
681 строка
30 KiB

#! /usr/local/bin/python3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script is used to install CEF agent on a linux machine an configure the
# syslog daemon on the linux machine.
# Supported OS:
# 64-bit
# CentOS 7 and 8
# Amazon Linux 2017.09 and Amazon Linux 2
# Oracle Linux 7, 8
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 and 8
# Debian GNU/Linux 8 and 9
# Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS
# SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, 15
# 32-bit
# CentOS 7 and 8
# Oracle Linux 7
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 and 8
# Debian GNU/Linux 8 and 9
# Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS
# For more information please check the OMS-Agent-for-Linux documentation.
# Daemon versions:
# Syslog-ng: 2.1 - 3.22.1
# Rsyslog: v8
import subprocess
import time
import sys
import os
import re
rsyslog_daemon_name = "rsyslog"
syslog_ng_daemon_name = "syslog-ng"
omsagent_file_name = ""
oms_agent_url = "" + omsagent_file_name
help_text = "Optional arguments for the python script are:\n\t-T: for TCP\n\t-U: for UDP which is the default value.\n\t-F: for no facility restrictions.\n\t-p: for changing default port from 25226"
omsagent_default_incoming_port = "25226"
daemon_default_incoming_port = "514"
oms_agent_field_mapping_configuration = '/opt/microsoft/omsagent/plugin/filter_syslog_security.rb'
oms_agent_omsconfig_directory = "/etc/opt/omi/conf/omsconfig/"
oms_agent_extract_ws_id_url = "/etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/"
oms_agent_purge_command = "wget -O && sudo sh --purge"
rsyslog_daemon_forwarding_configuration_path = "/etc/rsyslog.d/security-config-omsagent.conf"
syslog_ng_daemon_forwarding_configuration_path = "/etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/security-config-omsagent.conf"
syslog_ng_source_content = "source s_src { udp( port(514)); tcp( port(514));};"
rsyslog_conf_path = "/etc/rsyslog.conf"
syslog_ng_conf_path = "/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf"
rsyslog_module_udp_content = "# provides UDP syslog reception\nmodule(load=\"imudp\")\ninput(type=\"imudp\" port=\"" + daemon_default_incoming_port + "\")\n"
rsyslog_module_tcp_content = "# provides TCP syslog reception\nmodule(load=\"imtcp\")\ninput(type=\"imtcp\" port=\"" + daemon_default_incoming_port + "\")\n"
rsyslog_old_config_udp_content = "# provides UDP syslog reception\n$ModLoad imudp\n$UDPServerRun " + daemon_default_incoming_port + "\n"
rsyslog_old_config_tcp_content = "# provides TCP syslog reception\n$ModLoad imtcp\n$InputTCPServerRun " + daemon_default_incoming_port + "\n"
syslog_ng_documantation_path = ""
rsyslog_documantation_path = ""
oms_agent_documentation = ""
log_forwarder_deployment_documentation = ""
oms_agent_configuration_url = ""
portal_auto_sync_disable_file = "omshelper_disable"
def print_error(input_str):
Print given text in red color for Error text
:param input_str:
print("\033[1;31;40m" + input_str + "\033[0m")
def print_ok(input_str):
Print given text in green color for Ok text
:param input_str:
print("\033[1;32;40m" + input_str + "\033[0m")
def print_warning(input_str):
Print given text in yellow color for warning text
:param input_str:
print("\033[1;33;40m" + input_str + "\033[0m")
def print_notice(input_str):
Print given text in white background
:param input_str:
print("\033[0;30;47m" + input_str + "\033[0m")
def print_command_response(input_str):
Print given text in green color for Ok text
:param input_str:
print("\033[1;34;40m" + input_str + "\033[0m")
def download_omsagent():
Download omsagent this downloaded file would be installed
:return: True if downloaded successfully
print("Trying to download the omsagent.")
print_notice("wget " + oms_agent_url)
download_command = subprocess.Popen(["wget", "-O", omsagent_file_name, oms_agent_url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = download_command.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not download omsagent.")
return False
print_ok("Downloaded omsagent successfully.")
