"query":"let data = CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP})\r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where \"{EventClass:lable}\" == \"All\" or \"{EventClass:lable}\" == \"All\" or DeviceEventClassID in ({EventClass});\r\ndata\r\n| summarize Count = count() by Activity\r\n| join kind = inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by Activity)\r\n on Activity\r\n| project-away Activity1, TimeGenerated\r\n| extend Activitys = Activity\r\n| union (\r\n data \r\n | summarize Count = count() \r\n | extend jkey = 1\r\n | join kind=inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}\r\n | extend jkey = 1) on jkey\r\n | extend Activity = 'All', Activitys = '*' \r\n)\r\n| order by Count desc\r\n| take 10",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP})\r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where \"{EventClass:lable}\" == \"All\" or DeviceEventClassID in ({EventClass})\r\n| where '{activities}' == \"All\" or Activity == '{activities}'\r\n| summarize LogVolume=count() by DeviceEventClassID, bin_at(TimeGenerated, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start})",
"query":"//trend by sevearity\r\nCommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where \"{EventClass:lable}\" == \"All\" or DeviceEventClassID in ({EventClass})\r\n| where '{activities}' == \"All\" or Activity == '{activities}'\r\n| summarize count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, {TimeRange:grain},{TimeRange:start}), LogSeverity\r\n",
"query":"let data = CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ \"Traffic\";\r\ndata\r\n| summarize Count = count() by DeviceEventClassID\r\n| join kind = inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by DeviceEventClassID)\r\n on DeviceEventClassID\r\n| project-away DeviceEventClassID1, TimeGenerated\r\n| extend DeviceEventClassIDs = DeviceEventClassID\r\n| union (\r\n data \r\n | summarize Count = count() \r\n | extend jkey = 1\r\n | join kind=inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}\r\n | extend jkey = 1) on jkey\r\n | extend DeviceEventClassID = 'All', DeviceEventClassIDs = '*' \r\n)\r\n| order by Count desc\r\n| take 10",
"title":"Device events Id summary - click to filter the graph below",
"query":"let data = CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ \"Traffic\";\r\ndata\r\n| summarize Count = count() by DeviceAction\r\n| join kind = inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by DeviceAction)\r\n on DeviceAction\r\n| project-away DeviceAction1, TimeGenerated\r\n| extend DeviceAction = DeviceAction\r\n| union (\r\n data \r\n | summarize Count = count() \r\n | extend jkey = 1\r\n | join kind=inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}\r\n | extend jkey = 1) on jkey\r\n | extend DeviceAction = 'All', DeviceActions = '*' \r\n)\r\n| order by Count desc\r\n| take 10",
"title":"Device action summary - click to filter the graph below",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'TRAFFIC'\r\n| where '{EventClass}' == \"All\" or DeviceEventClassID=='{EventClass}'\r\n| summarize EventCount= count() by DeviceAction, bin_at(TimeGenerated, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start})",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where '{DeviceAction}' == \"All\" or DeviceAction=='{DeviceAction}'\r\n| where Activity =~ \"Traffic\"\r\n| summarize EventCount= count() by DeviceEventClassID, bin_at(TimeGenerated, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start})",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS' \r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks' \r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'TRAFFIC' \r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'end' \r\n| extend Reason = coalesce(\r\n column_ifexists(\"Reason\", \"\"),\r\n extract(';reason=(.*?);',1,AdditionalExtensions),\r\n \"\"\r\n )\r\n| summarize ReasonCount= count() by Reason, TimeGenerated \r\n",
"query":"// Data sent outbound vs inbound\r\nCommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'TRAFFIC'\r\n| extend Direction=iff(DeviceCustomString4=~'Trust','Outbound' ,'Inbound' )\r\n| summarize DataSentOutBoundMB=sumif(SentBytes, Direction=~'Outbound')/1048576, DataRecievedInboundMB=sumif(ReceivedBytes, Direction=~'Inbound')/1048576 by TimeGenerated\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction contains 'block'\r\n| summarize ProtocolCount=count() by ApplicationProtocol\r\n| top 5 by ProtocolCount desc\r\n",
"title":"Top 5 blocked URLs, by application protocol",
"name":"Top 5 blocked URLs by application protocol"
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction in ('block-url', 'block-continue')\r\n| summarize CategoryCount=count() by DeviceCustomString2\r\n| project-rename CategoryName= DeviceCustomString2\r\n| top 5 by CategoryCount\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction in ('block-url', 'block-continue')\r\n| summarize URLCount=count() by RequestURL\r\n| top 5 by URLCount desc\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| summarize ProtocolCount=count() by ApplicationProtocol\r\n| top 5 by ProtocolCount desc",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction in ('alert', 'continue')\r\n| summarize URLCount=count() by RequestURL\r\n| top 5 by URLCount desc\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| summarize ActionCount=count() by DeviceAction\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction contains 'block'\r\n| extend PAReferer= extract(';PanOSReferer=(.*?);',1,AdditionalExtensions)\r\n| where PAReferer !=''\r\n| summarize RefererCount= count() by PAReferer\r\n| top 5 by RefererCount desc\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction in ('alert', 'continue')\r\n| summarize CategoryCount=count() by DeviceCustomString2\r\n| project-rename CategoryName= DeviceCustomString2\r\n| top 5 by CategoryCount desc\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction !contains 'block'\r\n| summarize ProtocolCount=count() by ApplicationProtocol\r\n| top 5 by ProtocolCount desc",
