Added script and document for private dns zone migration (#8)
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@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
#### Redis Enterprise Tier - private endpoint DNS Migration Script ####
#### ####
#### This script is written to help migrate from the old private dns zone ####
#### to the newer one, while copying over all relevant A records and ####
#### transferring vnet links, etc. ####
#### ####
#### The old zone had the region as the first value (i.e. ####
#### and this caused ####
#### issues with automatic creation of A records during the private ####
#### endpoint create flow. This script should resolve that. ####
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidatePattern("(^([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-][0-9A-Fa-f]{12})$)")] # Sub ID needs to match guid regex
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$OLD_DNS_ZONE_PATTERN = '^[\w\d]+\.privatelink\..*redisenterprise.*$'
$NEW_DNS_ZONE_PATTERN = '^privatelink\..*redisenterprise.*$'
# Function definitions
function Login($SubscriptionId) {
$context = Get-AzContext
if (!$context -or ($context.Subscription.Id -ne $SubscriptionId)) {
Write-Host "Connecting to Azure..."
Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionId
else {
Write-Host "Context set to: SubscriptionId '$SubscriptionId'"
# This function is meant to avoid making assumptions about what resource group the user wants to create their private dns zone in.
# It suggests a default and error checks for user so they can pick a correct value
function PromptForInputs-New-AzPrivateDnsZone {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[bool] $IncludeDefault = $true
$rgNames = (Get-AzResourceGroup).ResourceGroupName
$lowerRgNames = $rgNames | ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() }
$default = $ResourceGroupName
if($IncludeDefault) {
Write-Host "Enter the resource group name for '$Name' (default: [$default])" -ForegroundColor Blue
} else {
Write-Host "Enter the resource group name for '$Name'" -ForegroundColor Blue
if (!($value = Read-Host )) {
if($IncludeDefault) {
$value = $default
} else {
$value = $null
if ($null -eq $value -or !($lowerRgNames -contains $value.ToLower())) {
Write-Host "'$value' is not an existing resource group. Resource group must be one of the following: $($rgNames -join ", ")" -ForegroundColor Blue
return PromptForInputs-New-AzPrivateDnsZone $Name $ResourceGroupName $IncludeDefault
# Determine if one already in this resource group
$existingZone = $null
try {
$existingZone = Get-AzPrivateDnsZone -ResourceGroupName $value -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {}
if (!($null -eq $existingZone)) {
$existingLinks = Get-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink -ResourceGroupName $existingZone.ResourceGroupName -ZoneName $existingZone.Name
if($null -eq $existingLinks) {
Write-Host "An existing zone with the name '$Name' was already found in the resource group '$value', but it has no existing network links. Using that one instead." -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $existingZone
} else {
Write-Host "An existing zone with the name '$Name' was already found in the reosurce group '$value' and is linked to VNet $($existingLinks.VirtualNetworkId)." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "This zone can be linked to multiple VNets if there is no cache that needs to be accessed from more than one of the VNets. This limitation is because otherwise the DNS A records will clash." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$shouldUseExisting = AskForConfirmation "Do you want to use the existing zone? (If 'No', the new zone will need to be created in another resource group)"
if($shouldUseExisting) {
return $existingZone
} else {
return PromptForInputs-New-AzPrivateDnsZone $Name $ResourceGroupName $false
return New-AzPrivateDnsZone -ResourceGroupName $value -Name $Name
# Filters private DNS zones by a regex
function Get-PrivateDNSZonesMatchingPattern([System.String]$Pattern, $PrivateDnsZones = $(Get-AzPrivateDnsZone) ) {
return $PrivateDnsZones | Where-Object Name -imatch $Pattern
# This should return a map that maps between a virtual network and all of its associated private endpoints
function Initialize-PrivateLinkMap() {
$map = @{};
$redisEnterprisePrivateEndpoints = Get-AzPrivateEndpoint | Where-Object {
$connections = $_.PrivateLinkServiceConnections | Where-Object {
return $_.GroupIds[0] -eq "redisEnterprise"
if($null -ne $connections) {
return $true;
} else {
return $false
foreach($redisPrivateLink in $redisEnterprisePrivateEndpoints) {
$vnetId = ($redisPrivateLink.Subnet.Id -Split "/subnet")[0]
if($null -eq $map[$vnetId]) {
$map[$vnetId] = @() # Create a new list
$map[$vnetId] = $map[$vnetId] + $redisPrivateLink # Append link to list of link associated with this virtual network
return $map
# Returns a map between virtual networks and the associated private dns zones
function Initialize-PrivateDnsZoneMap() {
$map = @{};
foreach($zone in $(Get-AzPrivateDnsZone)) {
foreach($link in $(Get-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink -ResourceGroupName $zone.ResourceGroupName -ZoneName $zone.Name))
if($null -eq $map[$link.VirtualNetworkId]) {
$map[$link.VirtualNetworkId] = @() # Create a new list
$map[$link.VirtualNetworkId] = $map[$link.VirtualNetworkId] + $zone # Append zone to list of zones associated with this virtual network
return $map
# This function loops through each VNet,
# extracts the correct zone name from the resources attached to private endpoints (which are enterprise caches),
# creates or confirms the zones exist,
# Links the zones to their VNets
# and then ensures the zones have the correct Dns zone groups (A records)
function Migrate-Vnets($PrivateLinkMap, $PrivateDnsZonesMap) {
foreach ($vnet in $PrivateLinkMap.GetEnumerator()) {
$vnetResource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $vnet.Name
$zones = $PrivateDnsZonesMap[$vnet.Name]
$privateLinks = $PrivateLinkMap[$vnet.Name]
