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"json": "#### Tab One. Malicious IP \r\nThis report can get data from a number of sources (six are defined in this release) to show the distance from the Malicious IP addresses to a selected users default location. \r\nYou may see an error if one or more data sources are missing. There will be no entries if *all* sources are missing - there is a warning dialog box displayed if this happens.\r\nThis is a similar view to the one shown on the Summary page of Azure Sentinel, but this is showing distance data as well.\r\nThere are three options to aid filtering:\r\n1. Select a Location from a list (for that you will have to edit this workbook and amend the \"CityList\" parameter if you require changes to the capital cities I have provided). Please save the JSON of any co-ordinates you add, as you will need to add them back if you ever update the workbook to a newer version. This is useful if you have some office locations or important places that you wish to add.\r\n2. Select from Azure Active Directory (AAD), if the SigninLogs table exists, this will populate from the latest record, a entry per City /( Country ) with Longitude and Latitude data.\r\n3. Enter a Latitude and Longitude of your choice, and a label to describe the location. \r\nYou may also select to show the data in Kilometers (KM) or Miles. You can also set how many locations to show, 5, 10, 20 etc...\r\n4. Use a Watchlist. Create a Watchlist. The csv file, needs a row with three columns Long, Lat, City (City will be the searchkey). You must set the Watchlist Alias to **userMapCityList**\r\n\r\n|Long|Lat|City|\r\n|---|---|---|\r\n|51.507351\t|-0.127758\t|London|\r\n|48.856613\t|2.352222\t|Paris|\r\n| etc...\r\n\r\n\r\nDatasources: WireData, VMconnection, CommonSecurityLog, WindowsFirewall, W3CIISLog and DnsEvents \r\n\t\t\t Note: SigninLogs is required to build the AAD list, if you dont have this critical datasource, please use options #1 or #3.\r\n\r\n#### Tab two. Locations and distances (User Data)\r\nInformation using Azure Active Directory (AAD) Signinlogs data, this shows user Signin Locations and distance between as well as order visited (you select a User from dropdown options, ordered by their signin count). \r\n\r\nDatasources:SigninLogs\r\n\r\n#### Tab three. Microsoft WAF \r\nShow Azure Front door and Application Gateway Web Application Firewall \r\n\r\nDatasources: AzureDiagnostics\r\n",
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"json": "### Change Log\r\n|Version|Description|\r\n|---|---|\r\n|v1.0\t|Initial Version|\r\n|V1.1.0\t|Updated from 2019 version, combining new features and improving the look and feel. | \r\n|V1.1.1\t|Updated chart to display Location, Latitude, Longitude when a region is clicked| \r\n|V1.2\t|Added info when you select a region on the 'Map showing locations for User', fixed a time display message. Added dwell time (the time delay between the entries), in the \"looking for\" grid to augment the distance travelled.|\r\n|V1.3| Add support for a drop down warning, and UserMap user selection options (user by count, User by first Letter & free text search) |\r\n|V1.4\t| Add GeoLocation api from Microsoft. Add a watchlist alias == userMapCityList|"
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"label": "Location - custom list",
"type": 2,
"description": "Edit this parameter to provide your own locations - please see Help",
"isRequired": true,
"value": "-33.865143,151.209900",
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"jsonData": "[\r\n{ \"value\": \"51.507351,-0.127758\" ,\"label\": \"London\"},\r\n{ \"value\": \"48.856613,2.352222\" ,\"label\": \"Paris\"},\r\n{ \"value\": \"40.712776,-74.005974\",\"label\": \"New York\"},\r\n{ \"value\": \"47.608013,-122.335167\",\"label\": \"Seattle\"},\r\n{ \"value\": \"41.881832,-87.623177\",\"label\": \"Chicago\"},\r\n{ \"value\": \"-33.865143,151.209900\",\"label\": \"Sydney\"}\r\n]"
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"type": 2,
"description": "Locations found in AAD",
"isRequired": true,
"query": "SigninLogs\r\n| where UserDisplayName !=\"On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account\"\r\n| extend city_ = tostring(LocationDetails.city) \r\n| extend latitude_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).latitude) \r\n| extend longitude_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).longitude) \r\n| summarize count(), arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by city_\r\n| where isnotempty(city_)\r\n| distinct city_ , count_, latitude_, longitude_, Location\r\n| extend city_ = strcat(city_,\" (\", Location ,\")\")\r\n| project label = strcat(city_,\",\",latitude_,\",\",longitude_), value = city_\r\n| order by label asc\r\n",
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"type": 6,
