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"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == \"APPLICATIONGATEWAYS\"\r\n| summarize Count=count() by Resource\r\n| order by Count desc, Resource asc\r\n| project Value = Resource, Lable = strcat(Resource, \" - \", Count)",
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"query": "let SelectedMS = dynamic({MessageFilter}); // reference to the above list of messages (Event trigger)\r\nlet Child = SelectedMS.childRows; // Used to choose a group of messages - redirects to the message which was grouped\r\nAzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == \"APPLICATIONGATEWAYS\" and (\"{WAF:lable}\" == \"All\" or Resource in ({WAF}))\r\n| where OperationName == \"ApplicationGatewayFirewall\"\r\n| where Message contains \"attack\"\r\n| where SelectedMS.Message == Message or SelectedMS.Message == \"*\" or Message == Child[0].Message\r\n| summarize count() by Message, TimeGenerated",
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