Azure-Sentinel/Hunting Queries/SecurityEvent/ProcessEntropy.yaml

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id: 05208917-82de-46f7-a190-a65739a690f4
name: Entropy for Processes for a given Host
description: |
'Entropy calculation used to help identify Hosts where they have a high variety of processes(a high entropy process list on a given Host over time).
This helps us identify rare processes on a given Host. Rare here means a process shows up on the Host relatively few times in the the last 7days.
The Weight is calculated based on the Entropy, Process Count and Distinct Hosts with that Process. The lower the Weight/ProcessEntropy the, more interesting.
The Weight calculation increases the Weight if the process executes more than once on the Host or has executed on more than 1 Hosts.
In general, this should identify processes on a Host that are rare and rare for the environment.
- connectorId: SecurityEvents
- SecurityEvent
- Execution
query: |
// exclude when over # of machines have the process
let excludeThreshold = 10;
// exclude when more than percent (default 10%)
let ratioHighCount = 0.1;
// exclude when less than percent (default 3%)
let ratioMidCount = 0.03;
// Process count limit in one day per machine, perf improvement (default every 20 minutes for 24 hours - 3*24 = 72)
let procLimit = 3*24;
// Decrease possibility of hitting memory limit by removing high process count items across all machines (default every 10 minutes for 24 hours - 6*24 = 144)
let maxLimit = 6*24;
let removeHigh = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1d)
| where EventID == 4688 | summarize count() by NewProcessName = tolower(NewProcessName) | where count_ > maxLimit
| summarize make_set(NewProcessName);
let SecEvents = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1d)
| where EventID == 4688 | where tolower(NewProcessName) !in~ (removeHigh)
// removing common items that may still show up in small environments, add here if you have additional exclusions
| where NewProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\System32\\conhost.exe' and ParentProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\System32\\conhost.exe'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\System32\\wuauclt.exe' and NewProcessName !has':\\Windows\\System32\\wuauclt.exe' and NewProcessName !startswith 'C:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download\\Install\\AM_Delta_Patch_'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\WindowsAzure\\GuestAgent_' and NewProcessName !has ':\\WindowsAzure\\GuestAgent_'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\WindowsAzure\\WindowsAzureNetAgent_' and NewProcessName !has ':\\WindowsAzure\\WindowsAzureNetAgent_'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\platform\\' and NewProcessName !has "\\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\\SenseCncProxy.exe" and NewProcessName !has "\\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\\SenseIR.exe.exe"
| where NewProcessName !has ':\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\platform\\'
| where NewProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework' and not(NewProcessName endswith '\\ngentask.exe' or NewProcessName endswith '\\ngen.exe')
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework' and not(ParentProcessName endswith '\\ngentask.exe' or ParentProcessName endswith '\\ngen.exe')
| where NewProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\System32\\taskhostw.exe' and ParentProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\System32\\taskhostw.exe'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download\\Install\\' and not(NewProcessName endswith '\\MpSigStub.exe')
| where NewProcessName !has ':\\Program Files\\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\\Agent\\Health Service State\\' and ParentProcessName !has ':\\Program Files\\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\\Agent\\MonitoringHost.exe'
| where NewProcessName !has ':\\Windows\\servicing\\trustedinstaller.exe'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\Program Files\\Microsoft Dependency Agent\\bin\\MicrosoftDependencyAgent.exe'
| where ParentProcessName !has ':\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\EdgeUpdate\\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe'
