
189 строки
7.0 KiB

"version": "Notebook/1.0",
"items": [
"type": 1,
"content": {
"json": "## GitHub - Security\n"
"name": "text - 2"
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"content": {
"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
"parameters": [
"id": "a9923eb9-9a02-4a48-bb72-e9be338eeb3b",
"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
"name": "TimeRange",
"type": 4,
"value": {
"durationMs": 1209600000
"typeSettings": {
"selectableValues": [
"durationMs": 300000
"durationMs": 900000
"durationMs": 1800000
"durationMs": 3600000
"durationMs": 14400000
"durationMs": 43200000
"durationMs": 86400000
"durationMs": 172800000
"durationMs": 259200000
"durationMs": 604800000
"durationMs": 1209600000
"durationMs": 2419200000
"durationMs": 2592000000
"durationMs": 5184000000
"durationMs": 7776000000
"resourceType": "microsoft.insights/components"
"style": "pills",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
"name": "parameters - 2"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "GitHub_CL\n| extend TimeGenerated = node_createdAt_t\n| where node_action_s == \"org.add_member\" or node_action_s == \"org.remove_member\"\n| extend MemberName = node_userLogin_s\n| extend Action = iif(node_action_s==\"org.add_member\", \"Added\", \"Removed\")\n| extend Organization = node_organizationName_s\n| extend Permission = node_permission_s\n| sort by TimeGenerated desc\n| project MemberName, Action, Organization, Permission\n",
"size": 1,
"title": "Members Added or Removed",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "membersaddedorremoved"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "GitHub_CL\r\n| extend TimeGenerated = node_createdAt_t\r\n| where node_action_s == \"repo.create\"\r\n| extend RepoName = node_repositoryName_s\r\n| extend Actor = node_actorLogin_s\r\n| extend Private = node_visibility_s\r\n| sort by TimeGenerated desc\r\n| project RepoName, Actor, Private\r\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "Repositories Created",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "repositoriescreated"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "GitHub_CL\r\n| extend TimeGenerated = node_createdAt_t\r\n| where node_action_s == \"team.add_repository\" or node_action_s == \"team.remove_repository\"\r\n| extend Organization = node_organizationName_s\r\n| extend RepoName = node_repositoryName_s\r\n| extend TeamName = node_teamName_s\r\n| extend Action = iif(node_action_s==\"team.add_repository\", \"Added\", \"Removed\")\r\n| sort by TimeGenerated desc\r\n| project Organization, RepoName, TeamName, Action\r\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "Teams Added/Removed Repository",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "teamsaddedremovedtorepository"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "GitHub_CL\r\n| extend TimeGenerated = node_createdAt_t\r\n| where node_action_s == \"repo.access\" and node_operationType_s == \"MODIFY\" and node_visibility_s == \"PUBLIC\"\r\n| extend Organiation = node_organizationName_s\r\n| extend Repo = node_repositoryName_s\r\n| extend Actor = node_actorLogin_s\r\n| sort by TimeGenerated desc\r\n| project Organiation, Repo, Actor\r\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "Private Repos made Public",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "privatereposmadepublic"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "GitHubRepoLogs_CL\r\n| extend TimeGenerated = created_at_t\r\n| where LogType_s == \"Forks\"\r\n| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), name_s",
"size": 0,
"title": "Fork Count by Repoistory over Time",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"visualization": "barchart"
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "query - 6"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "GitHubRepoLogs_CL\r\n| where LogType_s == \"Clones\"\r\n| extend TimeGenerated = timestamp_t\r\n| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Repository_s",
"size": 0,
"title": "Clone count by Repository Over Time",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"visualization": "barchart"
"customWidth": "50",
"name": "query - 7"
"fromTemplateId": "sentinel-GitHubSecurity",
"$schema": ""