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49 строки
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id: a67834b0-3359-40be-bf11-71faac93b509
name: Dormant User Update MFA and Logs In
description: |
'This querys look for users accounts that have not been successfully logged into recently, who then have a MFA method added or updated before logging in.
Threat actors may look to re-activate dormant accounts and use them for access by adding MFA methods in the hope that changes to such dormant accounts may go un-noticed.'
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- SigninLogs
- AuditLogs
- Persistence
- T1098
query: |
let starttime = todatetime('{{StartTimeISO}}');
let endtime = todatetime('{{EndTimeISO}}');
let lookback = endtime - 14d;
let active_users = (
| where TimeGenerated between(lookback..starttime)
| where ResultType == 0
| extend UserPrincipalName == tolower(UserPrincipalName)
| summarize by UserId);
| where TimeGenerated between(starttime..endtime)
// Get users where they added MFA
| where OperationName =~ "User registered security info"
| extend TargetUser = tolower(tostring(TargetResources[0].userPrincipalName))
| extend UserId = tostring(TargetResources[0].id)
// Check and see if this activity was from a user who is considered not active
| where UserId !in (active_users)
// Further reduce FP by just looking at users who have successfully logged in recently as well (avoiding hits for users adding MFA but not actually logging in)
| join kind=inner (SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated between(starttime..endtime) | where ResultType == 0 | summarize max(TimeGenerated), make_set(IPAddress), make_set(UserAgent), make_set(LocationDetails) by UserPrincipalName, UserId
) on UserId
| extend LogonLocation = set_LocationDetails[0], LogonUserAgent = set_UserAgent[0], LogonIP = set_IPAddress[0]
| project-rename MostRecentLogon = max_TimeGenerated
| project-reorder TimeGenerated, TargetUser, OperationName, ResultDescription, MostRecentLogon, LogonUserAgent, LogonLocation, LogonIP
| extend AccountCustomEntity = TargetUser, IPCustomEntity = LogonIP
- entityType: Account
- identifier: FullName
columnName: AccountCustomEntity
- entityType: IP
- identifier: Address
columnName: IPCustomEntity