# If there are no private endpoints, there's nothing to migrate.
if($null -ne $privateLinks) {
Write-Host "Starting migration process for VNet: $($vnet.Name). See section 'How to migrate to the new private DNS zone' in the migration document for more context." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$oldZones = $zones | Where-Object Name -imatch $OLD_DNS_ZONE_PATTERN
if($null -ne $oldZones) {
Write-Host "Found old zones with names [$($oldZones.Name -join ",")] linked to this VNet. They need to be unlinked in a later step." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$newZone = $null
if($null -eq ($zones | Where-Object Name -imatch $NEW_DNS_ZONE_PATTERN)) {
# We don't currently have a private DNS zone with the new pattern for this VNet... time to create one
$newName = $null
for($i = 0; $i -lt $privateLinks.Count; $i++) {
$newName = ExtractPrivateDnsZoneNameFromPrivateLink $privateLinks[$i]
if($null -eq $newName) {
if ($null -eq $newName) {
Write-Host "None of the private endpoints for virtual network $($vnet.Name) have an existing cache attached to them. Cannot infer private dns zone name and thus cannot continue. Moving on to next vnet" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "[Steps 2 and 3 under section 'How to migrate to the new private DNS zone' in migration document]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$shouldContinue = AskForConfirmation "Private dns zones with the new pattern weren't found connected to the VNet... Do you want to create one and link it to the VNet $($vnet.Name)?"
if($shouldContinue -eq $false) {
Write-Host "Moving on to next VNet."
$newZone = PromptForInputs-New-AzPrivateDnsZone -ResourceGroupName $vnetResource.ResourceGroupName -Name $newName
New-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink -ResourceGroupName $newZone.ResourceGroupName -ZoneName $newName -Name (New-Guid).Guid -VirtualNetworkId $vnetResource.ResourceId
} else {
# If any of the zones already are of the new pattern we'll be using that zone to transfer all of the old records to.
# If there is one, it will always be the only one due to limiation on linking zones with the same name
$newZone = $zones | Where-Object Name -imatch $NEW_DNS_ZONE_PATTERN
Write-Host "Finished confirming VNet $($vnet.Name) has the correct private DNS Zone linked." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Confirming zone has the correct A records added..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
foreach ($privateLink in $privateLinks) {
$privateDnsZoneConfig = New-AzPrivateDnsZoneConfig -Name ($newZone.Name -Replace "\.", "-") -PrivateDnsZoneId $newZone.ResourceId
$shouldProceed = $false
$isDisconnected = $privateLink.PrivateLinkServiceConnections.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState.Status.ToLower() -eq 'disconnected'
if(!$isDisconnected) {
$existingGroup = Get-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup -ResourceGroupName $privateLink.ResourceGroupName -PrivateEndpointName $privateLink.Name
if($null -ne $existingGroup -and $existingGroup.Count -gt 0) {
$shouldProceed = ShouldRemovePrivateDnsZoneGroup $existingGroup $privateLink $newZone
if ($shouldProceed) {
Write-Host "Removing old DNS zone group (A record) from private endpoint '$($privateLink.Name)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup -PrivateEndpointName $privateLink.Name -Name $existingGroup.Name -ResourceGroupName $privateLink.ResourceGroupName -Force
} else {
Write-Host "[Step 4 under section 'How to migrate to the new private DNS zone' in migration document]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$shouldProceed = AskForConfirmation "Private endpoint '$($privateLink.Name)' has no associated Dns zone group. These groups automatically manage the A records creation and deletion for the private endpoint. Do you want to create a new one?"
