"query":"ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\r\n// Select all indicators from the table\r\n// Create a new column to identify the type of indicator, IP, Domain, URL, File, or Other\r\n| extend IndicatorType = iif(isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress) or isnotempty(NetworkDestinationIP) or isnotempty(NetworkIP) or isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP) or isnotempty(NetworkCidrBlock), \"IP\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(Url), \"URL\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(EmailRecipient) or isnotempty(EmailSenderAddress), \"Email\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(FileHashValue), \"File\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(DomainName) or isnotempty(EmailSourceDomain), \"Domain\",\r\n \"Other\")))))\r\n// Summarize and order the data, then render the chart\r\n| summarize CountOfIndicators = count() by IndicatorType, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)\r\n| order by CountOfIndicators desc \r\n| render barchart kind=stacked ",
"query":"ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\r\n// Select all indicators from the table\r\n// Summarize and order the data, then render the chart\r\n| summarize CountOfIndicators = count() by SourceSystem, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)\r\n| render barchart kind=stacked",
"query":"ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\r\n// Select all indicators from the table\r\n| where TimeGenerated < now()\r\n// Select only indicators that have not expired\r\n and ExpirationDateTime > now()\r\n// Select only indicators that are marked active\r\n and Active == true\r\n// Select only the most recently ingested copy of an indicator\r\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId\r\n// Create a new column to identify the type of indicator, IP, Domain, URL, File, or Other\r\n| extend IndicatorType = iif(isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress) or isnotempty(NetworkDestinationIP) or isnotempty(NetworkIP) or isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP) or isnotempty(NetworkCidrBlock), \"IP\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(Url), \"URL\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(EmailRecipient) or isnotempty(EmailSenderAddress), \"Email\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(FileHashValue), \"File\",\r\n iff(isnotempty(DomainName) or isnotempty(EmailSourceDomain), \"Domain\",\r\n \"Other\")))))\r\n// Summarize and order the data, then render the chart\r\n| summarize CountOfIndicators = count() by IndicatorType\r\n| order by CountOfIndicators desc \r\n| render barchart kind=unstacked",
"query":"ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\r\n// Select all indicators from the table\r\n| where TimeGenerated < now()\r\n// Select only indicators that have not expired\r\n and ExpirationDateTime > now()\r\n// Select only indicators that are marked active\r\n and Active == true\r\n// Select only the most recently ingested copy of an indicator\r\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId\r\n// Summarize and order the data, then render the chart\r\n| summarize CountOfIndicators = count() by SourceSystem\r\n| order by CountOfIndicators desc \r\n| render barchart kind=unstacked",
"query":"ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\r\n// Select all indicators from the table\r\n| where TimeGenerated < now()\r\n// Select only indicators that have not expired\r\n and ExpirationDateTime > now()\r\n// Select only indicators that are marked active\r\n and Active == true\r\n// Select only the most recently ingested copy of an indicator\r\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId\r\n// Summarize and order the data, then render the chart\r\n| summarize CountOfIndicators = count() by tostring(ConfidenceScore)\r\n| order by CountOfIndicators desc \r\n| render piechart",
"query":"SecurityAlert\r\n// Select alerts where the alert rule query includes the threat intelligence data table\r\n| where ExtendedProperties containscs \"ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\" \r\n// Summarize and order the data, then render the chart\r\n| summarize CountOfAlerts = count() by AlertSeverity, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)\r\n| order by CountOfAlerts desc \r\n| render barchart kind=stacked ",
"title":"Alerts generated from threat intelligence by alert severity and date",