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"query": "Resources \r\n| where type =~ \"microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces\" \r\n| order by name \r\n| project id, name, selected=row_number()==1, group=resourceGroup",
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"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
"name": "watchList",
"label": "watchList City",
"type": 2,
"description": "Watchlist alias: userMapCityList required, please see Help",
"query": "let wl_ = _GetWatchlist('userMapCityList');\r\nlet Long = dynamic(['']);\r\nlet Lat = dynamic(['']);\r\nlet SearchKey = dynamic(['']);\r\nwl_ \r\n| order by SearchKey asc\r\n| extend a = iif(isnotempty(SearchKey),1,0)\r\n| project value=strcat(Long,',', Lat), display=SearchKey, selected=row_number()==1",
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"content": {
"json": "### Please select a Location, or confirm data source: SigninLogs exists\r\n\tif there are no values you may not have the [SigninLogs] table in this workspace.\r\nPlease use a Location Selection of:\r\n\r\n\tFrom a List\r\nor\r\n\r\n\tAdd a manual entry\r\nor\r\n\r\n\tFrom a Watchlist called userMapCityList\r\n",
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"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
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"criteriaContext": {
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"resultValType": "static",
"resultVal": "Microsoft Campus, Reading (UK)"
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"type": 1,
"query": " // create a common location for chart titles\r\n extend locationName = case( \r\n '{getLocation}' == 'mylist', '{defaultCityList}',\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'aad' , '{defaultCityListAAD}',\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'manual', '{defaultLocationName}',\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'watchlist', '{watchList:label}',\r\n //else\r\n \"fail\"\r\n )\r\n|project locationName | limit 1",
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"resourceType": "microsoft.resourcegraph/resources"
"name": "parameters - common Location Name"
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"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "// Look back at data and see if any from six named tables have Malicious IP info \r\n// This query is based on the Sentinel home page \"Potential malicious events\" view \r\n// We'll also enrich the data with distance data (in KM or miles) of each entry to defined home location \r\n//\r\n// Please enter how many days worth of data to look at?\r\n// Microsoft Campus UK is used as a base parameter - adjust as required with your own Location Longitude / Latitude \r\n// isFuzzy will allow us to continue on errors or if a table is empty etc...\r\nunion isfuzzy=true \r\n(W3CIISLog\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = \"InboundOrUnknown\", Country=RemoteIPCountry, Latitude=RemoteIPLatitude, Longitude=RemoteIPLongitude), \r\n(DnsEvents\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = \"InboundOrUnknown\", Country= RemoteIPCountry, Latitude = RemoteIPLatitude, Longitude = RemoteIPLongitude),\r\n(WireData\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(Direction != \"Outbound\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=RemoteIPCountry, Latitude=RemoteIPLatitude, Longitude=RemoteIPLongitude), \r\n(WindowsFirewall\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(CommunicationDirection != \"SEND\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=MaliciousIPCountry, Latitude=MaliciousIPLatitude, Longitude=MaliciousIPLongitude), \r\n(CommonSecurityLog\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(CommunicationDirection != \"Outbound\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=MaliciousIPCountry, Latitude=MaliciousIPLatitude, Longitude=MaliciousIPLongitude, Confidence=ThreatDescription, Description=ThreatDescription), \r\n(VMConnection\r\n| where Type == \"VMConnection\"\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(Direction != \"outbound\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=RemoteCountry, Latitude=RemoteLatitude, Longitude=RemoteLongitude)\r\n// Start of main logic\r\n// Supply a default location (long/lat) from selected parameter \r\n| extend myLatitude = case( \r\n '{getLocation}' == 'mylist', todouble(split('{CityList:value}',\",\").[0]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'aad' , todouble(split('{defaultCityListAAD:value}',\",\").[1]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'manual', todouble({Latitude}),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'watchlist', split('{watchList:value}',\",\").[1],\r\n //else\r\n todouble(0)\r\n )\r\n| extend myLongitude = case( \r\n '{getLocation}' == 'mylist', todouble(split('{CityList:value}',\",\").[1]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'aad' , todouble(split('{defaultCityListAAD:value}',\",\").