1. Fix lastUpdateTime for the generic template
2. Fixed missing "PlaybookName" parameter for Block-OnPremADUser,
3. Fixed wrong workflow resource name for Run-AzureVMPacketCapture
4. Fixed hard-coded locations in GET-MDEProcessActivityWithin30Min, Get-Recipients-EmailMessageID-containtning-URL, Get-VTURLPositivesComment, Post-Tags-And-Comments-To-Your-Intsights-Account, SpurEnrichment
5. Fix suppport tier for Get-MDE-statistics, IdentityProtection-TeamsBotResponse, QuickStart-SentinelTriggers
6. SecureObject instead of secureobject in Resolve-MCAS
7. dnsresolution instead of DnsResoultion for entities in Restrict-MDEDomain
8. empty entities in SendAZCom