if($shouldProceed) {
Write-Host "Creating new DNS zone group (A record) for private endpoint '$($privateLink.Name)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup -ResourceGroupName $privateLink.ResourceGroupName -PrivateEndpointName $privateLink.Name -Name ($privateLink.Name + "-" + $privateDnsZoneConfig.Name) -PrivateDnsZoneConfig $privateDnsZoneConfig
Write-Host "Finished migration process for VNet: $($vnet.Name)." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Finished configuring VNets with correct private DNS zones." -ForegroundColor Green
function ShouldRemovePrivateDnsZoneGroup($existingGroup, $privateLink, $newZone) {
if ($null -eq $existingGroup.PrivateDnsZoneConfigs) {
Write-Host "[Step 4 under section 'How to migrate to the new private DNS zone' in migration document]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return AskForConfirmation "Private endpoint '$($privateLink.Name)' already has a DNS zone group. The existing group has no associated DNS zones. Do you want to remove the existing group from this private endpoint and add a new one that includes the new DNS zone so that the A record will be managed automatically?"
if (!($existingGroup.PrivateDnsZoneConfigs.PrivateDnsZoneId.ToLower() -contains $newZone.ResourceId.ToLower())) {
Write-Host "[Step 4 under section 'How to migrate to the new private DNS zone' in migration document]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return AskForConfirmation "Private endpoint '$($privateLink.Name)' already has a DNS zone group, but the new DNS zone is not associated with that group. Do you want to remove the existing group from this private endpoint and add a new one that includes the new DNS zone so that the A record will be managed automatically?"
$peIpAddresses = ((Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceId $privateLink.NetworkInterfaces.Id).IpConfigurations.PrivateIPAddress)
$zoneARecordIpAddresses = ($newZone | Get-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet | Where-Object RecordType -eq A).Records.Ipv4Address
if (!($zoneARecordIpAddresses -contains $peIpAddresses)) {
Write-Host "[Step 4 under section 'How to migrate to the new private DNS zone' in migration document]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return AskForConfirmation "Private endpoint '$($privateLink.Name)' has an IP address of $($peIpAddresses), which is not in the private DNS zone's list of A records: [$($zoneARecordIpAddresses -join ", ")]? Do you want to add a new DNS zone group to the private endpoint to fix this?"
return $false
function AskForConfirmation($confirmationMessage) {
Write-Host $confirmationMessage" [yYnN]" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$preference = Read-Host
if ($preference -imatch "^y(es)?") {
return $true
} elseif ($preference -imatch "^n(o)?") {
return $false
} else {
Write-Host "Your choice must either be 'y' for yes or 'n' for no"
return AskForConfirmation $confirmationMessage
function ExtractPrivateDnsZoneNameFromPrivateLink($privateLink) {
Write-Host "Extracting zone name from private endpoint $($privateLink.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$serviceConnection = $privateLink.PrivateLinkServiceConnections[0]
$cacheResourceId = $serviceConnection.PrivateLinkServiceId;
try {
$reCacheArmResource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $cacheResourceId;
$name = $reCacheArmResource.Name;
$resourceGroup = $reCacheArmResource.ResourceGroupName;
$reCache = Get-AzRedisEnterpriseCache -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup;
$hostname = $reCache.HostName;
# Hostname will always be {section}.{region}.{suffix}, and this extracts just the suffix
$hostname -Match '^[^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.(.*)' | Out-Null
$suffix = $Matches[1]
$newZoneName = "privatelink.${suffix}"
Write-Host "Determined new zone name should be $newZoneName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $newZoneName
} catch {
# If we get here, the cache likely doesn't exist anymore and the private endpoint we're querying is in a disconnected state
Write-Host "The Cache $(($cacheResourceId -split "/")[-1]) doesn't exist. The private endpoint $($privateLink.Name) linked to it is in a $($serviceConnection.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState.Status) connection state. Cannot set up private dns zones for this private endpoint. Please attach an existing cache." -ForegroundColor Red
$deletePrivateEndpoint = AskForConfirmation "Would you like to delete this private endpoint?"