[2]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'manual', todouble({Longitude}),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'watchlist', split('{watchList:value}',\",\").[0],\r\n //else\r\n todouble(0)\r\n )\r\n| where isnotempty(MaliciousIP) and isnotempty(Country) and isnotempty(Latitude) and isnotempty(Longitude)\r\n// measure the distance between the base/city and maliciousIP location in km or miles\r\n| extend distance_in = iif('{Measurement}' == \"KM\", geo_distance_2points(Longitude, Latitude, myLongitude, myLatitude)/1000.00, geo_distance_2points(Longitude, Latitude, myLongitude, myLatitude)/1609.344 )\r\n| summarize count(), arg_max(TimeGenerated,TimeGenerated) by Country, distance_in, Latitude , Longitude, '{getLocation}', myLatitude, myLongitude\r\n| top {Top} by count_\r\n\r\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "Top: '{Top}' Malicious IP distances from {locationName} in ('{Measurement}') ",
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"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "extend a = parse_json('{Selected}')\r\n| project ['region']=a.regionName, ['latitude']=a.latitude, ['longitude']=a.longitude\r\n| limit 1",
"size": 4,
"title": "Please select a map region for more details",
"noDataMessage": "Please click on a map region ",
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"query": "// Show a summary of the map data \r\nunion isfuzzy=true \r\n(W3CIISLog\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = \"InboundOrUnknown\", Country=RemoteIPCountry, Latitude=RemoteIPLatitude, Longitude=RemoteIPLongitude), \r\n(DnsEvents\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = \"InboundOrUnknown\", Country= RemoteIPCountry, Latitude = RemoteIPLatitude, Longitude = RemoteIPLongitude),\r\n(WireData\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(Direction != \"Outbound\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=RemoteIPCountry, Latitude=RemoteIPLatitude, Longitude=RemoteIPLongitude), \r\n(WindowsFirewall\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(CommunicationDirection != \"SEND\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=MaliciousIPCountry, Latitude=MaliciousIPLatitude, Longitude=MaliciousIPLongitude), \r\n(CommonSecurityLog\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(CommunicationDirection != \"Outbound\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=MaliciousIPCountry, Latitude=MaliciousIPLatitude, Longitude=MaliciousIPLongitude, Confidence=ThreatDescription, Description=ThreatDescription), \r\n(VMConnection\r\n| where Type == \"VMConnection\"\r\n| extend TrafficDirection = iff(Direction != \"outbound\",\"InboundOrUnknown\", \"Outbound\"), Country=RemoteCountry, Latitude=RemoteLatitude, Longitude=RemoteLongitude)\r\n// Start of main logic\r\n// Supply a default location (long/lat)\r\n| extend myLatitude = case( \r\n '{getLocation}' == 'mylist', todouble(split('{CityList:value}',\",\").[0]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'aad' , todouble(split('{defaultCityListAAD:value}',\",\").[1]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'manual', todouble({Latitude}),\r\n //else\r\n todouble(0)\r\n )\r\n| extend myLongitude = case( \r\n '{getLocation}' == 'mylist', todouble(split('{CityList:value}',\",\").[1]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'aad' , todouble(split('{defaultCityListAAD:value}',\",\").[2]),\r\n '{getLocation}' == 'manual', todouble({Longitude}),\r\n //else\r\n todouble(0)\r\n ) \r\n| where isnotempty(MaliciousIP) and isnotempty(Country) and isnotempty(Latitude) and isnotempty(Longitude)\r\n// measure the distance between the base/city and maliciousIP location in km or miles\r\n| extend distance_in = iif('{Measurement}' == \"KM\", geo_distance_2points(Longitude, Latitude, myLongitude, myLatitude)/1000.00, geo_distance_2points(Longitude, Latitude, myLongitude, myLatitude)/1609.344 )\r\n| summarize count(), arg_max(TimeGenerated,TimeGenerated) by Country, \r\n distance_in,Latitude, Longitude, toggle='{getLocation}', myLatitude, myLongitude\r\n| top {Top} by count_\r\n| order by distance_in desc\r\n\r\n",
"size": 1,
"showAnalytics": true,
"title": "Top: '{Top}' Malicious IP distances from {locationName} in ('{Measurement}') ",
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"label": "Destination Latitude"
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"label": "Destination Longitude"
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"columnId": "myLongitude",
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"jsonData": "[\r\n {\"value\": \"name\", \"label\": \"Select User by Name\", \"selected\":true },\r\n {\"value\": \"letter\", \"label\": \"Select User by letter\"},\r\n {\"value\": \"free\", \"label\": \"Select User using free text search\"}\r\n]",
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"isRequired": true,
