id: 2e2fab4b-83dd-4cf8-b2dd-063d0fd15513 name: Host Exporting Mailbox and Removing Export description: | 'This hunting query looks for hosts exporting a mailbox from an on-prem Exchange server, followed by that same host removing the export within a short time window. This pattern has been observed by attackers when exfiltrating emails from a target environment. A Mailbox export is unlikely to be a common command run so look for activity from unexpected hosts and accounts. Reference:' requiredDataConnectors: - connectorId: SecurityEvents dataTypes: - SecurityEvent tactics: - Collection relevantTechniques: - T1114 tags: - Solorigate query: | // Adjust the timeframe to change the window events need to occur within to alert let timeframe = 1h; SecurityEvent | where Process in~ ("powershell.exe", "cmd.exe") | where CommandLine contains 'New-MailboxExportRequest' | summarize by Computer, timekey = bin(TimeGenerated, timeframe), CommandLine, SubjectUserName | join kind=inner (SecurityEvent | where Process in~ ("powershell.exe", "cmd.exe") | where CommandLine contains 'Remove-MailboxExportRequest' | summarize by Computer, timekey = bin(TimeGenerated, timeframe), CommandLine, SubjectUserName) on Computer, timekey, SubjectUserName | extend commands = pack_array(CommandLine1, CommandLine) | summarize by timekey, Computer, tostring(commands), SubjectUserName | project-reorder timekey, Computer, SubjectUserName, ['commands'] | extend HostCustomEntity = Computer, AccountCustomEntity = SubjectUserName entityMappings: - entityType: Account fieldMappings: - identifier: FullName columnName: AccountCustomEntity - entityType: Host fieldMappings: - identifier: FullName columnName: HostCustomEntity