Azure-Sentinel/Hunting Queries/SecurityEvent/uncommon_processes.yaml

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id: 2ff4b10c-7056-4898-83fd-774104189fd5
name: Uncommon processes - bottom 5%
description: |
'Shows the rarest processes seen running for the first time. (Performs best over longer time ranges - eg 3+ days rather than 24 hours!)
These new processes could be benign new programs installed on hosts;
However, especially in normally stable environments, these new processes could provide an indication of an unauthorized/malicious binary that has been installed and run.
Reviewing the wider context of the logon sessions in which these binaries ran can provide a good starting point for identifying possible attacks.'
- connectorId: SecurityEvents
- SecurityEvent
- Execution
query: |
let ProcessCreationEvents=() {
let processEvents=SecurityEvent
| where EventID==4688
// filter out common randomly named files related to MSI installers and browsers
| where not(NewProcessName matches regex @"\\TRA[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}\.tmp")
| where not(NewProcessName matches regex @"\\TRA[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\.tmp")
| where not(NewProcessName matches regex @"Installer\\MSI[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}\.tmp")
| where not(NewProcessName matches regex @"Installer\\MSI[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\.tmp")
| project TimeGenerated, ComputerName=Computer, AccountName=SubjectUserName, AccountDomain=SubjectDomainName,
FileName=tostring(split(NewProcessName, '\\')[-1]), ProcessCommandLine = CommandLine,
InitiatingProcessFileName=ParentProcessName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine="", InitiatingProcessParentFileName="";
let normalizedProcesses = ProcessCreationEvents
// normalize guids
| project TimeGenerated, FileName = replace("[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{12}", "<guid>", FileName)
// normalize digits away
| project TimeGenerated, FileName=replace(@'\d', 'n', FileName);
let freqs = normalizedProcesses
| summarize frequency=count() by FileName
| join kind= leftouter (
| summarize Since=min(TimeGenerated), LastSeen=max(TimeGenerated) by FileName
) on FileName;
| where frequency <= toscalar( freqs | serialize | project frequency | summarize percentiles(frequency, 5))
| order by frequency asc
| project FileName, frequency, Since, LastSeen
// restrict results to unusual processes seen in last day
| where LastSeen >= ago(1d)
| extend timestamp = LastSeen