"query": "SigninLogs\r\n| where isnotempty(UserDisplayName) and UserDisplayName !=\"On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account\"\r\n| distinct UserDisplayName\r\n| summarize Count = strcat(count(),\" of 1000\")",
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"type": 1,
"description": "Enter a free text search for a User Name ",
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"id": "38ee7b13-de6b-48da-a98f-0ae75ae0517e",
"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
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"label": "Matched User(s)",
"type": 2,
"query": "SigninLogs\r\n| where UserDisplayName contains '{SelectUserFree}'\r\n| distinct UserDisplayName\r\n| project UserDisplayName \r\n| order by UserDisplayName asc",
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"label": "How many unique Users?",
"type": 10,
"description": "1000 users max are shown",
"isRequired": true,
"query": "SigninLogs\r\n| where UserDisplayName contains '{SelectUserFree}'\r\n| distinct UserDisplayName\r\n| summarize Count = strcat(count(),\" of 1000\")",
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"name": "SelectUser",
"type": 1,
"description": "Only shows user from name or letter parameter - depending on Toggle",
"query": "SigninLogs\r\n| extend SelectUser = case( '{Select}' == \"name\" , '{SelectUserName}',\r\n '{Select}' == \"letter\" , '{SelectUserLetter}',\r\n '{Select}' == \"free\" , '{SelectUserwithin}',\r\n // else\r\n \"error\"\r\n )\r\n| limit 1\r\n| project SelectUser",
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"name": "parameters - 12"
"type": 1,
"content": {
"json": "### Missing Input data Warning: diagnostics\r\n\r\nUser Name displayed, from the selected parameter: \r\n## {SelectUser}\r\n\r\n|Parameter|Value detected|\r\n|---|---|\r\n|Name|{SelectUserName}|\r\n|Letter|{SelectUserLetter}|\r\n|Free|{SelectUserFree}|"
"conditionalVisibility": {
"parameterName": "SelectUser",
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"name": "text - 6"
"type": 3,
"content": {
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"query": "SigninLogs\r\n| where UserDisplayName !=\"On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account\"\r\n| where UserDisplayName == '{SelectUser}'\r\n| extend city_ = tostring(LocationDetails.city) \r\n| extend state_ = tostring(LocationDetails.state) \r\n| extend countryOrRegion_ = tostring(LocationDetails.countryOrRegion) \r\n| extend latitude_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).latitude) \r\n| extend longitude_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).longitude) \r\n| order by TimeGenerated asc , city_ asc\r\n| serialize \r\n| extend pLat = prev(latitude_,1)\r\n| extend pLon = prev(longitude_,1)\r\n| extend distanceType = iif('{Measurement}' == \"KM\", todouble(1000), todouble(1609.344))\r\n| extend distance_in = iif(row_number() > 1,tostring(round(geo_distance_2points(todouble(longitude_), todouble(latitude_), todouble(pLon), todouble(pLat))/distanceType ,2)),\"FirstLocation\")\r\n| where distance_in !=\"0.0\"\r\n| summarize by bin(TimeGenerated, {TimeRange:grain}),\r\n UserDisplayName,\r\n City=city_ ,\r\n CountryorRegion=countryOrRegion_, \r\n visitedInThisOrder = row_number(),\r\n distanceTravelled = distance_in,\r\n distanceTravelled2 = strcat(distance_in,' ','{Measurement}'),\r\n latitude_,\r\n longitude_\r\n| order by TimeGenerated asc, visitedInThisOrder asc",
"size": 0,
"showAnalytics": true,
"title": "Map showing locations for user: '{SelectUser}'",
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"name": "query - 6 - Copy - Copy"
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"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "extend a = parse_json('{SelectedUsers}')\r\n| project ['User']='{SelectUser}', ['region']=a.regionName, ['latitude']=a.latitude, ['longitude']=a.longitude\r\n| limit 1",
"size": 4,
"title": "Please select a map region for more details",
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"title": "Looking for '{SelectUser}' - click a row for more IP detail",
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"name": "query - get User details"
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"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "{\"version\":\"ARMEndpoint/1.0\",\"data\":null,\"headers\":[],\"method\":\"GET\",\"path\":\"/subscriptions/{Workspace:subscriptionid}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/enrichment/ip/geodata/?ipaddress={ipAddress}&api-version=2021-09-01-preview\",\"urlParams\":[],\"batchDisabled\":false,\"transformers\":[{\"type\":\"jsonpath\",\"settings\":{\"tablePath\":\"$\",\"columns\":[]}}]}",
"size": 4,
"title": "🖧 Lookup IP Address: {ipAddress} from Microsoft geoLocation api",
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"name": "query - geoLocation api"
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