Azure-Sentinel/DataConnectors/O365 Data
Pete Bryan d557cd6c07 Zoom Queries 2020-04-24 15:21:32 -07:00
O365APItoAS-Template fix minor bug in O365 Function 2020-03-31 09:52:38 -04:00 adding ARM to O365 Function 2020-04-18 16:51:30 -04:00
azuredeploy.json Zoom Queries 2020-04-24 15:21:32 -07:00
azuredeploy.parameters.json adding ARM to O365 Function 2020-04-18 16:51:30 -04:00
azuredeploy2.json adding ARM to O365 Function 2020-04-18 16:51:30 -04:00 adding ARM to O365 Function 2020-04-18 16:51:30 -04:00

Deploy Function App for getting Office 365 Management API data into Azure Sentinel

This function app will poll O365 Activity Managment API every 5 mins for logs. It is designed to get Audit.General and DLP.All events.

Deployment and Configuration

Add AAD App Permissions

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory / App Registrations
  2. Create +New Registration
  3. Call it "O365APItoAzureSentinel". Click Register.
  4. Click API Permissions Blade.
  5. Click Add a Permission.
  6. Click Office 365 Management APIs.
  7. Click Appplication Permissions
  8. Check all permissions for each category. Click Add permissions.
  9. Click grant admin consent for
  10. Click Certificates and Secrets
  11. Click New Client Secret
  12. Enter a description, select never. Click Add.
  13. IMPORTANT. Click copy next to the new secret and paste it somewhere temporaily. You can not come back to get the secret once you leave the blade.
  14. Copy the client Id from the application properties and paste it somewhere.
  15. Also copy the tenant Id from the AAD directory properties blade.

Create O365 API Subscription

  1. Open Powershell
  2. Run the following commands
$ClientID = "<GUID> from AAD App Registration"
$ClientSecret = "<clientSecret> from AAD App Registrtion"
$loginURL = ""
$tenantdomain = "<domain>"
$TenantGUID = "<tenantguid> from AAD"
$resource = ""
$body = @{grant_type="client_credentials";resource=$resource;client_id=$ClientID;client_secret=$ClientSecret}
$oauth = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $loginURL/$tenantdomain/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0 -Body $body
$headerParams = @{'Authorization'="$($oauth.token_type) $($oauth.access_token)"} 
$publisher = "<randomGuid>" Get a guid from
  • Run this command to enable Audit.General Subscription.
Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Headers $headerParams -Uri "$tenantGuid/activity/feed/subscriptions/start?contentType=Audit.General&PublisherIdentifier=$Publisher"
  • Run this command to enable DLP.ALL subscription
Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Headers $headerParams -Uri "$tenantGuid/activity/feed/subscriptions/start?contentType=DLP.ALL&PublisherIdentifier=$Publisher"

Deploy the Function App

There are 2 deployment Options.

1: Deploy via Azure ARM Template

  1. Deploy the template.
  1. Deploy permissions for the function to the Key Vault.

1: Deploy via VS Code

Note: You will need to prepare VS code for Azure function development. See

  1. Download the Zip file of the Azure Funciton app from Github.
  2. Extract to location on your machine.
  3. Open VS Code
  4. Click File -> Open Folder
  5. Select the Top folder from extracted files.
  6. Type Crtl+Shift+P.
  7. Click Azure Functions: Deploy to function app. You maybe asked to sign in to azure.
  8. Click Create New function app in Azure (advanced)
  9. Provide a unique name like "O365APItoAS". Press Enter
  10. Click Windows
  11. Click Consumption
  12. Click PowerShell
  13. Click Create new Resource Group
  14. Press enter to accept the name
  15. Click Create a new storage Account
  16. Press enter to accept the name
  17. Click Create new Application Insights resource
  18. Press enter to accept the name
  19. Pick a location
  20. Deployment will begin.
  21. Wait for the deployment to complete, then click upload settings in the bottom right
  22. Click yes to all to upload.
  23. Go to the Azure Portal.
  24. Go to the resource group that was created. Click the Function.
  25. Click Stop.
  26. Click Platform Features Tab.
  27. Click Identity
  28. Click On under system assigned. Click Save. Click Yes.

Create a Key Vault

  1. Go to the Azure Portal.
  2. Go to the resource group that was created. Click Add.
  3. Type Key Vault.
  4. Create a Key vault.
  5. Go to the resource created.
  6. Click Access Policies.
  7. Click Add Access Policy
  8. Select Secret Management from Configure from template
  9. Click Select Principal
  10. Search for the name of the function app. Click Select.
  11. Click Add.
  12. Click Save
  13. Click Secrets
  14. Click Generate
  15. Enter O365Tenant1_clientsecret. Paste the AAD app secret. Click Create.
  16. Click Generate
  17. Enter O365workspaceKey. Paste the Azure Sentinel Workspace Key. Click Create.
  18. Click O365clientsecret and copy the current version string to a temp location.
  19. Click O365workspaceKey and copy the current version stringto a temp location.
  20. Go to the Overiew blade. Copy the DNS Name to a temp location. Note: you will need to create additional keys if you have multiple tenants.

Confiugure Settings for the Function

  1. Go to the Azure Portal.
  2. Go to the resource group that was created. Click the Function.
  3. Click Platform Features Tab.
  4. Click Configuration under General.
  5. click edit next to clientSecret.
  6. Update the value using your copied properties.
  • @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=https:///secrets/O365Tenant1_clientSecret/)
  1. Click Ok.
  2. click edit next to workspaceKey.
  3. Update the value using your copied properties
  • @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=https:///secrets/O365workspacekey/)
  1. Click Ok.
  2. Update each setting
  1. Click Save
  2. Go back to the function and click start under the overview blade.