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43 строки
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id: 635cba46-c077-4959-a2d9-b7eb6fecb854
name: Alerts With This Process
description: |
'Any Alerts that fired on any host with this same process in the range of +-1d'
- connectorId: AzureSecurityCenter
- SecurityAlert
- connectorId: MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity
- SecurityAlert
- Persistence
- Discovery
- LateralMovement
- Collection
query: |
let GetAllAlertsWithProcess = (suspiciousEventTime:datetime, v_Process:string){
let v_StartTime = suspiciousEventTime-1d;
let v_EndTime = suspiciousEventTime+1d;
| where TimeGenerated between (v_StartTime .. v_EndTime)
| where Entities has v_Process
| extend Extprop = parse_json(Entities)
| mv-expand Extprop
| extend Extprop = parse_json(Extprop)
| extend CmdLine = iff(Extprop['Type']=="process", Extprop['CommandLine'], '')
| extend File = iff(Extprop['Type']=="file", Extprop['Name'], '')
| extend Account = Extprop['Name']
| extend Domain = Extprop['UPNSuffix']
| extend Account = iif(isnotempty(Domain) and Extprop['Type']=="account", tolower(strcat(Account, "@", Domain)), iif(Extprop['Type']=="account", tolower(Account), ""))
| extend Computer = iff(Extprop['Type']=="host", Extprop['HostName'], '')
| extend IpAddress = iff(Extprop["Type"] == "ip",Extprop['Address'], '')
| extend Process = iff(isnotempty(CmdLine), CmdLine, File)
| summarize max(TimeGenerated), make_set(AlertName), make_set(Process), make_set(Computer), make_set(Account), make_set(IpAddress), make_set(Entities) by SystemAlertId
| project TimeGenerated = max_TimeGenerated, AlertName=set_AlertName[0], Process=set_Process[1], Account = set_Account[1], Computer=set_Computer[0], IPAddress = set_IpAddress[1], Entities=set_Entities
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = Computer, IPCustomEntity = IPAddress
| top 10 by TimeGenerated desc nulls last
// change datetime value and <processname> value below
GetAllAlertsWithProcess(datetime('2019-01-18T10:36:07Z'), "<processname>")