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#' The "base case" operation representing the tbl itself and its column variables
#' @export
#' @param x A tbl object
#' @param vars A vector of column variables in the tbl
#' @param class The class that op_base should inherit from, default is character()
op_base <- function(x, vars, class = character())
x = x,
vars = vars
class = c(paste0("op_base_", class), "op_base", "op")
op_base_local <- function(df)
op_base(df, names(df), class = "local")
op_base_remote <- function(x, vars)
op_base(x, vars, class = "remote")
#' A class representing a single-table verb
#' @export
#' @param name the name of the operation verb, e.g. "select", "filter"
#' @param x the tbl object
#' @param dots expressions passed to the operation verb function
#' @param args other arguments passed to the operation verb function
op_single <- function(name, x, dots = list(), args = list())
name = name,
x = x,
dots = dots,
args = args
class = c(paste0("op_", name), "op_single", "op")
#' Append an operation representing a single-table verb to the tbl_kusto object's ops list
#' @export
#' @param name The name of the operation, e.g. 'select', 'filter'
#' @param .data The tbl_kusto object to append the operation to
#' @param dots The expressions passed as arguments to the operation verb
#' @param args Other non-expression arguments passed to the operation verb
add_op_single <- function(name, .data, dots = list(), args = list())
.data$ops <- op_single(name, x = .data$ops, dots = dots, args = args)
#' A double-table verb, e.g. joins, setops
#' @export
#' @param name The name of the operation, e.g. 'left_join', 'union_all'
#' @param x The "left" tbl
#' @param y The "right" tbl
#' @param args Other arguments passed to the operation verb
op_double <- function(name, x, y, args = list())
name = name,
x = x,
y = y,
args = args
class = c(paste0("op_", name), "op_double", "op")
#' Append a join operation to the tbl_kusto object's ops list
#' @export
#' @param type The name of the join type,
#' one of: inner_join, left_join, right_join, full_join, semi_join, anti_join
#' @param x The "left" tbl
#' @param y The "right" tbl
#' @param by A vector of column names; keys by which tbl x and tbl y will be joined
#' @param suffix A vector of strings that will be appended to the names of non-join key columns that exist in both tbl x and tbl y to distinguish them by source tbl.
#' @param .strategy A strategy hint to provide to Kusto.
#' @param .shufflekeys A character vector of column names to shuffle on, if `.strategy = "shuffle"`.
#' @param .remote A strategy hint to provide to Kusto for cross-cluster joins.
#' @param .num_partitions The number of partitions for a shuffle query.
add_op_join <- function(type, x, y, by = NULL, suffix = NULL,
.strategy = NULL, .shufflekeys = NULL, .num_partitions = NULL, .remote = NULL)
by <- common_by(by, x, y)
vars <- join_vars(op_vars(x), op_vars(y), type = type, by = by, suffix = suffix)
x$ops <- op_double("join", x, y,
args = list(
vars = vars,
type = type,
by = by,
suffix = suffix,
.strategy = .strategy,
.shufflekeys = .shufflekeys,
.num_partitions = .num_partitions,
.remote = .remote
#' Append a set operation to the tbl_kusto object's ops list
#' @export
#' @param x The "left" tbl
#' @param y The "right" tbl
#' @param type The type of set operation to perform, currently only supports union_all
add_op_set_op <- function(x, y, type)
x$ops <- op_double("set_op", x, y, args = list(type = type))
join_vars <- function(x_names, y_names, type, by, suffix = c(".x", ".y"))
# Remove join keys from y's names
y_names <- setdiff(y_names, by$y)
if(!is.character(suffix) || length(suffix) != 2)
stop("`suffix` must be a character vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
suffix <- list(x = suffix[1], y = suffix[2])
x_new <- add_suffixes(x_names, y_names, suffix$x)
y_new <- add_suffixes(y_names, x_names, suffix$y)
# In left and inner joins, return key values only from x
# In right joins, return key values only from y
# In full joins, return key values by coalescing values from x and y
x_x <- x_names
x_y <- by$y[match(x_names, by$x)]
x_y[type == "left_join" | type == "inner_join"] <- NA
x_x[type == "right_join" & !] <- NA
y_x <- rep_len(NA, length(y_names))
y_y <- y_names
# Return a list with 3 parallel vectors
# At each position, values in the 3 vectors represent
# alias - name of column in join result
# x - name of column from left table or NA if only from right table
# y - name of column from right table or NA if only from left table
list(alias = c(x_new, y_new), x = c(x_x, y_x), y = c(x_y, y_y))
add_suffixes <- function(x, y, suffix)
if (identical(suffix, "")) return(x)
out <- rep_len(na_chr, length(x))
for (i in seq_along(x))
nm <- x[[i]]
while (nm %in% y || nm %in% out)
nm <- paste0(nm, suffix)
out[[i]] <- nm
#' Look up the applicable grouping variables for an operation
#' based on the data source and preceding sequence of operations
#' @param op An operation instance
#' @export
op_grps <- function(op) UseMethod("op_grps")
#' @export
op_grps.op_base <- function(op) character()
#' @export
op_grps.op_group_by <- function(op)
if (isTRUE(op$args$add))
union(op_grps(op$x), names(op$dots))
#' @export
op_grps.op_ungroup <- function(op)
#' @export
op_grps.op_summarise <- function(op)
grps <- op_grps(op$x)
#' @export
op_grps.op_rename <- function(op)
names(tidyselect::vars_rename(op_grps(op$x), !!! op$dots, .strict = FALSE))
#' @export
op_grps.op_single <- function(op)
#' @export
op_grps.op_double <- function(op)
#' @export
op_grps.tbl_kusto_abstract <- function(op)
#' @export
op_grps.tbl_df <- function(op)
#' Look up the applicable variables in scope for a given operation
#' based on the data source and preceding sequence of operations
#' @param op An operation instance
#' @export
op_vars <- function(op) UseMethod("op_vars")
#' @export
op_vars.op_base <- function(op)
#' @export
op_vars.op_select <- function(op)
names(tidyselect::vars_select(op_vars(op$x), !!! op$dots, .include = op_grps(op$x)))
#' @export
op_vars.op_rename <- function(op)
names(tidyselect::vars_rename(op_vars(op$x), !!! op$dots))
#' @export
op_vars.op_summarise <- function(op)
c(op_grps(op$x), names(op$dots))
#' @export
op_vars.op_distinct <- function(op)
if (is_empty(op$dots))
unique(c(op_vars(op$x), names(op$dots)))
#' @export
op_vars.op_mutate <- function(op)
unique(c(op_vars(op$x), names(op$dots)))
#' @export
op_vars.op_single <- function(op)
#' @export
op_vars.op_join <- function(op)
#' @export
op_vars.op_join <- function(op)
#' @export
op_vars.op_semi_join <- function(op)
#' @export
op_vars.op_set_op <- function(op)
union(op_vars(op$x), op_vars(op$y))
#' @export
op_vars.tbl_kusto_abstract <- function(op)
#' @export
op_vars.tbl_df <- function(op)