if( $deletePrivateEndpoint ) {
$privateLink | Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint -Force | Out-Null
return $null
function TagAndRemoveLinksFromOldZones($vnetToZoneMap) {
Write-Host "Now that new zones are set up, the final step is to disconnect old zones. See step 'Testing your migration' in the migration document." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "As the old zones are disconnected they will be 'tagged' with old VNet they were attached to. The tag helps if you need to troubleshoot. For more information, see the Troubleshooting section of the migration document." -ForegroundColor Yellow
foreach ($vnet in $vnetToZoneMap.GetEnumerator()) {
$zones = $vnetToZoneMap[$vnet.Name]
$oldZones = Get-PrivateDNSZonesMatchingPattern $OLD_DNS_ZONE_PATTERN $zones
if($null -eq $oldZones) {
Write-Host "No old zones exist in VNet $($vnet.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
foreach($zone in $oldZones) {
$links = Get-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink -ResourceGroupName $zone.ResourceGroupName -ZoneName $zone.Name
foreach($link in $links) {
if($link.VirtualNetworkId.ToLower() -eq $vnet.Name.ToLower()) {
$shouldContinue = AskForConfirmation "Deleting VNet link from $($zone.Name) to $($vnet.Name). Continue?"
if ($shouldContinue) {
Remove-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink -ResourceGroupName $zone.ResourceGroupName -ZoneName $zone.Name -Name $link.Name | Out-Null
Write-Host "Tagging old zone with information about the vnet is was linked to. It can be reconnected if needed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$VnetName = (Get-AzResource -ResourceId $vnet.Name).Name
$Tags = @{"OldVnetLink-$VnetName" = $vnet.Name}
Update-AzTag -ResourceId $zone.ResourceId -Tag $Tags -Operation Merge
# Begin script
Login $SubscriptionId
$plinkMap = Initialize-PrivateLinkMap
$vnetMap = Initialize-PrivateDnsZoneMap
Migrate-Vnets $plinkMap $vnetMap
TagAndRemoveLinksFromOldZones $vnetMap
Write-Host "Migration Complete. Please test that your application works. See step 'Testing the Migration' in the migration document for more information." -ForegroundColor Green
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Migrate to the new Redis Enterprise Private DNS Zone
This document is meant to help you migrate from an old form of the Private DNS Zone that is required to make private endpoints work with Redis Enterprise caches to a new form. The new form is a little simpler, better aligns with other services in Azure, and enables the automatic management of A records in the Private DNS Zone. Throughout this process, your infrastructure will continue to work as expected.
## How to migrate to the new private DNS zone
1. Identify Azure Virtual Networks (VNets) that have a private DNS zone
using the form:
2. For each of these VNets, create a new private DNS zone with the
3. Establish a **Virtual network link** between your VNet and the newly
created zone.
- Go to the Private DNS zone page for each newly created zone and
click 'Virtual network links' on the
- Fill in the "Link Name" with a value of your choosing, "Virtual
Network" with the VNet being linked, and leave "Enable auto
registration" unchecked. Click **OK**.
4. For each private endpoint linked to that VNet, create a new A record
using the "DNS Configuration" setting on the left in the portal.
- Go to the private endpoint page for each private endpoint and click
**DNS Configuration** on the left.
- Select **Add configuration**. For `Private DNS zone`, fill in
your newly created zone. `DNS zone group` should be set to
- This adds an A record that matches this pattern:
```{cacheName}.{region} -> {private IP address of endpoint}```
>**NOTE**: If you don't follow this procedure and create the
> A record normally, you would still have a working private
> endpoint, but deleting that endpoint does not result in the
> deletion of the corresponding A record.
## Testing your migration
Once all the new DNS zones for each of the VNets are created and all
private endpoints have DNS configurations in the corresponding zones,
it's time to test whether it works.
- To test non-destructively, disconnect all the old ({region}
prefixed) zones from the VNets they are attached to. Do this using
the same "Virtual Network Links" options used
- Next, run an 'nslookup' from PowerShell/bash on the cache from a
virtual machine within the VNet to determine whether it returns the
IP address of the private endpoint. If your workflow doesn't give
easy access to a shell, proceed to the next step.
- Run your application to see if everything works as expected.
### Troubleshooting
If the steps above do not work, try re-attaching the old region-prefixed
private DNS zones to fix the issue as a temporary solution.
>**NOTE**: DNS resolution of private zones prefers the longer
> (more-specific) DNS zones if more than one is linked to a VNet. This
> means that if the
> `{region}` and
> `` are both connected,
> only the `{region}`
> zone is respected.
## Cleanup
Once you've determined that all private endpoints are working in the new
private DNS zones, it is safe to delete each of the region-prefixed
private DNS zones.
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