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24 строки
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// A dynamic list of domains and TLDs to not bother searching for
let ExcludedDomains = dynamic(["cn","io", "ms", "microsoft.com","google.com"]);
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
| where isnotempty(RemoteUrl)
// A little cleanup just in case
| extend parsedDomain = case(RemoteUrl contains "//", parse_url(RemoteUrl).Host, RemoteUrl)
| extend cleanDomain = split(parsedDomain,"/")[0]
// Split the resultant domain on the "." character. This will give us all of the domain parts, but we're really only interested in the TLD and root domain
| extend splitDomain = split(cleanDomain,".")
// Use just the last two parts of the domain (e.g. "crazyfunnyhats" and "com") as our domain to lookup / return
| extend Domain = tolower(strcat(splitDomain[array_length(splitDomain)-2],".",splitDomain[array_length(splitDomain)-1]))
// Extract just the TLD so we can use it in the exclusions
| extend TLD = splitDomain[array_length(splitDomain)-1]
// Check to see if we're to ignore this domain / TLD
| where TLD !in(ExcludedDomains)
| where Domain !in(ExcludedDomains)
// summarize the results to remove duplicates
| summarize DistinctDomain = dcount(Domain) by Domain
| project Domain
// Join to the already resolved domains with a leftanti (e.g. if already in ResolvedDomains_CL, then ignore)
| join kind=leftanti (ResolvedDomains_CL
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(90d)) on $left.Domain == $right.domainName_s //Uncomment this line after the FIRST run of the Azure Function.