Azure-Sentinel/Hunting Queries/MultipleDataSources/PotentialMicrosoftSecurityS...

98 строки
6.8 KiB

id: e10e1d2f-265d-4d90-9037-7f3a6ed8a91e
name: Potential Microsoft security services tampering
description: |
'Identifies potential tampering related to Microsoft security related products and services.'
- connectorId: SecurityEvents
- SecurityEvent
- connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
- DeviceProcessEvents
- connectorId: WindowsSecurityEvents
- SecurityEvents
- connectorId: WindowsForwardedEvents
- WindowsEvent
- DefenseEvasion
- T1562.001
- Solorigate
query: |
let includeProc = dynamic(["sc.exe","net1.exe","net.exe", "taskkill.exe", "cmd.exe", "powershell.exe"]);
let action = dynamic(["stop","disable", "delete"]);
let service1 = dynamic(['sense', 'windefend', 'mssecflt']);
let service2 = dynamic(['sense', 'windefend', 'mssecflt', 'healthservice']);
let params1 = dynamic(["-DisableRealtimeMonitoring", "-DisableBehaviorMonitoring" ,"-DisableIOAVProtection"]);
let params2 = dynamic(["sgrmbroker.exe", "mssense.exe"]);
let regparams1 = dynamic(['reg add "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Advanced Threat Protection"']);
let regparams2 = dynamic(['ForceDefenderPassiveMode', 'DisableAntiSpyware']);
let regparams3 = dynamic(['sense', 'windefend']);
let regparams4 = dynamic(['demand', 'disabled']);
let regparams5 = dynamic(['reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\HealthService"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Sense"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WinDefend"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MsSecFlt"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\DiagTrack"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SgrmBroker"', 'reg add "HKLMSYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SgrmAgent"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\AATPSensorUpdater"' , 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\AATPSensor"', 'reg add "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\mpssvc"']);
let regparams6 = dynamic(['/d 4','/d "4"','/d 0x00000004']);
let regparams7 = dynamic(['/d 1','/d "1"','/d 0x00000001']);
(union isfuzzy=true
| where EventID == 4688
| extend ProcessName = tostring(split(NewProcessName, '\\')[-1])
| where ProcessName in~ (includeProc)
| where (CommandLine has_any (action) and CommandLine has_any (service1))
or (CommandLine has_any (params1) and CommandLine has 'Set-MpPreference' and CommandLine has '$true')
or (CommandLine has_any (params2) and CommandLine has "/IM")
or (CommandLine has_any (regparams5) and CommandLine has 'Start' and CommandLine has_any (regparams6))
or (CommandLine has_any (regparams1) and CommandLine has_any (regparams2) and CommandLine has_any (regparams7))
or (CommandLine has "start" and CommandLine has "config" and CommandLine has_any (regparams3) and CommandLine has_any (regparams4))
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, AccountDomain, ProcessName, ProcessNameFullPath = NewProcessName, EventID, Activity, CommandLine, EventSourceName, Type
| where EventID == 4688 and EventData has_any(includeProc)
| where (EventData has_any (action) and EventData has_any (service1))
or (EventData has_any (params1) and EventData has 'Set-MpPreference' and EventData has '$true')
or (EventData has_any (params2) and EventData has "/IM")
or (EventData has_any (regparams5) and EventData has 'Start' and EventData has_any (regparams6))
or (EventData has_any (regparams1) and EventData has_any (regparams2) and EventData has_any (regparams7))
or (EventData has "start" and EventData has "config" and EventData has_any (regparams3) and EventData has_any (regparams4))
| extend NewProcessName = tostring(EventData.NewProcessName)
| extend ProcessName = tostring(split(NewProcessName, '\\')[-1])
| where ProcessName in~ (includeProc)
| extend CommandLine = tostring(EventData.CommandLine)
| where (CommandLine has_any (action) and CommandLine has_any (service1))
or (CommandLine has_any (params1) and CommandLine has 'Set-MpPreference' and CommandLine has '$true')
or (CommandLine has_any (params2) and CommandLine has "/IM")
or (CommandLine has_any (regparams5) and CommandLine has 'Start' and CommandLine has_any (regparams6))
or (CommandLine has_any (regparams1) and CommandLine has_any (regparams2) and CommandLine has_any (regparams7))
or (CommandLine has "start" and CommandLine has "config" and CommandLine has_any (regparams3) and CommandLine has_any (regparams4))
| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),"\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))
| extend AccountDomain = tostring(EventData.AccountDomain)
| extend Activity="4688 - A new process has been created."
| extend EventSourceName=Provider
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, AccountDomain, ProcessName, ProcessNameFullPath = NewProcessName, EventID, Activity, CommandLine, EventSourceName, Type
| where Source =~ "Microsoft-Windows-SENSE"
| where EventID == 87 and ParameterXml in ("<Param>sgrmbroker</Param>", "<Param>WinDefend</Param>")
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account = UserName, EventID, Activity = RenderedDescription, EventSourceName = Source, Type
| where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ (includeProc)
| where (InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any(action) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (service2) and InitiatingProcessParentFileName != 'cscript.exe')
or (InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (params1) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has 'Set-MpPreference' and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has '$true')
or (InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (params2) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has "/IM")
or ( InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams5) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has 'Start' and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams6))
or (InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams1) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams2) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams7))
or (InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any("start") and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has "config" and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams3) and InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any (regparams4))
| extend Account = iff(isnotempty(InitiatingProcessAccountUpn), InitiatingProcessAccountUpn, InitiatingProcessAccountName), Computer = DeviceName
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, AccountDomain, ProcessName = InitiatingProcessFileName, ProcessNameFullPath = FolderPath, Activity = ActionType, CommandLine = InitiatingProcessCommandLine, Type, InitiatingProcessParentFileName
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = Computer