{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", "contentVersion": "", "metadata": { "title": "AS-Okta-NetworkZoneUpdate", "description": "This playbook is intended to be run from a Microsoft Sentinel Incident. It will add the IP address from Microsoft Sentinel Incidents to an Okta Network Zone of your choosing.", "prerequisites": "1. An Okta admin account is needed, along with an API token. 2. The id of an Okta network zone is also needed. 3. A Microsoft Azure key vault containing the Okta API token must also be set up. Support for the set up and configuration of each of these items can be found here: https://github.com/Accelerynt-Security/AS-Okta-NetworkZoneUpdate", "lastUpdateTime": "2022-09-29T18:18:05Z", "entities": ["IP"], "tags": ["Microsoft Sentinel", "Incident", "Okta", "Network Zone"], "support": { "tier": "developer" }, "author": { "name": "Accelerynt" } }, "parameters": { "PlaybookName": { "defaultValue": "AS-Okta-NetworkZoneUpdate", "type": "string" }, "OktaSubdomain": { "type": "string", "metadata" : { "description" : "Name of the subdomain (tenant) in the Okta Org URL" } }, "OktaNetworkZone": { "type": "string", "metadata" : { "description" : "Name of the Okta Network Zone that the Sentinel IPs will be added to" } }, "KeyVaultName": { "type": "string", "metadata" : { "description" : "Name of the Key Vault that stores the Okta API token" } }, "SecretName": { "type": "string", "metadata": { "description": "Name of Key Vault Secret that contains the value of the Okta API token" } } }, "variables": { "azuresentinel": "[concat('azuresentinel-', parameters('PlaybookName'))]", "keyvault": "[concat('keyvault-', parameters('PlaybookName'))]" }, "resources": [ { "type": "Microsoft.Web/connections", "apiVersion": "2016-06-01", "name": "[variables('azuresentinel')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "kind": "V1", "properties": { "displayName": "[parameters('PlaybookName')]", "customParameterValues": {}, "parameterValueType": "Alternative", "api": { "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/', resourceGroup().location, '/managedApis/azuresentinel')]" } } }, { "type": "Microsoft.Web/connections", "apiVersion": "2016-06-01", "name": "[variables('keyvault')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "displayName": "[parameters('PlaybookName')]", "parameterValueType": "Alternative", "alternativeParameterValues": { "vaultName": "[parameters('KeyVaultName')]" }, "customParameterValues": { }, "api": { "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/', resourceGroup().location, '/managedApis/keyvault')]" } } }, { "type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows", "apiVersion": "2017-07-01", "name": "[parameters('PlaybookName')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "tags": { "LogicAppsCategory": "security" }, "identity": { "type": "SystemAssigned" }, "dependsOn": [ "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('azuresentinel'))]", "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('keyvault'))]" ], "properties": { "state": "Enabled", "definition": { "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "$connections": { "defaultValue": {}, "type": "Object" } }, "triggers": { "Microsoft_Sentinel_incident": { "type": "ApiConnectionWebhook", "inputs": { "body": { "callback_url": "@{listCallbackUrl()}" }, "host": { "connection": { "name": "@parameters('$connections')['azuresentinel']['connectionId']" } }, "path": "/incident-creation" } } }, "actions": { "Condition_-_Incident_Contains_IPs": { "actions": { "For_Each_-_Network_Zone": { "foreach": "@body('Parse_JSON_-_Network_Zone_Response')", "actions": { "Condition_-_Check_for_Network_Zone_Name_Match": { "actions": { "Condition_-_Check_for_Existing_Gateways": { "actions": { "For_Each_-_Existing_Gateway": { "foreach": "@items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['gateways']", "actions": { "Append_to_string_variable": { "runAfter": {}, "type": "AppendToStringVariable", "inputs": { "name": "Gateways", "value": "\n{\n \"type\": \"@{items('For_Each_-_Existing_Gateway')?['type']}\",\n \"value\": \"@{items('For_Each_-_Existing_Gateway')?['value']}\"\n }," } } }, "runAfter": {}, "type": "Foreach" } }, "runAfter": { "Set_Variable_-_Gateways": [ "Succeeded" ] }, "expression": { "and": [ { "not": { "equals": [ "@items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['gateways']", "@null" ] } } ] }, "type": "If" }, "For_Each_-_Incident_IP": { "foreach": "@body('Entities_-_Get_IPs')?['IPs']", "actions": { "Append_New_Values_to_Gateways": { "runAfter": {}, "type": "AppendToStringVariable", "inputs": { "name": "Gateways", "value": "\n{\n \"type\": \"CIDR\",\n \"value\": \"@{concat(items('For_Each_-_Incident_IP')?['Address'], '/32')}\"\n }," } } }, "runAfter": { "Condition_-_Check_for_Existing_Gateways": [ "Succeeded" ] }, "type": "Foreach" }, "HTTP_-_Update_Network_Zone": { "runAfter": { "For_Each_-_Incident_IP": [ "Succeeded" ] }, "type": "Http", "inputs": { "body": { "gateways": "@json(concat(substring(variables('Gateways'), 0, sub(length(variables('Gateways')), 1)), ']'))", "id": "@{items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['id']}", "name": "@{items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['name']}", "status": "@{items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['status']}", "type": "@{items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['type']}", "usage": "@{items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['usage']}" }, "headers": { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "SSWS @{body('Get_Secret')?['value']}", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "method": "PUT", "uri": "[concat('https://', parameters('OktaSubdomain') ,'.okta.com/api/v1/zones/@{items(''For_Each_-_Network_Zone'')[''id'']}')]" } }, "Set_Variable_-_Gateways": { "runAfter": {}, "type": "SetVariable", "inputs": { "name": "Gateways", "value": "[" } } }, "runAfter": {}, "expression": { "and": [ { "equals": [ "@items('For_Each_-_Network_Zone')['name']", "[parameters('OktaNetworkZone')]" ] } ] }, "type": "If" } }, "runAfter": { "Parse_JSON_-_Network_Zone_Response": [ "Succeeded" ] }, "type": "Foreach", "runtimeConfiguration": { "concurrency": { "repetitions": 1 } } }, "HTTP_-_Get_Network_Zones": { "runAfter": {}, "type": "Http", "inputs": { "headers": { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "SSWS @{body('Get_Secret')?['value']}", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "method": "GET", "uri": "[concat('https://', parameters('OktaSubdomain') 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"Get_Secret": [ "Succeeded" ] }, "type": "InitializeVariable", "inputs": { "variables": [ { "name": "Gateways", "type": "string" } ] } } }, "outputs": {} }, "parameters": { "$connections": { "value": { "azuresentinel": { "connectionId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('azuresentinel'))]", "connectionName": "[variables('azuresentinel')]", "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/', resourceGroup().location, '/managedApis/azuresentinel')]", "connectionProperties": { "authentication": { "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity" } } }, "keyvault": { "connectionId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('keyvault'))]", "connectionName": "[variables('keyvault')]", "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId,'/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/', resourceGroup().location, '/managedApis/keyvault')]", "connectionProperties": { "authentication": { "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity" } } } } } } } } ] }