"title":"Top 5 allowed URLs, by application protocol",
"name":"Top 5 allowed URLs by application protocol"
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| summarize ActionCount=count() by DeviceAction, TimeGenerated\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'url'\r\n| where DeviceAction in ('alert', 'continue')\r\n| summarize IPCount=count() by SourceIP\r\n| top 5 by IPCount desc\r\n",
"title":"Top 5 allowed web traffic source IP addresses",
"name":"Top 5 allowed web traffic source IP addresses"
"json":"---\r\n## Wildfire"
"name":"text - 24"
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'wildfire'\r\n| summarize ActionCount=count() by DeviceAction, TimeGenerated\r\n",
"query":"let data = CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~'wildfire'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP});\r\ndata\r\n| summarize Count = count() by DeviceAction\r\n| join kind = inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by DeviceAction)\r\n on DeviceAction\r\n| project-away DeviceAction1, TimeGenerated\r\n| extend DeviceActions = DeviceAction\r\n| union (\r\n data \r\n | summarize Count = count() \r\n | extend jkey = 1\r\n | join kind=inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}\r\n | extend jkey = 1) on jkey\r\n | extend DeviceAction = 'All', DeviceActions = '*' \r\n)\r\n| project DeviceAction, Count, Trend\r\n| order by Count desc\r\n| take 10",
"query":"let data = CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~'wildfire'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP});\r\ndata\r\n| summarize Count = count() by DeviceCustomString2\r\n| join kind = inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by DeviceCustomString2)\r\n on DeviceCustomString2\r\n| project-away DeviceCustomString21, TimeGenerated\r\n| extend DeviceCustomString2s = DeviceCustomString2\r\n| union (\r\n data \r\n | summarize Count = count() \r\n | extend jkey = 1\r\n | join kind=inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}\r\n | extend jkey = 1) on jkey\r\n | extend DeviceCustomString2 = 'All', DeviceCustomString2s = '*' \r\n)\r\n| project DeviceCustomString2, Count, Trend\r\n| order by Count desc\r\n| take 10",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'file'\r\n| where DeviceAction contains 'deny'\r\n| summarize ProtocolCount=count() by ApplicationProtocol\r\n| top 5 by ProtocolCount desc\r\n",
"title":"Top 5 denied files, by application protocol",
"name":"Top 5 denied files by application protocol"
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'file'\r\n| where DeviceAction !contains 'deny'\r\n| summarize ProtocolCount=count() by ApplicationProtocol\r\n| top 5 by ProtocolCount desc\r\n",
"title":"Top 5 allowed files, by application protocol",
"query":"//Palo Alto File Category By Action Summary\r\nCommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS' \r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks' \r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'file' \r\n| extend PACategory= coalesce(\r\n column_ifexists(\"DeviceEventCategory\", \"\"),\r\n extract(';cat=(.*?)($|;)',1,AdditionalExtensions),\r\n \"\"\r\n )\r\n| summarize CategoryCount=count() by PACategory\r\n| sort by CategoryCount",
"name":"Summary of Palo Alto file categories by activity"
"query":"let data = CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~'file'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP});\r\ndata\r\n| summarize Count = count() by DeviceAction\r\n| join kind = inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by DeviceAction)\r\n on DeviceAction\r\n| project-away DeviceAction1, TimeGenerated\r\n| extend DeviceActions = DeviceAction\r\n| union (\r\n data \r\n | summarize Count = count() \r\n | extend jkey = 1\r\n | join kind=inner (data\r\n | make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}\r\n | extend jkey = 1) on jkey\r\n | extend DeviceAction = 'All', DeviceActions = '*' \r\n)\r\n| project DeviceAction, Count, Trend\r\n| order by Count desc\r\n| take 10\r\n",
"query":"CommonSecurityLog\r\n| where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS'\r\n| where DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks'\r\n| where Activity =~ 'THREAT'\r\n| where DeviceEventClassID =~ 'file'\r\n| where \"{Destination_IP:lable}\"==\"All\" or DestinationIP in ({Destination_IP}) \r\n| where \"{Source_IP:lable}\" == \"All\" or SourceIP in ({Source_IP})\r\n| where '{SelectedDA}' == \"All\" or DeviceAction == '{SelectedDA}'\r\n| summarize ActionCount=count() by DeviceAction, bin(TimeGenerated, {TimeRange:grain})\r\n",
"title":"Compare allowed and denied files, by time",