSize batch size of each batch, default value is 250
#' @param retryDelay the time in seconds to delay before retrying in case of a server error, default value is 0.3 seconds
#' @return returnDataFrame data frame containing results returned from web service call
consumeDataframe <- function(apiKey, requestUrl, scoreDataFrame, globalParam=setNames(list(), character(0)), batchSize = 300, retryDelay = 0.3) {
#Stops users if they miss out mandatory fields
if (missing(apiKey)) {
stop("Need to specify API key")
if (missing(requestUrl)) {
stop("Need to specify request URL")
if (missing(scoreDataFrame)) {
stop("Need to specify dataframe to be scored")
# create empty data frame that stores results to be returned
returnDataFrame <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# create data frame that stores requests in each batch
requestBatch = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
counter = 1
lastProc = 0
# Loop that iterates through the rows of the entire data frame that is to be scored
for(i in 1:(nrow(scoreDataFrame))) {
# If we have reached the batch size provided or the end of the data frame
if(counter == batchSize || i == (nrow(scoreDataFrame))) {
# Create empty data frame that stores results for that batch
batchResults = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Store a single batch of requests in a data frame
requestBatch = scoreDataFrame[(lastProc+1):i,]
# Convert them into key-value lists using rjson and df2json packages
keyvalues = rjson::fromJSON((df2json::df2json(requestBatch)))
# Store results returned from call in temp variable
temp <- callAPI(apiKey, requestUrl, keyvalues, globalParam, retryDelay)
# Set last processed to current row
lastProc = i
# Access output by converting from JSON into list and indexing into Results
resultStored <- jsonlite::fromJSON(temp)
resultList = resultStored$Results
# Add every output from results to batchResults
for(output in resultList) {
if(length(returnDataFrame) != 0 && length(batchResults) != 0) {
names(batchResults) <- names(output)
batchResults <- rbind(batchResults,data.frame(output))
# Force returnDataFrame to have the same column names to avoid errors
if(length(returnDataFrame) != 0 && length(batchResults) != 0) {
names(returnDataFrame) <- names(batchResults)
#Add batch results to the dataframe to be returned
returnDataFrame <- rbind(returnDataFrame,batchResults)
#Print how many rows in total have been processed
print(sprintf("%i %s %i %s", i,"out of",nrow(scoreDataFrame),"processed"))
#Reset the requests in the batch to empty data frame
requestBatch = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
counter = 0
counter = counter + 1
########################################################### HELPER FUNCTION ###########################################################
#' This function is a helper that takes in an API key, request URL, column names of the data, request in the data table format (in a lists of lists), global parameters of a web service, and delay time before retrying a call in case of a server error.
#' It then obtains a response from Azure Machine Learning Studio in the JSON format and returns a response to the consumption functions that call it.
callDTAPI <- function(apiKey, requestUrl, columnNames, requestList, globalParam, retryDelay) {
# Set number of tries and HTTP status to 0
httpStatus = 0
tries = 0
# Limit number of API calls to 3
for(i in 1:3) {
# In case of server error or if first try,
if(tries == 0 || httpStatus >= 500) {
if(httpStatus >= 500) {
# Print headers and let user know you are retrying
print(paste("The request failed with status code:", httpStatus, sep=" "))
print(sprintf("%s %f %s", "Retrying in ",retryDelay," seconds"))
# Delay by specified time in case of server error
tries = tries + 1
# Load RCurl package functions
options(RCurlOptions = list(cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")))
h = RCurl::basicTextGatherer()
hdr = RCurl::basicHeaderGatherer()
# Construct request payload
req = list(
Inputs = list(
"input1" = list(
"ColumnNames" = columnNames,
"Values" = requestList
,GlobalParameters = globalParam
# Convert request payload to JSON
body = enc2utf8((rjson::toJSON(req)))
# Create authorization header
authz_hdr = paste('Bearer', apiKey, sep=' ')
# Make call to API with necessary components
RCurl::curlPerform(url = requestUrl,
httpheader=c('Content-Type' = "application/json", 'Authorization' = authz_hdr),
writefunction = h$update,
headerfunction = hdr$update,
verbose = TRUE
# Parameters below are needed if using test environment, but should not be included for security reasons
ssl.verifyhost = FALSE
# Gather headers
headers = hdr$value()
# Get HTTP status to decide whether to throw bad request or retry, or return etc.
httpStatus = headers["status"]
result = h$value()
# Return result if successful
if(httpStatus == 200) {
#if user error, print and return error details
else if ((httpStatus>= 400) && (500 > httpStatus))
print(paste("The request failed with status code:", httpStatus, sep=" "))
########################################################### HELPER FUNCTION ###########################################################
#' This function is a helper that takes in an API key, request URL, request in the key value format (in a lists of lists), global parameters of a web service, and delay time before retrying a call in case of a server error.
#' It then obtains a response from Azure Machine Learning Studio in the JSON format and returns a response to the consumption functions that call it.
callAPI <- function(apiKey, requestUrl, keyvalues, globalParam, retryDelay) {
# Set number of tries and HTTP status to 0
httpStatus = 0
tries = 0
# Limit number of API calls to 3
for(i in 1:3) {
# In case of server error or if first try,
if(tries == 0 || httpStatus >= 500) {
if(httpStatus >= 500) {
# Print headers and let user know you are retrying
print(paste("The request failed with status code:", httpStatus, sep=" "))
print(sprintf("%s %f %s", "Retrying in ",retryDelay," seconds"))
# Delay by specified time in case of server error
tries = tries + 1
# Load RCurl package functions
options(RCurlOptions = list(cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")))
h = RCurl::basicTextGatherer()
hdr = RCurl::basicHeaderGatherer()
# Construct request payload
req = list(
Inputs = list(
input1 = keyvalues
,GlobalParameters = globalParam
# Convert request payload to JSON
body = enc2utf8((rjson::toJSON(req)))
# Create authorization header
authz_hdr = paste('Bearer', apiKey, sep=' ')
# Make call to API with necessary components
RCurl::curlPerform(url = requestUrl,
httpheader=c('Content-Type' = "application/json", 'Authorization' = authz_hdr),
writefunction = h$update,
headerfunction = hdr$update,
verbose = TRUE
# Parameters below are needed if using test environment, but should not be included for security reasons
ssl.verifyhost = FALSE
# Gather headers
headers = hdr$value()
# Get HTTP status to decide whether to throw bad request or retry, or return etc.
httpStatus = headers["status"]
result = h$value()
# Return result if successful
if(httpStatus == 200) {
#if user error, print and return error details
else if ((httpStatus>= 400) && (500 > httpStatus))
print(paste("The request failed with status code:", httpStatus, sep=" "))