
1434 строки
52 KiB
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"name": "IdentityAndAccessDashboard_{Workspace_Name}",
"type": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards",
"location": "{Dashboard_Location}",
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"dashboardKey": "IdentityAndAccessDashboard",
"hidden-title": "Identity & Access - {Workspace_Name}",
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"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID in (4624, 4625) and AccountType == 'User'\n| extend EventName = iff(EventID == 4624, 'Success' , 'Fail') \n| summarize NumLogons = count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1h, now()), EventName"
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"value": "P1D"
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"PartTitle": "Logons per hour ",
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"name": "Query",
"value": "let top5 = SecurityEvent\n| where EventID == 4625 and AccountType == 'User'\n| extend Account_Name = extract(@'^(.*\\\\)?([^@]*)(@.*)?$', 2, tolower(Account))\n| summarize Attempts = count() by Account_Name\n| where Account_Name != ''\n| top 5 by Attempts \n| summarize makelist(Account_Name);\nSecurityEvent\n| where EventID == 4625 and AccountType == 'User'\n| extend Name = extract(@'^(.*\\\\)?([^@]*)(@.*)?$', 2, tolower(Account))\n| extend Account_Name = iff(Name in (top5), Name, 'Other')\n| where Account_Name != ''\n| summarize Attempts = count() by Account_Name\n"
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"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID in (4625, 4624)\n| where TimeGenerated >= ago(14d)\n| summarize count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1d, now())\n| extend Week = iff(TimeGenerated>=ago(7d), 'This Week', 'Last Week'), TimeGenerated = iff(TimeGenerated>=ago(7d), TimeGenerated, TimeGenerated + 7d)"
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"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where AccountType == 'User' and EventID == 4625\n| extend Reason = case(\n SubStatus == '0xc000005e', 'No logon servers available to service the logon request',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000062', 'Account name is not properly formatted',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000064', 'Account name does not exist',\n SubStatus == '0xc000006a', 'Incorrect password',\n SubStatus == '0xc000006d', 'Bad user name or password',\n SubStatus == '0xc000006f', 'User logon blocked by account restriction',\n SubStatus == '0xc000006f', 'User logon outside of restricted logon hours',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000070', 'User logon blocked by workstation restriction',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000071', 'Password has expired',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000072', 'Account is disabled',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000133', 'Clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync',\n SubStatus == '0xc000015b', 'The user has not been granted the requested logon right at this machine',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000193', 'Account has expirated',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000224', 'User is required to change password at next logon',\n SubStatus == '0xc0000234', 'Account is currently locked out', \n strcat('Unknown reason substatus: ', SubStatus))\n| summarize count() by Reason\n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID == 4724 \n| summarize Resets = count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1d, now())\n| render timechart \n"
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"PartTitle": "Password reset",
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"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "//Users Account Management over time\nSecurityEvent\n| where EventID in (4720, 4722, 4725, 4726, 4240, 4767)\n| extend Operation = case( \n EventID == 4720, 'User Created',\n EventID == 4722, 'User Enabled',\n EventID == 4725, 'User Disabled',\n EventID == 4726, 'User Deleted',\n EventID == 4740, 'User Locked Out',\n EventID == 4767, 'User Unlocked', \n 'Unknown')\n| summarize Amount = count() by Operation\n"
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"value": "P1D"
"name": "Dimensions",
"value": {
"xAxis": {
"name": "Operation",
"type": "String"
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"name": "Amount",
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"value": "1.0"
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"PartTitle": "User account activities, by type",
"PartSubTitle": "By type"
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"11": {
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"value": {
"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID in (4720, 4722, 4725, 4726, 4240, 4767)\n| order by TimeGenerated\n| extend EventType = case(\n EventID == 4720, 'User account created',\n EventID == 4722, 'User account enabled',\n EventID == 4725, 'User account disabled',\n EventID == 4726, 'User account deleted',\n EventID == 4767, 'User account unlocked',\n EventID == 4740, 'User account locked out',\n strcat('Unkown Event ID', EventID))\n| project Time_Generated = TimeGenerated, Event_Type = EventType, Computer, Account\n| limit 10\n"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/IdentityAndAccessDashboard_{Workspace_Name}"
