1.Updated AWS Lambda Code 2. Added additional environment variables 3.Updated README.MD
This commit is contained in:
Двоичный файл не отображается.
До Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 60 KiB После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 70 KiB |
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ $secretValue = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-SECSecretValue -SecretId $secretName -Error
$workspaceId = $secretValue.LAWID
$workspaceKey = $secretValue.LAWKEY
$LATableName = $env:LogAnalyticsTableName
$IsCoreFieldsAllTable = $env:CoreFieldsAllTable
$IsSplitAWSResourceTypes = $env:SplitAWSResourceTypeTables
$ResourceID = ''
#The $eventobjectlist is the Json Parameter field names that form the core of the Json message that we want in the ALL Table in Log Ananlytics
@ -130,6 +132,98 @@ Function Invoke-LogAnalyticsData {
Function Ingest-Core-Fields-Single-Table {
$coreJson = convertto-json $coreEvents -depth 5 -Compress
$Table = "$LATableName" + "_All"
IF (($corejson.Length) -gt 28MB) {
Write-Host "Log length is greater than 28 MB, splitting and sending to Log Analytics"
$bits = [math]::Round(($corejson.length) / 20MB) + 1
$TotalRecords = $coreEvents.Count
$RecSetSize = [math]::Round($TotalRecords / $bits) + 1
$start = 0
For ($x = 0; $x -lt $bits; $X++) {
IF ( ($start + $recsetsize) -gt $TotalRecords) {
$finish = $totalRecords
$finish = $start + $RecSetSize
$body = Convertto-Json ($coreEvents[$start..$finish]) -Depth 5 -Compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $body -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
$start = $Finish + 1
$null = Remove-variable -name body
Else {
#$logEvents = Convertto-Json $events -depth 20 -compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $coreJson -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
$null = remove-variable -name coreEvents
$null = remove-variable -name coreJson
Function Ingest-AWS-ResourceType-Multi-Tables {
$RecCount = 0
foreach ($d in $eventSources) {
#$events = $groupevents[$d]
$eventsJson = ConvertTo-Json $groupEvents[$d] -depth 5 -Compress
$Table = $LATableName + '_' + $d
$TotalRecords = $groupEvents[$d].Count
$recCount += $TotalRecords
IF (($eventsjson.Length) -gt 28MB) {
#$events = Convertfrom-json $corejson
$bits = [math]::Round(($eventsjson.length) / 20MB) + 1
$TotalRecords = $groupEvents[$d].Count
$RecSetSize = [math]::Round($TotalRecords / $bits) + 1
$start = 0
For ($x = 0; $x -lt $bits; $X++) {
IF ( ($start + $recsetsize) -gt $TotalRecords) {
$finish = $totalRecords
$finish = $start + $RecSetSize
$body = Convertto-Json ($groupEvents[$d][$start..$finish]) -Depth 5 -Compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $body -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
$start = $Finish + 1
$null = Remove-variable -name body
Else {
#$logEvents = Convertto-Json $events -depth 20 -compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $eventsJson -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
foreach ($snsRecord in $LambdaInput.Records)
$snsMessage = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $snsRecord.Sns.Message
@ -222,86 +316,22 @@ foreach ($snsRecord in $LambdaInput.Records)
$coreJson = convertto-json $coreevents -depth 5 -Compress
$Table = "$LATableName" + "_All"
IF (($corejson.Length) -gt 28MB) {
Write-Host "Log length is greater than 28 MB, splitting and sending to Log Analytics"
$bits = [math]::Round(($corejson.length) / 20MB) + 1
$TotalRecords = $coreEvents.Count
$RecSetSize = [math]::Round($TotalRecords / $bits) + 1
$start = 0
For ($x = 0; $x -lt $bits; $X++) {
IF ( ($start + $recsetsize) -gt $TotalRecords) {
$finish = $totalRecords
$finish = $start + $RecSetSize
$body = Convertto-Json ($coreEvents[$start..$finish]) -Depth 5 -Compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $body -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
$start = $Finish + 1
$null = Remove-variable -name body
IF ($IsCoreFieldsAllTable -eq "true" -and $IsSplitAWSResourceTypes -eq "true") {
Ingest-Core-Fields-Single-Table -CoreEvents $coreEvents
Ingest-AWS-ResourceType-Multi-Tables -EventSources $eventSources -GroupEvents $groupevents
Else {
#$logEvents = Convertto-Json $events -depth 20 -compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $coreJson -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
ELSEIF ($IsCoreFieldsAllTable -eq "true" -and $IsSplitAWSResourceTypes -eq "false"){
Ingest-Core-Fields-Single-Table -CoreEvents $coreEvents
ELSEIF ($IsCoreFieldsAllTable -eq "false" -and $IsSplitAWSResourceTypes -eq "true"){
Ingest-AWS-ResourceType-Multi-Tables -EventSources $eventSources -GroupEvents $groupevents
Write-Host "Make sure you have correct values supplied in Environment Variables for CoreFieldsAllTable and SplitAWSResourceTypeTables"
$null = remove-variable -name coreEvents
$null = remove-variable -name coreJson
$RecCount = 0
