% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tbl.R \name{kusto_export_cmd} \alias{kusto_export_cmd} \title{Execute the query, store the results in a table, and return a reference to the new table Run a Kusto query and export results to Azure Storage in Parquet or CSV format.} \usage{ kusto_export_cmd(query, storage_uri, name_prefix, key, format, distributed) } \arguments{ \item{query}{The text of the Kusto query to run} \item{storage_uri}{The URI of the blob storage container to export to} \item{name_prefix}{The filename prefix for each exported file} \item{key}{The account key for the storage container. uses the identity that is signed into Kusto to authenticate to Azure Storage.} \item{format}{Options are "parquet", "csv", "tsv", "json"} \item{distributed}{logical, indicates whether Kusto should distributed the export job to multiple nodes, in which case multiple files will be written to storage concurrently.} } \description{ Execute the query, store the results in a table, and return a reference to the new table Run a Kusto query and export results to Azure Storage in Parquet or CSV format. }