return True
def handle_error(e, error_response_str):
error_output = e.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
return False
def check_multi_homing(workspace_id):
Check if there is already an agent install and connected to a different worksapce
grep1 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "-ri", "WORKSPACE_ID=", oms_agent_extract_ws_id_url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
grep2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "-v", "%"], stdin=grep1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = grep2.communicate()
output_decoded = o.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
if e is not None:
print_error("Failed to check potential multi homing issue")
elif output_decoded is not None and output_decoded != "":
# Extract the workspace id from the agent configuration
current_ws_id ="(?<=WORKSPACE_ID=).*", output_decoded).group(0)
if current_ws_id != workspace_id:
print_error("This server already has an omsagent installed and connected to a different workspace- {}. \nThe omsagent"
" does not currently support sending data to multiple workspaces (multi-homing).\nIf you wish to overeide this workspace connection"
" please remove the existing omsagent using the command: \"{}\" \nand rerun this installation script"
.format(current_ws_id, oms_agent_purge_command))
print_error("For more on this issue please visit " + oms_agent_documentation)
def install_omsagent(workspace_id, primary_key, oms_agent_install_url):
Installing the downloaded omsagent
:param workspace_id:
:param primary_key:
print("Installing omsagent")
omsagent_proxy_conf = os.getenv('https_proxy')
if omsagent_proxy_conf is not None:
print("Detected https_proxy environment variable set to " + omsagent_proxy_conf)
command_tokens = ["sh", omsagent_file_name, "-w", workspace_id, "-s", primary_key, "-d", oms_agent_install_url, "-p", omsagent_proxy_conf]
command_tokens = ["sh", omsagent_file_name, "-w", workspace_id, "-s", primary_key, "-d", oms_agent_install_url]
print_notice(" ".join(command_tokens))
install_omsagent_command = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = install_omsagent_command.communicate()
# Parsing the agent's installation return code
output_decoded = o.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
return_code =".*Shell bundle exiting with code (\d+)", output_decoded, re.IGNORECASE)
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not install omsagent.")
elif return_code is not None and != '0':
handle_error(o, error_response_str="Error: could not install omsagent.")
print_ok("Installed omsagent successfully.")
return True
def process_check(process_name):
function who check using the ps -ef command if the 'process_name' is running
:param process_name:
:return: True if the process is running else False
p1 = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-ef"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "-i", process_name], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p3 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "-v", "grep"], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = p3.communicate()
tokens = o.decode(encoding='UTF-8').split('\n')
return len(tokens)
def create_daemon_forwarding_configuration(omsagent_incoming_port, daemon_configuration_path, daemon_name):
Create the daemon configuration to forward messages over TCP to the
oms agent
:param omsagent_incoming_port: port for communication between the omsagent the the daemon
:param daemon_configuration_path: path of the configuration file
:param daemon_name: name of the daemon
print("Creating " + daemon_name + " daemon configuration.")
print("Configuration is changed to forward daemon incoming syslog messages into the omsagent.")
print("Every command containing \'CEF\' string will be forwarded.")
file_content = get_daemon_configuration_content(daemon_name, omsagent_incoming_port)
append_content_to_file(file_content, daemon_configuration_path, overide=True)
print_ok("Configuration for " + daemon_name + " daemon was changed successfully.")
return True
def set_omsagent_configuration(workspace_id, omsagent_incoming_port):
Download the omsagent configuration and then change the omsagent incoming port
if required and change the protocol if required
:param workspace_id:
:param omsagent_incoming_port:
:param tcp:
:param udp:
configuration_directory = "/etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/" + workspace_id + "/conf/omsagent.d/"
configuration_path = "/etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/" + workspace_id + "/conf/omsagent.d/security_events.conf"
print("Creating omsagent configuration to listen to syslog daemon forwarding port - " + omsagent_incoming_port)
print("Configuration location is - " + configuration_path)
mkdir_command_tokens = ["sudo", "mkdir", "-p", configuration_directory]
wget_command_tokens = ["sudo", "wget", "-O", configuration_path, oms_agent_configuration_url]
print("Download configuration into the correct directory")
print_notice(" ".join(mkdir_command_tokens))
print_notice(" ".join(wget_command_tokens))
create_omsagent_configuration_directory = subprocess.Popen(mkdir_command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
set_omsagent_configuration_command = subprocess.Popen(wget_command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = create_omsagent_configuration_directory.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not create omsagent configuration directory.")
return False
o, e = set_omsagent_configuration_command.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not download omsagent configuration.")
return False
# set read permissions to the configuration file after downloaded and created
print_ok("Configuration for omsagent downloaded successfully.")