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"isOptional": true
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"type": "Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/AnalyticsPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"PartTitle": "User activity events",
"PartSubTitle": "Last 10 - Created, Enabled, Disabled, Deleted, Locked Out, Unlocked"
"asset": {
"idInputName": "ComponentId",
"type": "ApplicationInsights"
"12": {
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"x": 14,
"y": 12,
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"name": "ComponentId",
"value": {
"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID in (4720, 4722, 4725, 4726, 4240, 4767)\n| extend EventType = case(\n EventID == 4720, 'User account created',\n EventID == 4722, 'User account enabled',\n EventID == 4725, 'User account disabled',\n EventID == 4726, 'User account deleted',\n EventID == 4767, 'User account unlocked',\n EventID == 4740, 'User account locked out',\n strcat('Unkown Event ID', EventID))\n| project EventType, Computer\n| evaluate pivot(EventType, count(EventType))"
"name": "TimeRange",
"value": "P1D"
"name": "Version",
"value": "1.0"
"name": "DashboardId",
"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/IdentityAndAccessDashboard_{Workspace_Name}"
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"PartSubTitle": "Created, Enabled, Disabled, Deleted, Locked Out, Unlocked"
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"13": {
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"SubscriptionId": "{Subscription_Id}",
"ResourceGroup": "{Resource_Group}",
"Name": "{Workspace_Name}"
"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID == 4624\n| where TimeGenerated >= ago(14d)\n| summarize Current_Week = countif(TimeGenerated >= ago(7d)), Previous_Week = countif(TimeGenerated < ago(7d)) by Computer\n| extend Per = iff(Current_Week > Previous_Week, toreal(Current_Week) / Previous_Week, toreal(Previous_Week) / Current_Week)\n| extend sign = iff(Current_Week > Previous_Week, '+', '-')\n| extend Percentage = iff(Current_Week != 0 and Previous_Week != 0 and Previous_Week != Current_Week, strcat(sign, extract(@'(\\d*(\\.\\d{1,2}|$))', 1, tostring((Per -1 )*100)), '%'), 'No Percentage - 0')\n| project Computer, Previous_Week, Current_Week, Percentage"
"name": "Version",
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"value": "/subscriptions/{Subscription_Id}/resourceGroups/dashboards/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/IdentityAndAccessDashboard_{Workspace_Name}"
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"name": "TimeRange",
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"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where AccountType == 'Machine' and EventID == 4624\n| summarize AccountsNum = dcount(Account) by Computer\n| sort by AccountsNum \n| take 50\n| project Computer, Accounts = AccountsNum \n"
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"name": "Query",
"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID in (4624, 4625)\n| where AccountType == 'Machine'\n| summarize Amount = count() by LogonTypeName\n"
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"value": "SecurityEvent\n| where EventID == 4625\n| extend Reason = case(\nSubStatus == '0xc0000064', 'User name does not exist', \nSubStatus == '0xc000005e', 'No logon servers available to service the logon request', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000062', 'Account name is not properly formatted', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000064', 'Account name does not exist', \nSubStatus == '0xc000006a', 'Incorrect password', \nSubStatus == '0xc000006d', 'Bad user name or password', \nSubStatus == '0xc000006f', 'User logon blocked by account restriction', \nSubStatus == '0xc000006f', 'User logon outside of restricted logon hours', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000070', 'User logon blocked by workstation restriction', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000071', 'Password has expired', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000072', 'Account is disabled', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000133', 'Clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync', \nSubStatus == '0xc000015b', 'The user has not been granted the requested logon right at this machine', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000193', 'Account has expirated', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000224', 'User is required to change password at next logon', \nSubStatus == '0xc0000234', 'Account is currently locked out', strcat('Unknown reason substatus: ', SubStatus))\n| summarize count() by Reason, Computer\n| evaluate pivot(Reason, sum(count_))"
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"value": "SecurityAlert\n| mvexpand Entity = parse_json(Entities)\n| where Entity.Type =~ 'account'\n| project TimeGenerated, AlertName = DisplayName, Entity.Name, AlertSeverity \n| summarize RelatedAccounts = makeset(Entity_Name) by tostring(TimeGenerated), AlertName, AlertSeverity \n| sort by TimeGenerated desc\n"
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