| project TimeGenerated, EventID, Computer, SubjectUserSid, Account, AccountType, Process, NewProcessName, CommandLine, ParentProcessName, _ResourceId, SourceComputerId;
let Exclude = SecEvents
| summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated), ExcludeCompCount = dcount(Computer), ExcludeProcCount = count() by Process
// Removing general limit for noise in one day
| extend timediff = iff(datetime_diff('day', EndTime, StartTime) > 0, datetime_diff('day', EndTime, StartTime), 1)
// Default exclude of 48 (2 per hour) or more executions in 24 hours on a given machine
| where ExcludeProcCount > procLimit*timediff
// Removing noisy processes for an environment, adjust as needed
| extend compRatio = ExcludeCompCount/toreal(ExcludeProcCount)
| where compRatio == 0 or (ExcludeCompCount > excludeThreshold and compRatio < ratioHighCount) or (ExcludeCompCount between (2 .. excludeThreshold) and compRatio < ratioMidCount);
let AllSecEvents =
SecEvents | project Computer, Process
| join kind= leftanti (
// Removing general limit for noise in one day
| summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated), procCount = count() by Computer, Process
| extend timediff = iff(datetime_diff('day', EndTime, StartTime) > 0, datetime_diff('day', EndTime, StartTime), 1)
// Default exclude 48 (2 per hour) or more executions in 24 hours on a given machine to remove them from overall comparison list
| where procCount > procLimit*timediff
) on Computer, Process
| project Computer, Process;
// Removing noisy process from full list
let Include = materialize(AllSecEvents
| join kind= leftanti (
) on Process);
// Identifying prevalence for a given process in the environment
let DCwPC = materialize(Include
| summarize DistinctHostsProcessCount = dcount(Computer) by Process
| join kind=inner (
) on Process
| distinct Computer, Process, DistinctHostsProcessCount);
// Getting the Total process count on each host to use as the denominator in the entropy calc
let AHPC = materialize(Include
| summarize AllHostsProcessCount = count() by Computer
| join kind=inner (
) on Computer
| distinct Computer, Process, AllHostsProcessCount
//Getting a decimal value for later computation
| extend AHPCValue = todecimal(AllHostsProcessCount));
// Need the count of each class in my bucket or also said as count of ProcName(Class) per Host(Bucket) for use in the entropy calc
let PCoH = Include
| summarize ProcessCountOnHost = count() by Computer, Process
| join kind=inner (
) on Computer,Process
| distinct Computer, Process, ProcessCountOnHost
//Getting a decimal value for later computation
| extend PCoHValue = todecimal(ProcessCountOnHost);
let Combined = DCwPC
| join (
) on Computer, Process
| join (
) on Computer, Process;
let Results = Combined
// Entropy calculation
| extend ProcessEntropy = -log2(PCoHValue/AHPCValue)*(PCoHValue/AHPCValue)
// Calculating Weight, see details in description
| extend Weight = toreal(ProcessEntropy*ProcessCountOnHost*DistinctHostsProcessCount)
// Remove or increase value to see processes with low entropy, meaning more common.
| where Weight <= 100
| project Computer, Process, Weight , ProcessEntropy, AllHostsProcessCount, ProcessCountOnHost, DistinctHostsProcessCount;
// Join back full entry
| join kind= inner (
| project TimeGenerated, EventID, Computer, SubjectUserSid, Account, AccountType, Process, NewProcessName, CommandLine, ParentProcessName, _ResourceId, SourceComputerId
) on Computer, Process
2020-11-30 19:43:21 +03:00
| summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated), ResultCount = count() by EventID, Computer, SubjectUserSid, Account, AccountType, Weight, ProcessEntropy,
Process, NewProcessName, CommandLine, ParentProcessName, AllHostsProcessCount, ProcessCountOnHost, DistinctHostsProcessCount, _ResourceId, SourceComputerId
| project-reorder StartTime, EndTime, ResultCount, EventID, Computer, SubjectUserSid, Account, AccountType, Weight, ProcessEntropy,
Process, NewProcessName, CommandLine, ParentProcessName, AllHostsProcessCount, ProcessCountOnHost, DistinctHostsProcessCount, _ResourceId, SourceComputerId
| sort by Weight asc, ProcessEntropy asc, NewProcessName asc
2021-04-20 11:32:58 +03:00
| extend timestamp = StartTime, HostCustomEntity = Computer, AccountCustomEntity = Account