Azure-Sentinel/Hunting Queries/SecurityEvent/new_processes.yaml

32 строки
1.6 KiB

id: 513e3a11-e1bb-4cfc-8af9-451da0407e6b
name: New processes observed in last 24 hours
description: |
'These new processes could be benign new programs installed on hosts; however, especially in normally stable environments,
these new processes could provide an indication of an unauthorized/malicious binary that has been installed and run.
Reviewing the wider context of the logon sessions in which these binaries ran can provide a good starting point for identifying possible attacks.'
- connectorId: SecurityEvents
- SecurityEvent
- Execution
query: |
let starttime = 14d;
let endtime = 1d;
let ProcessCreationEvents=() {
let processEvents=SecurityEvent
| where EventID==4688
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime)
| project TimeGenerated, ComputerName=Computer,AccountName=SubjectUserName, AccountDomain=SubjectDomainName, FileName=tostring(split(NewProcessName, @'')[(-1)]), ProcessCommandLine = CommandLine, InitiatingProcessFileName=ParentProcessName,InitiatingProcessCommandLine='',InitiatingProcessParentFileName='';
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime) and TimeGenerated < ago(endtime)
| summarize HostCount=dcount(ComputerName) by tostring(FileName)
| join kind=rightanti (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(TimeGenerated), EndTimeUtc = max(TimeGenerated), Computers = makeset(ComputerName) , HostCount=dcount(ComputerName) by tostring(FileName)
) on FileName
| project StartTimeUtc, Computers, HostCount, FileName
| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc