28 строки
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28 строки
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// Name: WireData Most Prevalent Outbound Connections by Process
// Description: Top 10 (most prevalent) for WireData Outbound event by a given process in the range of +-30
// Id: 560c8127-c9c1-4731-bc57-ffe02028c39b
// Entity: Process
// Input: Process, ProcessName
// Output: Computer, Process, IP
// QueryPeriod: +-30m
// Data Source: WireData
// Tactics: #Collection, #Exfiltration, #CommandAndControl
let GetWireDataInboundWithProcess = (suspiciousEventTime:datetime, v_Process:string){
let v_StartTime = suspiciousEventTime-30m;
let v_EndTime = suspiciousEventTime+30m;
| where TimeGenerated between (v_StartTime .. v_EndTime)
| where Direction == "Outbound"
| where ProcessName has v_Process
| summarize min(SessionStartTime), count() by Computer, ProcessName , LocalIP, LocalPortNumber, RemoteIP, Direction, ApplicationProtocol
| top 10 by count_ desc
| project min_SessionStartTime, Computer, ProcessName , LocalIP, LocalPortNumber, RemoteIP, Direction, ApplicationProtocol, count_
// change datetime value and <processname> value below
GetWireDataInboundWithProcess(datetime('2019-01-30T10:36:07Z'), "<processname>") |