61 строка
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61 строка
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id: 1d9951b7-51f0-4aa7-af0c-654359aadfff
name: DNS - domain anomalous lookup increase
description: |
'Checking for a threefold increase or more of domain lookups per client IP address for the current day vs daily average for the previous week.
This can potentially identify excessive traffic to a given location that could be indicative of data transfer out of your network to a group of systems based on the same second level domain.
For example, if one client is sending requests for test1.badguy.com and another client is sending requests for test2.badguy.com, you may not see a high enough count to be interesting.
However, a combination of the requests to badguy.com could have a high enough count to be interesting.
This is only Name lookups, so it would be recommended to review the Firewall\Webproxy logs in relation to the client IP address making the interesting requests.'
- connectorId: DNS
- DnsEvents
- CommandAndControl
- Exfiltration
- T1483
- T1008
- T1048
query: |
let startTime = 8d;
let endTime = 1d;
//example of excluding Saturday and Sunday in Average as those are potentially low volume and decrease the average, feel free to change
let excludedDays = dynamic(["Saturday", "Sunday"]);
// average is across 5 days as we are dropping weekends, change as needed
let numDays = 5;
// limit to over 1000 lookups somewhat random but helps focus in on higher lookups, change as needed
let avglookupThreshold = 3;
let lookupThreshold = 1000;
//Setting to startofday so we get 7 days prior to today
| where TimeGenerated >= startofday(ago(startTime)) and TimeGenerated <= startofday(ago(endTime))
| where SubType =~ "LookupQuery"
//getting the associated number of the day of the week so we can map to a given day for later parsing if needed
| extend DayNumberofWeek = tostring(dayofweek(TimeGenerated))
//Setting the Day of the week value so that certain days could be excluded if needed
| extend DayofWeek = iff(DayNumberofWeek == "00:00:00", "Sunday",
(iff(DayNumberofWeek == "1.00:00:00", "Monday",
(iff(DayNumberofWeek == "2.00:00:00", "Tuesday",
(iff(DayNumberofWeek == "3.00:00:00", "Wednesday",
(iff(DayNumberofWeek == "4.00:00:00", "Thursday",
(iff(DayNumberofWeek == "5.00:00:00", "Friday",
(iff(DayNumberofWeek == "6.00:00:00", "Saturday", DayNumberofWeek)))))))))))))
| where DayofWeek !in~ (excludedDays)
| extend Domain = iff(countof(Name,'.') >= 2, strcat(split(Name,'.')[-2], '.',split(Name,'.')[-1]), Name)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(TimeGenerated), EndTimeUtc = max(TimeGenerated), count() by ClientIP, Domain, IPAddresses
| project StartTimeUtc, EndTimeUtc, ClientIP, Domain, IPAddresses, DailyAvgLookupCountOverLastWeek = count_/numDays
| join ( DnsEvents
| where TimeGenerated >= startofday(ago(endTime))
| where SubType =~ "LookupQuery"
| extend Domain = iff(countof(Name,'.') >= 2, strcat(split(Name,'.')[-2], '.',split(Name,'.')[-1]), Name)
| summarize count() by ClientIP, Domain, IPAddresses
| project ClientIP, LookupCountToday = count_, Domain, IPAddresses
on ClientIP, Domain, IPAddresses
| where LookupCountToday > ( DailyAvgLookupCountOverLastWeek * avglookupThreshold) and LookupCountToday > lookupThreshold
| project StartTimeUtc, EndTimeUtc, ClientIP, SecondLevelDomain = Domain , LookupCountToday , DailyAvgLookupCountOverLastWeek, IPAddresses
| order by LookupCountToday desc nulls last
| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, IPCustomEntity = ClientIP