Update PossibleBeaconingActivity.yaml
Added option for private IP ranges per request #8105 Alignment of code for readability
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
id: fcb9d75c-c3c1-4910-8697-f136bfef2363
name: Potential beaconing activity (ASIM Network Session schema)
description: |
This rule identifies beaconing patterns from Network traffic logs based on recurrent frequency patterns. Such potential outbound beaconing pattern to untrusted public networks should be investigated for any malware callbacks or data exfiltration attempts as discussed in this [Blog](http://www.austintaylor.io/detect/beaconing/intrusion/detection/system/command/control/flare/elastic/stack/2017/06/10/detect-beaconing-with-flare-elasticsearch-and-intrusion-detection-systems/).\<br><br>
This rule identifies beaconing patterns from Network traffic logs based on recurrent frequency patterns. Such potential outbound beaconing patterns to untrusted public networks should be investigated for any malware callbacks or data exfiltration attempts as discussed in this [Blog](http://www.austintaylor.io/detect/beaconing/intrusion/detection/system/command/control/flare/elastic/stack/2017/06/10/detect-beaconing-with-flare-elasticsearch-and-intrusion-detection-systems/).\<br><br>
This analytic rule uses [ASIM](https://aka.ms/AboutASIM) and supports any built-in or custom source that supports the ASIM NetworkSession schema'
severity: Low
status: Available
@ -77,21 +77,60 @@ query: |
let TimeDeltaThreshold = 10;
let TotalEventsThreshold = 15;
let PercentBeaconThreshold = 80;
let LocalNetworks=dynamic(["",""]);
_Im_NetworkSession(starttime=ago(querystarttime), endtime=ago(queryendtime))
| where not(ipv4_is_private(DstIpAddr))
| project TimeGenerated, SrcIpAddr, SrcPortNumber, DstIpAddr, DstPortNumber, DstBytes, SrcBytes
| sort by SrcIpAddr asc,TimeGenerated asc, DstIpAddr asc, DstPortNumber asc
| where not (ipv4_is_in_any_range(DstIpAddr, LocalNetworks))
| project
, SrcIpAddr
, SrcPortNumber
, DstIpAddr
, DstPortNumber
, DstBytes
, SrcBytes
| sort by
SrcIpAddr asc
, TimeGenerated asc
, DstIpAddr asc
, DstPortNumber asc
| serialize
| extend nextTimeGenerated = next(TimeGenerated, 1), nextSrcIpAddr = next(SrcIpAddr, 1)
| extend TimeDeltainSeconds = datetime_diff('second',nextTimeGenerated,TimeGenerated)
| extend
nextTimeGenerated = next(TimeGenerated, 1)
, nextSrcIpAddr = next(SrcIpAddr, 1)
| extend
TimeDeltainSeconds = datetime_diff('second', nextTimeGenerated, TimeGenerated)
| where SrcIpAddr == nextSrcIpAddr
//Whitelisting criteria/ threshold criteria
| where TimeDeltainSeconds > TimeDeltaThreshold
| project TimeGenerated, TimeDeltainSeconds, SrcIpAddr, SrcPortNumber, DstIpAddr, DstPortNumber, DstBytes, SrcBytes
| summarize count(), sum(DstBytes), sum(SrcBytes), make_list(TimeDeltainSeconds)
by TimeDeltainSeconds, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), SrcIpAddr, DstIpAddr, DstPortNumber
| summarize (MostFrequentTimeDeltaCount, MostFrequentTimeDeltainSeconds) = arg_max(count_, TimeDeltainSeconds), TotalEvents=sum(count_), TotalSrcBytes = sum(sum_SrcBytes), TotalDstBytes = sum(sum_DstBytes)
by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), SrcIpAddr, DstIpAddr, DstPortNumber
| project
, TimeDeltainSeconds
, SrcIpAddr
, SrcPortNumber
, DstIpAddr
, DstPortNumber
, DstBytes
, SrcBytes
| summarize
, sum(DstBytes)
, sum(SrcBytes)
, make_list(TimeDeltainSeconds)
by TimeDeltainSeconds
, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
, SrcIpAddr
, DstIpAddr
, DstPortNumber
| summarize
(MostFrequentTimeDeltaCount, MostFrequentTimeDeltainSeconds) = arg_max(count_, TimeDeltainSeconds)
, TotalEvents=sum(count_)
, TotalSrcBytes = sum(sum_SrcBytes)
, TotalDstBytes = sum(sum_DstBytes)
by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
, SrcIpAddr
, DstIpAddr
, DstPortNumber
| where TotalEvents > TotalEventsThreshold
| extend BeaconPercent = MostFrequentTimeDeltaCount/toreal(TotalEvents) * 100
| where BeaconPercent > PercentBeaconThreshold
@ -115,5 +154,5 @@ customDetails:
FrequencyTime: MostFrequentTimeDeltaCount
TotalDstBytes: TotalDstBytes
version: 1.1.2
kind: Scheduled
version: 1.1.3
kind: Scheduled
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