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"query": "Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| summarize Count=count() by DnsQueryTypeName | sort by Count",
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"query": "Cisco_Umbrella\n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where isnotempty(ThreatCategory)\n| extend Threat_Category=parsejson(tostring(ThreatCategory))\n| mv-expand Threat_Category\n| summarize Count=count() by tostring(Threat_Category)\n| sort by Count \n| join kind = inner (\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| where isnotempty(ThreatCategory)\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| extend Threat_Category=parsejson(tostring(ThreatCategory))\n| mv-expand Threat_Category\n| make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by tostring(Threat_Category))\n on Threat_Category\n | project-away Threat_Category1, TimeGenerated\n | project Threat_Category, Count, Trend\n | order by Count\n| take 10",
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"content": {
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"query": "let list_IP = Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"Blocked\"\n|summarize Count=count() by SrcIpAddr | top 10 by Count\n| summarize makelist(SrcIpAddr);\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"Blocked\"\n|summarize Count=count() by SrcIpAddr \n| join kind = inner (\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"Blocked\"\n| where SrcIpAddr in (list_IP)\n| make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by SrcIpAddr)\n on SrcIpAddr\n | project-away SrcIpAddr1, TimeGenerated\n | project SrcIpAddr, Count, Trend\n | order by Count\n| take 10\n\n",
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"name": "DNSTop10SrcIpBlockedAction"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange}\n| where EventType == \"dnslogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"Blocked\"\n| summarize Count=count() by DnsQueryName, UrlCategory \n| top 10 by Count\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "DNS - Top 10 Blocked Url ",
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"name": "DNSTop10BlockedUrl "
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"content": {
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"query": "Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| summarize count() by DvcAction",
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"query": "let CU_proxy_outcoming_traffic =\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| extend TrafficType = \"Outcoming\", Bytes = SrcBytes\n| project TrafficType, Bytes, TimeGenerated;\n\nlet CU_proxy_incoming_traffic =\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| extend TrafficType = \"Incoming\", Bytes = DstBytes\n| project TrafficType, Bytes, TimeGenerated;\n\n\nunion CU_proxy_outcoming_traffic, CU_proxy_incoming_traffic\n| make-series TotalGbytes = round(sum(Bytes/(1024*1024*1024)),2) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by TrafficType\n",
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"size": 0,
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"query": "let list_IP = Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"BLOCKED\"\n|summarize Count=count() by SrcIpAddr | top 10 by Count\n| summarize makelist(SrcIpAddr);\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"BLOCKED\"\n|summarize Count=count() by SrcIpAddr \n| join kind = inner (\nCisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"BLOCKED\"\n| where SrcIpAddr in (list_IP)\n| make-series Trend = count() default = 0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by SrcIpAddr)\n on SrcIpAddr\n | project-away SrcIpAddr1, TimeGenerated\n | project SrcIpAddr, Count, Trend\n | order by Count\n| take 10\n\n",
"size": 0,
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"query": "Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange}\n| where EventType == \"proxylogs\"\n| where DvcAction == \"BLOCKED\"\n| summarize Count=count() by UrlOriginal, UrlCategory \n| top 10 by Count\n",
"size": 0,
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"name": "ProxyTop10BlockedUrl "
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"query": "Cisco_Umbrella\n| where TimeGenerated {TimeRange} \n| where EventType == \"cloudfirewalllogs\"\n| summarize count() by DvcAction",
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