print("Trying to change omsagent configuration")
if omsagent_incoming_port is not omsagent_default_incoming_port:
if change_omsagent_configuration_port(omsagent_incoming_port=omsagent_incoming_port, configuration_path=configuration_path):
print_ok("Incoming port for omsagent was changed to " + omsagent_incoming_port)
print_error("Could not change omsagent incoming port")
if change_omsagent_protocol(configuration_path=configuration_path):
print_ok("Finished changing omsagent configuration")
return True
print_error("Could not change the omsagent configuration")
return False
def is_rsyslog_new_configuration():
with open(rsyslog_conf_path, "rt") as fin:
for line in fin:
if "module(load=" in line:
return True
return False
def set_rsyslog_new_configuration():
with open(rsyslog_conf_path, "rt") as fin:
with open("tmp.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
if "imudp" in line or "imtcp" in line:
# Load configuration line requires 1 replacement
if "load" in line:
fout.write(line.replace("#", "", 1))
# Port configuration line requires 2 replacements
elif "port" in line:
fout.write(line.replace("#", "", 2))
command_tokens = ["sudo", "mv", "tmp.txt", rsyslog_conf_path]
write_new_content = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = write_new_content.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not change Rsyslog.conf configuration in -" + rsyslog_conf_path)
return False
print_ok("Rsyslog.conf configuration was changed to fit required protocol - " + rsyslog_conf_path)
return True
def append_content_to_file(line, file_path, overide = False):
command_tokens = ["sudo", "bash", "-c", "printf '" + "\n" + line + "' >> " + file_path] if not overide else ["sudo", "bash", "-c", "printf '" + "\n" + line + "' > " + file_path]
write_new_content = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = write_new_content.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not change Rsyslog.conf configuration add line \"" + line + "\" to file -" + rsyslog_conf_path)
return False
return True
def set_file_read_permissions(file_path):
:param file_path: the path to change the permissions for
:return: True if successfully added read permissions to other in file otherwise false
command_tokens = ["sudo", "chmod", "o+r", file_path]
change_permissions = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = change_permissions.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not change the permissions for the file -" + file_path)
return False
return True
def check_file_in_directory(file_name, path):
Check if the given file is found in the current directory.
:param path:
:param file_name:
:return: return True if it is found elsewhere False
current_dir = subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-ltrh", path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
grep = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "-i", file_name], stdin=current_dir.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = grep.communicate()
output = o.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
if e is None and file_name in output:
return True
return False
def set_rsyslog_old_configuration():
add_udp = False
add_tcp = False
# Do the configuration lines exist
is_exist_udp_conf = False
is_exist_tcp_conf = False
with open(rsyslog_conf_path, "rt") as fin:
for line in fin:
if "imudp" in line or "UDPServerRun" in line:
is_exist_udp_conf = True
add_udp = True if "#" in line else False
elif "imtcp" in line or "InputTCPServerRun" in line:
is_exist_tcp_conf = True
add_tcp = True if "#" in line else False
if add_udp or not is_exist_udp_conf:
append_content_to_file(rsyslog_old_config_udp_content, rsyslog_conf_path)
if add_tcp or not is_exist_tcp_conf:
append_content_to_file(rsyslog_old_config_tcp_content, rsyslog_conf_path)
print_ok("Rsyslog.conf configuration was changed to fit required protocol - " + rsyslog_conf_path)
return True
def set_rsyslog_configuration():
Set the configuration for rsyslog
we support from version 7 and above
if is_rsyslog_new_configuration():
def change_omsagent_protocol(configuration_path):
Changing the omsagent protocol, since the protocol type is set on the omsagent
configuration file
:param configuration_path:
# if opening this file failed the installation of the oms-agent has failed
fin = open(configuration_path, "rt")
with open("tmp.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
if "protocol_type" in line and "udp" in line:
fout.write(line.replace("udp", "tcp"))
print_notice("Changing protocol type from udp to tcp in "+configuration_path)
print("Line changed: " + line)
except IOError:
print_error("Oms-agent installation has failed please remove oms-agent and try again.")
