% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/secrets.R \docType{class} \name{secrets} \alias{secrets} \title{Stored secrets in Key Vault} \description{ This class represents the collection of secrets stored in a vault. It provides methods for managing secrets, including creating, importing and deleting secrets, and doing backups and restores. } \section{Methods}{ This class provides the following methods:\preformatted{create(name, value, content_type=NULL, attributes=vault_object_attrs(), ...) get(name) delete(name, confirm=TRUE) list(include_managed=FALSE) backup(name) restore(backup) } } \section{Arguments}{ \itemize{ \item \code{name}: The name of the secret. \item \code{value}: For \code{create}, the secret to store. This should be a character string or a raw vector. \item \code{content_type}: For \code{create}, an optional content type of the secret, such as "application/octet-stream". \item \code{attributes}: Optional attributes for the secret, such as the expiry date and activation date. A convenient way to provide this is via the \link{vault_object_attrs} helper function. \item \code{...}: For \code{create}, other named arguments which will be treated as tags. \item \code{include_managed}: For \code{list}, whether to include secrets that were created by Key Vault to support a managed certificate. \item \code{backup}: For \code{restore}, a string representing the backup blob for a secret. } } \section{Value}{ For \code{get}, and \code{create}, an object of class \code{stored_secret}, representing the secret. The actual value of the secret is in the \code{value} field. For \code{list}, a vector of secret names. For \code{backup}, a string representing the backup blob for a secret. If the secret has multiple versions, the blob will contain all versions. } \examples{ \dontrun{ vault <- key_vault("mykeyvault") vault$secrets$create("mysecret", "secret string") vault$secrets$list() secret <- vault$secrets$get("mysecret") secret$value # 'secret string' # specifying an expiry date today <- Sys.date() vault$secrets$create("mysecret", attributes=vault_object_attrs(expiry_date=today+365)) # setting management tags vault$secrets$create("mysecret", tag1="a value", othertag="another value") } } \seealso{ \link{vault_object_attrs} \href{https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/}{Azure Key Vault documentation}, \href{https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/keyvault}{Azure Key Vault API reference} }