foreach ($d in $eventSources) {
#$events = $groupevents[$d]
$eventsJson = ConvertTo-Json $groupevents[$d] -depth 5 -Compress
$Table = $LATableName + '_' + $d
$TotalRecords = $groupevents[$d].Count
$recCount += $TotalRecords
IF (($eventsjson.Length) -gt 28MB) {
#$events = Convertfrom-json $corejson
$bits = [math]::Round(($eventsjson.length) / 20MB) + 1
$TotalRecords = $groupevents[$d].Count
$RecSetSize = [math]::Round($TotalRecords / $bits) + 1
$start = 0
For ($x = 0; $x -lt $bits; $X++) {
IF ( ($start + $recsetsize) -gt $TotalRecords) {
$finish = $totalRecords
$finish = $start + $RecSetSize
$body = Convertto-Json ($groupevents[$d][$start..$finish]) -Depth 5 -Compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $body -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
$start = $Finish + 1
$null = Remove-variable -name body
Else {
#$logEvents = Convertto-Json $events -depth 20 -compress
$result = Invoke-LogAnalyticsData -CustomerId $workspaceId -SharedKey $workspaceKey -Body $eventsJson -LogTable $Table -TimeStampField 'eventTime' -ResourceId $ResourceID
if ($result -eq 200)
Write-Host "CloudTrail Logs successfully ingested to LogAnalytics Workspace under Custom Logs --> Table: $Table"
$null = Remove-Variable -Name groupevents
$null = Remove-Variable -Name LogEvents
$null = Remove-Variable -Name LogEvents
Двоичный файл не отображается.
@ -4,16 +4,25 @@ This Lambda function is designed to ingest AWS CloudTrail Events and send them t
AWS CloudTrail logs are audit type events from all/any AWS resources in a tenancy. Each AWS resource has a unique set of Request and Response Parameters. Azure Log Analytics has a column per table limit of 500, (plus some system columns) the aggregate of AWS parameter fields will exceed this quickly leading to potential loss of event records
Code does the following things with the logs it processes.
1. Takes the core fields of the record. i.e. all fields except for the Request and Response associated fields and puts them in a Table_ALL. providing a single table with all records with core event information.
2. Looks at each event and puts it into a table with an extension <AWSREsourceType> i.e. AwsCloudTrail_s3
3. Exception to 2 above is for EC2 events. the volume of fields for EC2 Request and Response parameters exceeds 500 columns. EC2 data is split into 3 tables, Header, Request & Response.
1. Takes the core fields of the record. i.e. all fields except for the Request and Response associated fields and puts them in a LogAnalyticsTableName_ALL. Providing a single table with all records with core event information.
2. Looks at each event and puts it into a table with an extension <AWSREsourceType> i.e. LogAnalyticsTableName_S3
3. Exception to 2 above is for EC2 events, the volume of fields for EC2 Request and Response parameters exceeds 500 columns. EC2 data is split into 3 tables, Header, Request & Response.
Ex: LogAnalyticsTableName_EC2_Header
4. In future if other AWS datatypes exceed 500 columns a similar split may be required for them as well.
5. The processing of Data as described in 3 will lead to some data being ingested into 2 or more different tables and increase the log ingestion metrics\billing. The customer can decide they don't want the _ALL table and this would remove the duplicate data storage volume
Special thanks to [Chris Abberley](https://github.com/cabberley) for the above logic
To avoid additional billing and duplication:
1. You can turn off LogAnalyticsTableName_ALL using additional Environment Variable **CoreFieldsAllTable** to **false**
2. You can turn off LogAnalyticsTableName_AWSREsourceType using additional Environment Variable **SplitAWSResourceTypeTables** to **false**
**Either CoreFieldsAllTable or SplitAWSResourceTypeTables must be true or both can be true**
## **Function Flow process**
CloudTrail Logs --> AWS S3 --> AWS SNS Topic --> AWS Lambda --> Azure Log Analytics
**CloudTrail Logs --> AWS S3 --> AWS SNS Topic --> AWS Lambda --> Azure Log Analytics**
## Installation / Setup Guide
@ -64,15 +73,17 @@ You might need –ProfileName if your configuration of .aws/credentials file doe
1. Once created, login to the AWS console. In Find services, search for Lambda. Click on Lambda.
2. Click on the lambda function name you used with the cmdlet. Click Environment Variables and add the following
2. Click on the lambda function name you used with the cmdlet. Click Environment Variables and add the following
CoreFieldsAllTable --> Boolean
SplitAWSResourceTypeTables --> Boolean
3. Click on the lambda function name you used with the cmdlet.Click Add Trigger
4. Select SNS. Select the SNS Name. Click Add.
4. Select SNS. Select the SNS Name. Click Add.
5. Create AWS Role : The Lambda function will need an execution role defined that grants access to the S3 bucket and CloudWatch logs. To create an execution role:
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