return False
command_tokens = ["sudo", "mv", "tmp.txt", configuration_path]
write_new_content = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = write_new_content.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not change omsagent configuration port in ." + configuration_path)
return False
# set read permissions to file after recreated with the move command
print_ok("Omsagent configuration was changed to fit required protocol - " + configuration_path)
return True
def change_omsagent_configuration_port(omsagent_incoming_port, configuration_path):
Changing the omsagent configuration port if required
:param omsagent_incoming_port:
:param configuration_path:
with open(configuration_path, "rt") as fin:
with open("tmp.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
fout.write(line.replace(omsagent_default_incoming_port, omsagent_incoming_port))
command_tokens = ["sudo", "mv", "tmp.txt", configuration_path]
write_new_content = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = write_new_content.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not change omsagent configuration port in ." + configuration_path)
return False
# set read permissions to file after recreated with the move command
print_ok("Omsagent incoming port was changed in configuration - " + configuration_path)
return True
def check_syslog_computer_field_mapping(workspace_id):
Checking if the OMS agent maps the Computer field correctly:
:return: True if the mapping configuration is correct, false otherwise
grep = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "-i", "'Host' => record\['host'\]",
oms_agent_field_mapping_configuration], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = grep.communicate()
if not o:
print_warning("Warning: Current content of the omsagent syslog filter mapping configuration doesn't map the"
" Computer field from your hostname.\nTo enable the Computer field mapping, please run: \n"
"\"sed -i -e \"/'Severity' => tags\[tags.size - 1\]/ a \ \\t 'Host' => record['host']\""
" -e \"s/'Severity' => tags\[tags.size - 1\]/&,/\" " + oms_agent_field_mapping_configuration +
" && sudo /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart " + workspace_id + "\"")
return False
print_ok("OMS Agent syslog field mapping is correct \n")
return True
def restart_rsyslog():
Restart the Rsyslog daemon
print("Restarting rsyslog daemon.")
command_tokens = ["sudo", "service", "rsyslog", "restart"]
print_notice(" ".join(command_tokens))
restart_rsyslog_command = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = restart_rsyslog_command.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Could not restart rsyslog daemon")
return False
print_ok("Rsyslog daemon restarted successfully")
return True
def restart_syslog_ng():
Restart the syslog-ng daemon
print("Restarting syslog-ng daemon.")
command_tokens = ["sudo", "service", "syslog-ng", "restart"]
print_notice(" ".join(command_tokens))
restart_rsyslog_command = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = restart_rsyslog_command.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Could not restart syslog-ng daemon")
return False
print_ok("Syslog-ng daemon restarted successfully")
return True
def restart_omsagent(workspace_id):
Restart the omsagent
:param workspace_id:
print("Trying to restart omsagent")
command_tokens = ["sudo", "/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control", "restart", workspace_id]
print_notice(" ".join(command_tokens))
restart_omsagent_command = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = restart_omsagent_command.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not restart omsagent")
return False
print_ok("Omsagent restarted successfully")
return True
def get_daemon_configuration_content(daemon_name, omsagent_incoming_port):
Return the correct configuration according to the daemon name
:param daemon_name:
:param omsagent_incoming_port:
if daemon_name is rsyslog_daemon_name:
return get_rsyslog_daemon_configuration_content(omsagent_incoming_port)
elif daemon_name is syslog_ng_daemon_name:
return get_syslog_ng_damon_configuration_content(omsagent_incoming_port)
print_error("Could not create daemon configuration.")
return False
def get_rsyslog_daemon_configuration_content(omsagent_incoming_port):
'''Rsyslog accept every message containing CEF or ASA(for Cisco ASA'''
rsyslog_daemon_configuration_content = "if $rawmsg contains \"CEF:\" or $rawmsg contains \"ASA-\"" \
" then @@"+ omsagent_incoming_port
print("Rsyslog daemon configuration content:")
content = rsyslog_daemon_configuration_content
return content
def get_syslog_ng_damon_configuration_content(omsagent_incoming_port):
# we can sepcify the part searched with MESSAGE or MSGHDR (for the header) "filter f_oms_filter {match(\"CEF\" value(\"MESSAGE\"));};\n"
oms_filter = "filter f_oms_filter {match(\"CEF\|ASA\" ) ;};"
oms_destination = "destination oms_destination {tcp(\"\" port(" + omsagent_incoming_port + "));};\n"
log = "log {source(s_src);filter(f_oms_filter);destination(oms_destination);};\n"
