Azure-Sentinel/Solutions/Azure Firewall/Hunting Queries/Azure Firewall - First Time...

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id: 932fe71a-7a8c-4f35-bf88-321ab68ff562
name: First Time Source IP to Destination Using Port
description: |
'Identifies the first time a source IP communicates with a destination using a specific port based on learning period activity.
Configurable Parameters: - Learning period time - learning period for threshold calculation in days. Default is set to 7.'
- connectorId: AzureFirewall
- AzureDiagnostics
- AZFWApplicationRule
- AZFWNetworkRule
- Exfiltration
- CommandAndControl
relevantTechniques: []
query: |
let LearningPeriod = 7d;
let RunTime = 1h;
let StartLearningPeriod = LearningPeriod + RunTime;
let EndRunTime = RunTime - 1d;
let TrafficLogs = (union isfuzzy=true
| where OperationName == "AzureFirewallApplicationRuleLog" or OperationName == "AzureFirewallNetworkRuleLog"
| parse msg_s with * "from " SourceIp ":" SourcePort:int " to " Fqdn ":" DestinationPort:int "." *
| where isnotempty(Fqdn) and isnotempty(SourceIp)),
| extend Fqdn = DestinationIp));
let LearningSrcIpToDstIpPort = (TrafficLogs
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(StartLearningPeriod) .. ago(RunTime))
| summarize LearningSrcToDsts = make_set(Fqdn,10000) by SourceIp, DestinationPort);
let AlertTimeSrcIpToDstIpPort = (TrafficLogs
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(RunTime) .. ago(EndRunTime))
| extend AlertTimeDst = Fqdn
| distinct AlertTimeDst ,SourceIp, DestinationPort);
| join kind=leftouter (LearningSrcIpToDstIpPort) on SourceIp, DestinationPort
| mv-expand LearningSrcToDsts
| where AlertTimeDst != LearningSrcToDsts
| summarize LearningSrcToDsts = make_set(LearningSrcToDsts,10000) by SourceIp, AlertTimeDst, DestinationPort