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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == \"FlowLog\"\n| summarize count() by FlowDirection = iff(FlowDirection_s == 'I', 'Inbound', 'Outbound')\n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d) by IP = strcat(SrcIP, ' (', CountryOrRegion, ')') | sort by FlowCount desc \n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d) by Country = CountryOrRegion | sort by FlowCount desc \n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d), AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d), DeniedInFlows = sum(DeniedInFlows_d) by IPAdress = strcat(SrcIP, ' (', CountryOrRegion, ')') | sort by AllowedInFlows desc \n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d) by Computer = strcat(DestIP, ' (', Subscription2, '/', VM2, ')') | sort by AllowedInFlows desc\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
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"xAxis": {
"name": "Computer",
"type": "String"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d) by Subnet = strcat(Subnet2, ' (', Subscription2, ')') | sort by AllowedInFlows desc\n"
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"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d), AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d), DeniedInFlows = sum(DeniedInFlows_d) by IPAddress=DestIP, VM=VM2, Subnet=Subnet2, Subscription=Subscription2 | sort by AllowedInFlows desc\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/AzureNetworkWatcher_{Workspace_Name}"
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"PartTitle": "Attacked resources",
"PartSubTitle": " "
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"content": "<div style='font-size:300%;'>Malicious traffic target protocols</div>",
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"value": {
"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}",
"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d) by L4Protocol_s \n| extend L4Protocol_s = replace(\"T\", \"TCP\", L4Protocol_s)\n| extend L4Protocol = replace(\"U\", \"UDP\", L4Protocol_s)\n| project L4Protocol , FlowCount\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
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"xAxis": {
"name": "L4Protocol",
"type": "String"
"yAxis": [
"name": "FlowCount",
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"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
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"value": {
"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}",
"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d) by L4Protocol_s | sort by AllowedInFlows desc\n| extend L4Protocol_s = replace(\"T\", \"TCP\", L4Protocol_s)\n| extend L4Protocol = replace(\"U\", \"UDP\", L4Protocol_s)\n| project L4Protocol, AllowedInFlows\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
"value": {
"xAxis": {
"name": "L4Protocol",
"type": "String"
"yAxis": [
"name": "AllowedInFlows",
"type": "Double"
"splitBy": [],
"aggregation": "Sum"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/AzureNetworkWatcher_{Workspace_Name}"
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"name": "ComponentId",
"value": {
"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}",
"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize DeniedInFlows = sum(DeniedInFlows_d) by L4Protocol_s | sort by DeniedInFlows desc\n| extend L4Protocol_s = replace(\"T\", \"TCP\", L4Protocol_s)\n| extend L4Protocol = replace(\"U\", \"UDP\", L4Protocol_s)\n| project L4Protocol, DeniedInFlows\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
"value": {
"xAxis": {
"name": "L4Protocol",
"type": "String"
"yAxis": [
"name": "DeniedInFlows",
"type": "Double"
"splitBy": [],
"aggregation": "Sum"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/AzureNetworkWatcher_{Workspace_Name}"
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"Name": "{Workspace_Name}",
"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d), AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d), DeniedInFlows = sum(DeniedInFlows_d) by L7Protocol = strcat(L7Protocol_s, ' (', toint(DestPort_d), ')') | sort by AllowedInFlows desc | limit 10\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/AzureNetworkWatcher_{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "PartId",
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"value": "Analytics"
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"value": " "
"name": "resourceTypeMode",
"value": "workspace"
"name": "ControlType",
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"name": "SpecificChart",
"isOptional": true
"type": "Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/AnalyticsPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"PartTitle": "Malicious traffic, by application ports",
"PartSubTitle": " ",
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"DeniedInFlows": "179px"
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"idInputName": "ComponentId",
"type": "ApplicationInsights"
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"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}",
"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize FlowCount = sum(FlowCount_d) by L7Protocol = strcat(L7Protocol_s, ' (', toint(DestPort_d), ')') | sort by FlowCount desc | limit 10\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
"value": {
"xAxis": {
"name": "L7Protocol",
"type": "String"
"yAxis": [
"name": "FlowCount",
"type": "Double"
"splitBy": [],
"aggregation": "Sum"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/AzureNetworkWatcher_{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "PartId",
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"PartTitle": "Malicious traffic, by application ports",
"PartSubTitle": " "
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"value": {
"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
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"Name": "{Workspace_Name}",
"ResourceId": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourcegroups/{Resource_Group}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize AllowedInFlows = sum(AllowedInFlows_d) by L7Protocol = strcat(L7Protocol_s, ' (', toint(DestPort_d), ')') | sort by AllowedInFlows desc | limit 10\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
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"xAxis": {
"name": "L7Protocol",
"type": "String"
"yAxis": [
"name": "AllowedInFlows",
"type": "Double"
"splitBy": [],
