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id: 884c4957-70ea-4f57-80b9-1bca3890315b
name: High count of failed logons by a user
description: |
'Identifies when 100 or more failed attempts by a given user in 10 minutes occur on the IIS Server.
This could be indicative of attempted brute force based on known account information.
This could also simply indicate a misconfigured service or device.
IIS status code mapping -
Win32 Status code mapping -'
severity: Medium
- connectorId: AzureMonitor(IIS)
queryFrequency: 1d
queryPeriod: 1d
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
- CredentialAccess
- T1110
query: |
let timeFrame = 1d;
let timeBin = 10m;
let failedThreshold = 100;
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeFrame)
| where scStatus in ("401","403")
| where csUserName != "-"
// Handling Exchange specific items in IIS logs to remove the unique log identifier in the URI
| extend csUriQuery = iff(csUriQuery startswith "MailboxId=", tostring(split(csUriQuery, "&")[0]) , csUriQuery )
| extend csUriQuery = iff(csUriQuery startswith "X-ARR-CACHE-HIT=", strcat(tostring(split(csUriQuery, "&")[0]),tostring(split(csUriQuery, "&")[1])) , csUriQuery )
| extend scStatusFull = strcat(scStatus, ".",scSubStatus)
// Map common IIS codes
| extend scStatusFull_Friendly = case(
scStatusFull == "401.0", "Access denied.",
scStatusFull == "401.1", "Logon failed.",
scStatusFull == "401.2", "Logon failed due to server configuration.",
scStatusFull == "401.3", "Unauthorized due to ACL on resource.",
scStatusFull == "401.4", "Authorization failed by filter.",
scStatusFull == "401.5", "Authorization failed by ISAPI/CGI application.",
scStatusFull == "403.0", "Forbidden.",
scStatusFull == "403.4", "SSL required.",
"See -")
// Mapping to Hex so can be mapped using website in comments above
| extend scWin32Status_Hex = tohex(tolong(scWin32Status))
// Map common win32 codes
| extend scWin32Status_Friendly = case(
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "775", "The referenced account is currently locked out and cannot be logged on to.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "52e", "Logon failure: Unknown user name or bad password.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "532", "Logon failure: The specified account password has expired.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "533", "Logon failure: Account currently disabled.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "2ee2", "The request has timed out.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "0", "The operation completed successfully.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "1", "Incorrect function.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "2", "The system cannot find the file specified.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "3", "The system cannot find the path specified.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "4", "The system cannot open the file.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "5", "Access is denied.",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "8009030e", "SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS",
scWin32Status_Hex =~ "8009030C", "SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED",
"See -")
// decode URI when available
| extend decodedUriQuery = url_decode(csUriQuery)
// Count of failed logons by a user
| summarize makeset(decodedUriQuery), makeset(cIP), makeset(sSiteName), makeset(sPort), makeset(csUserAgent), makeset(csMethod), makeset(csUriQuery), makeset(scStatusFull), makeset(scStatusFull_Friendly), makeset(scWin32Status_Hex), makeset(scWin32Status_Friendly), FailedConnectionsCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, timeBin), csUserName, Computer, sIP
| where FailedConnectionsCount >= failedThreshold
| project TimeGenerated, csUserName, set_decodedUriQuery, Computer, set_sSiteName, sIP, set_cIP, set_sPort, set_csUserAgent, set_csMethod, set_scStatusFull, set_scStatusFull_Friendly, set_scWin32Status_Hex, set_scWin32Status_Friendly, FailedConnectionsCount
| order by FailedConnectionsCount
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountCustomEntity = csUserName, HostCustomEntity = Computer
- entityType: Account
- identifier: FullName
columnName: AccountCustomEntity
- entityType: Host
- identifier: FullName
columnName: HostCustomEntity