\item{cmd}{The docker-compose command line to execute.}
\item{...}{Other arguments to pass to \link[processx:run]{processx::run}.}
\item{echo}{Whether to echo the output of the command to the console.}
A list with the following components:
\item \code{status}: The exit status of the docker-compose tool. If this is \code{NA}, then the process was killed and had no exit status.
\item \code{stdout}: The standard output of the command, in a character scalar.
\item \code{stderr}: The standard error of the command, in a character scalar.
\item \code{timeout}: Whether the process was killed because of a timeout.
\item \code{cmdline}: The command line.
The first four components are from \code{processx::run}; AzureContainers adds the last to make it easier to construct scripts that can be run outside R.
Call the docker-compose commandline tool
This function calls the \code{docker-compose} binary, which must be located in your search path. AzureContainers will search for the binary at package startup, and print a warning if it is not found.
\link[processx:run]{processx::run}, \link{call_docker}, \link{call_kubectl} for the equivalent interface to the \code{kubectl} Kubernetes tool
\href{https://docs.docker.com/compose/}{Docker-compose command line reference}