"aggregation": "Sum"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/AzureNetworkWatcher_{Workspace_Name}"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL\n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend Subnet1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, '' )), Subnet2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), Subnet2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, '' ))\n| extend VM1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, '' )), VM2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), VM2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, '' ))\n| extend Subscription1 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet',Subscription1_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, '')), Subscription2 = iif(FlowType_s == 'InterVNet', Subscription2_g, iif(FlowType_s == 'IntraVNet' or FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, ''))\n| extend NIC1 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC1_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, '')), NIC2 = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet', 'IntraVNet'), NIC2_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, ''))\n| extend SrcIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VMIP_s, '')), DestIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VMIP_s, ''))\n| extend CountryOrRegion = iif(FlowType_s == 'AzurePublic', AzureRegion_s, Country_s)\n| extend FlowDirection_s = iif(FlowType_s in ('InterVNet','IntraVNet'), '', FlowDirection_s)\n| where FlowDirection_s == \"I\"\n| summarize DeniedInFlows = sum(DeniedInFlows_d) by L7Protocol = strcat(L7Protocol_s, ' (', toint(DestPort_d), ')') | sort by DeniedInFlows desc | limit 10\n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL \n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend nsgList = split(NSGList_s, ' ') | extend nsgRuleList = split(NSGRules_s, ' ') | mvexpand nsgRule = nsgRuleList | extend nsgRuleSplit = split(nsgRule, '|') \n| extend nsg = tostring(nsgList[toint(nsgRuleSplit[0])]), rule = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[1]), countHits = nsgRuleSplit[4], direction = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[2]) \n| extend prefixStrippedRule = replace('defaultrule_','', replace('userrule_','', rule))\n| extend completeNsgRule = strcat(nsg, '/', prefixStrippedRule) \n| where direction == 'I' and FlowStatus_s == 'A'\n| summarize rule_hits = sum(toint(countHits)) by nsg, rule, SourceIP=iif(isempty(SrcIP_s), 'N/A', SrcIP_s), DestIP=iif(isempty(DestIP_s),'N/A',DestIP_s), Country=iif(isempty(Country_s),'N/A',Country_s), Region=iif(isempty(Region_s),'N/A',Region_s), Subnet=iif(isempty(Subnet_s),'N/A',Subnet_s), NIC=iif(isempty(NIC_s),'N/A',NIC_s)\n| summarize TotalHits = sum(rule_hits) by FullRule = strcat(nsg,'/',rule) | sort by TotalHits desc\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
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"name": "FullRule",
"type": "String"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL \n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend nsgList = split(NSGList_s, ' ') | extend nsgRuleList = split(NSGRules_s, ' ') | mvexpand nsgRule = nsgRuleList | extend nsgRuleSplit = split(nsgRule, '|') \n| extend nsg = tostring(nsgList[toint(nsgRuleSplit[0])]), rule = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[1]), countHits = nsgRuleSplit[4], direction = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[2]) \n| extend prefixStrippedRule = replace('defaultrule_','', replace('userrule_','', rule))\n| extend completeNsgRule = strcat(nsg, '/', prefixStrippedRule) \n| where direction == 'I' and FlowStatus_s == 'A'\n| summarize rule_hits = sum(toint(countHits)) by nsg, rule, SourceIP=iif(isempty(SrcIP_s), 'N/A', SrcIP_s), DestIP=iif(isempty(DestIP_s),'N/A',DestIP_s), Country=iif(isempty(Country_s),'N/A',Country_s), Region=iif(isempty(Region_s),'N/A',Region_s), Subnet=iif(isempty(Subnet_s),'N/A',Subnet_s), NIC=iif(isempty(NIC_s),'N/A',NIC_s)\n| summarize TotalHits = sum(rule_hits) by nsg, rule | sort by TotalHits desc\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
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"name": "Version",
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"name": "DashboardId",
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"name": "Query",
"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL \n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend nsgList = split(NSGList_s, ' ') | extend nsgRuleList = split(NSGRules_s, ' ') | mvexpand nsgRule = nsgRuleList | extend nsgRuleSplit = split(nsgRule, '|') \n| extend nsg = tostring(nsgList[toint(nsgRuleSplit[0])]), rule = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[1]), countHits = nsgRuleSplit[4], direction = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[2]) \n| extend prefixStrippedRule = replace('defaultrule_','', replace('userrule_','', rule))\n| extend completeNsgRule = strcat(nsg, '/', prefixStrippedRule) \n| where direction == 'I' and FlowStatus_s == 'D'\n| summarize rule_hits = sum(toint(countHits)) by nsg, rule, SourceIP=iif(isempty(SrcIP_s), 'N/A', SrcIP_s), DestIP=iif(isempty(DestIP_s),'N/A',DestIP_s), Country=iif(isempty(Country_s),'N/A',Country_s), Region=iif(isempty(Region_s),'N/A',Region_s), Subnet=iif(isempty(Subnet_s),'N/A',Subnet_s), NIC=iif(isempty(NIC_s),'N/A',NIC_s)\n| summarize TotalHits = sum(rule_hits) by FullRule = strcat(nsg,'/',rule) | sort by TotalHits desc\n"
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"value": "AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL \n| where SubType_s == 'FlowLog' and FASchemaVersion_s == '1' and FlowType_s == 'MaliciousFlow'\n| extend nsgList = split(NSGList_s, ' ') | extend nsgRuleList = split(NSGRules_s, ' ') | mvexpand nsgRule = nsgRuleList | extend nsgRuleSplit = split(nsgRule, '|') \n| extend nsg = tostring(nsgList[toint(nsgRuleSplit[0])]), rule = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[1]), countHits = nsgRuleSplit[4], direction = tostring(nsgRuleSplit[2]) \n| extend prefixStrippedRule = replace('defaultrule_','', replace('userrule_','', rule))\n| extend completeNsgRule = strcat(nsg, '/', prefixStrippedRule) \n| where direction == 'I' and FlowStatus_s == 'D'\n| summarize rule_hits = sum(toint(countHits)) by nsg, rule, SourceIP=iif(isempty(SrcIP_s), 'N/A', SrcIP_s), DestIP=iif(isempty(DestIP_s),'N/A',DestIP_s), Country=iif(isempty(Country_s),'N/A',Country_s), Region=iif(isempty(Region_s),'N/A',Region_s), Subnet=iif(isempty(Subnet_s),'N/A',Subnet_s), NIC=iif(isempty(NIC_s),'N/A',NIC_s)\n| summarize TotalHits = sum(rule_hits) by nsg, rule | sort by TotalHits desc\n"
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