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95 строки
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id: 543e1ec6-ee5e-4368-aaa6-405f0551ba5c
name: Potential DGA detected
description: |
'Clients with a high NXDomain count could be indicative of a DGA (cycling through possible C2 domains
where most C2s are not live). Based on quartile precent analysis aglorithm.'
severity: Medium
- connectorId: DNS
- DnsEvents
queryFrequency: 1d
queryPeriod: 10d
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
- CommandAndControl
- T1483
- T1008
query: |
let timeframe = 1d;
let excludeTLD = dynamic(["arris","ati","virtusa","unknowndomain","onion","corp","domain","local","localdomain","host","home","gateway","lan",
let nxDomainDnsEvents = DnsEvents
| where ResultCode == 3
| where QueryType in ("A", "AAAA")
| where ipv4_is_match("", ClientIP) == False
| where Name !contains "/"
| where Name contains "."
| extend mytld = tostring(split(Name, '.')[-1])
| where mytld !in~ (excludeTLD)
| extend truncatedDomain = iff((strlen(Name) - indexof(Name, tostring(split(Name, ".")[-2])) ) >= 7,
strcat(tostring(split(Name, ".")[-2]), ".", tostring(split(Name, ".")[-1])) ,
strcat(tostring(split(Name, ".")[-3]), ".", tostring(split(Name, ".")[-2]), ".", tostring(split(Name, ".")[-1])));
let quartileFunctionForIPThreshold = view (mypercentile:long, startTimeSpan:timespan, endTimeSpan:timespan) {
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(startTimeSpan)..ago(endTimeSpan))
| summarize domainCount = dcount(truncatedDomain) by ClientIP, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| project SearchList = (domainCount), ClientIP
| summarize qPercentiles = percentiles(SearchList, mypercentile) by ClientIP);
let firstQT = quartileFunctionForIPThreshold(25, 7d, 2d) | project-rename percentile_SearchList_25 = qPercentiles;
let thirdQT = quartileFunctionForIPThreshold(75, 7d, 2d) | project-rename percentile_SearchList_75 = qPercentiles;
// The IP threshold could be adjusted for based on the skewness of the IPthreshold distribution per IP - https://wis.kuleuven.be/stat/robust/papers/2008/outlierdetectionskeweddata-revision.pdf
let threshold = (firstQT
| join thirdQT on ClientIP
| extend IPthreshold = percentile_SearchList_75 + (1.5*exp(3)*(percentile_SearchList_75 - percentile_SearchList_25))
| project ClientIP, IPthreshold);
let FilterOnIPThreshold_MainTable = (
| where TimeGenerated > ago(timeframe)
| summarize TotalNXLookups=dcount(truncatedDomain) by ClientIP
| sort by TotalNXLookups desc
| join ['threshold'] on ClientIP
// Comment the line below in order to view results filtered by Global Threshold only.
| where TotalNXLookups > IPthreshold
| join kind = leftouter (nxDomainDnsEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(timeframe)
| summarize domainCount = dcount(Name) by truncatedDomain, ClientIP
| project SearchList = strcat(truncatedDomain," (",tostring(domainCount),")"), ClientIP
) on ClientIP
| summarize SLDs_DistinctLookups = make_list(SearchList) by ClientIP, TotalNXLookups, IPthreshold
| sort by TotalNXLookups desc);
let quartileFunctionForGlobalThreshold = view (mypercentile:long, startTimeSpan:timespan) {
| where TimeGenerated > ago(startTimeSpan)
| summarize domainCount = dcount(truncatedDomain) by ClientIP
| summarize event_count = count() by domainCount
| summarize perc2 = percentilesw(domainCount, event_count, mypercentile));
let firstQ = toscalar(quartileFunctionForGlobalThreshold(25, 1d));
let thirdQ = toscalar(quartileFunctionForGlobalThreshold(75, 1d));
// The Global threshold could be adjusted for based on the skewness of the GlobalThreshold distribution per IP - https://wis.kuleuven.be/stat/robust/papers/2008/outlierdetectionskeweddata-revision.pdf
let GlobalThreshold = toscalar(thirdQ + (1.5*exp(3)*(thirdQ - firstQ)));
let FilterOnGlobalThreshold_MainTable = (
| where TimeGenerated > ago(timeframe)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(TimeGenerated), EndTimeUtc = max(TimeGenerated), TotalNXLookups = dcount(truncatedDomain) by ClientIP
| sort by TotalNXLookups desc
// Comment the line below in order to view results filtered by IPThreshold only.
| where TotalNXLookups > GlobalThreshold
| join kind = leftouter (nxDomainDnsEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(timeframe)
| summarize domainCount = dcount(Name) by truncatedDomain, ClientIP
| project truncatedDomain = strcat(truncatedDomain," (",tostring(domainCount),")"), ClientIP
) on ClientIP
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(StartTimeUtc), EndTimeUtc = max(EndTimeUtc), SLDs_DistinctLookups = make_list(truncatedDomain), UniqueSLDsCount=count(truncatedDomain) by ClientIP, TotalNXLookups, GlobalThreshold
| sort by TotalNXLookups desc);
| join FilterOnGlobalThreshold_MainTable on ClientIP
| project StartTimeUtc, EndTimeUtc, ClientIP, TotalNXLookups, IPthreshold, GlobalThreshold, SLDs_DistinctLookups, UniqueSLDsCount
| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, IPCustomEntity = ClientIP