content = oms_filter + oms_destination + log
print("Syslog-ng configuration for forwarding CEF messages to omsagent content is:")
return content
def is_rsyslog():
Returns True if the daemon is 'Rsyslog'
# Meaning ps -ef | grep "daemon name" has returned more then the grep result
return process_check(rsyslog_daemon_name) > 0
def is_syslog_ng():
Returns True if the daemon is 'Syslogng'
# Meaning ps -ef | grep "daemon name" has returned more then the grep result
return process_check(syslog_ng_daemon_name) > 0
def set_syslog_ng_configuration():
syslog ng have a default configuration which enables the incoming ports and define
the source pipe to the daemon this will verify it is configured correctly
comment_line = False
snet_found = False
with open(syslog_ng_conf_path, "rt") as fin:
with open("tmp.txt", "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
# fount snet
if "s_net" in line and not "#":
snet_found = True
# found source that is not s_net - should remove it
elif "source" in line and "#" not in line and "s_net" not in line and "log" not in line:
comment_line = True
# if starting a new definition stop commenting
elif comment_line is True and "#" not in line and ("source" in line or "destination" in line or "filter" in line or "log" in line):
# stop commenting out
comment_line = False
# write line correctly
fout.write(line if not comment_line else ("#" + line))
command_tokens = ["sudo", "mv", "tmp.txt", syslog_ng_conf_path]
write_new_content = subprocess.Popen(command_tokens, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o, e = write_new_content.communicate()
if e is not None:
handle_error(e, error_response_str="Error: could not change Rsyslog.conf configuration in -" + syslog_ng_conf_path)
return False
if not snet_found:
append_content_to_file(line=syslog_ng_source_content, file_path=syslog_ng_conf_path)
print_ok("Rsyslog.conf configuration was changed to fit required protocol - " + syslog_ng_conf_path)
return True
def check_portal_auto_sync():
if check_file_in_directory(portal_auto_sync_disable_file, oms_agent_omsconfig_directory):
print_ok("No auto sync with the portal")
return False
print_warning("\nYour machine is auto synced with the portal. In case you are using the same machine to forward both plain Syslog and CEF messages, "
"please make sure to manually change the Syslog configuration file to avoid duplicated data and disable "
"the auto sync with the portal. Otherwise all changes will be overwritten.")
print_warning("To disable the auto sync with the portal please run: \"sudo su omsagent -c 'python /opt/microsoft/omsconfig/Scripts/ --disable'\"")
print_warning("For more on how to avoid duplicated syslog and CEF logs please visit: " + log_forwarder_deployment_documentation)
return True
def print_full_disk_warning():
Warn from potential full disk issues that can be caused by the daemon running on the machine.
The function points the user to the relevant documentation according to his daemon type.
warn_message = "\nWarning: please make sure your logging daemon configuration does not store unnecessary logs. " \
"This may cause a full disk on your machine, which will disrupt the function of the oms agent installed." \
" For more information:"
if process_check(rsyslog_daemon_name):
if process_check(syslog_ng_daemon_name):
print_warning(warn_message + '\n' + rsyslog_documantation_path + '\n' + syslog_ng_documantation_path)
print_warning(warn_message + '\n' + rsyslog_documantation_path)
elif process_check(syslog_ng_daemon_name):
print_warning(warn_message + '\n' + syslog_ng_documantation_path)
print_warning("No daemon was found on the machine")
def main():
omsagent_incoming_port = omsagent_default_incoming_port
port_argument = False
oms_agent_install_url = ""
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print_error("Error: The installation script is expecting 2 arguments:")
print_error("\t1) workspace id")
print_error("\t2) primary key")
workspace_id = sys.argv[1]
primary_key = sys.argv[2]
print("Workspace ID: " + workspace_id)
print("Primary key: " + primary_key)
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
for index in range(3, len(sys.argv)):
if "-FF" in sys.argv[index]:
oms_agent_install_url = ""
elif "-p" in sys.argv[index]:
port_argument = True
elif "-d" in sys.argv[index]:
oms_agent_install_url = sys.argv[index+1]
elif port_argument:
omsagent_incoming_port = sys.argv[index]
print_notice("Notice: omsagent incoming port was changed to " + sys.argv[index])
port_argument = False
elif "-help" in sys.argv[index]:
if download_omsagent() and install_omsagent(workspace_id=workspace_id, primary_key=primary_key, oms_agent_install_url=oms_agent_install_url):
# if setting oms agent configuration has failed we need to stop the script
if not set_omsagent_configuration(workspace_id=workspace_id, omsagent_incoming_port=omsagent_incoming_port):
if is_rsyslog():
print("Located rsyslog daemon running on the machine")
elif is_syslog_ng():
print("Located syslog-ng daemon running on the machine")
print_ok("Installation completed")