#' - `new(token, subscription, id, ...)`: Initialize a resource group object. See 'Initialization' for more details.
#' - `check()`: Check if this resource group still exists.
#' - `delete(confirm=TRUE)`: Delete this resource group, after a confirmation check. This is asynchronous: while the method returns immediately, the delete operation continues on the host in the background. For resource groups containing a large number of deployed resources, this may take some time to complete.
#' - `list_templates()`: List deployed templates in this resource group.
#' - `get_template(name)`: Return an object representing an existing template.
#' - `deploy_template(...)`: Deploy a new template. See 'Templates' for more details.
#' - `delete_template(name, confirm=TRUE, free_resources=FALSE)`: Delete a deployed template, and optionally free any resources that were created.
#' - `get_resource(...)`: Return an object representing an existing resource. See 'Resources' for more details.
#' - `create_resource(...)`: Create a new resource.
#' - `delete_resource(..., confirm=TRUE, wait=FALSE)`: Delete an existing resource. Optionally wait for the delete to finish.
#' - `list_resources()`: Return a list of resource group objects for this subscription.
#' @section Initialization:
#' Initializing a new object of this class can either retrieve an existing resource group, or create a new resource group on the host. Generally, the easiest way to create a resource group object is via the `get_resource_group`, `create_resource_group` or `list_resource_groups` methods of the [az_subscription] class, which handle this automatically.
#' To create a resource group object in isolation, supply (at least) an Oauth 2.0 token of class [AzureToken], the subscription ID, and the resource group name. If this object refers to a _new_ resource group, supply the location as well (use the `list_locations` method of the `az_subscription class` for possible locations). You can also pass any optional parameters for the resource group as named arguments to `new()`.
#' @section Templates:
#' To deploy a new template, pass the following arguments to `deploy_template()`:
#' - `name`: The name of the deployment.
#' - `template`: The template to deploy. This can be provided in a number of ways:
#' 1. A nested list of name-value pairs representing the parsed JSON
#' 2. The name of a template file
#' 3. A vector of strings containing unparsed JSON
#' 4. A URL from which the template can be downloaded
#' - `parameters`: The parameters for the template. This can be provided using any of the same methods as the `template` argument.
#' Retrieving or deleting a deployed template requires only the name of the deployment.
#' @section Resources:
#' There are a number of arguments to `get_resource()`, `create_resource()` and `delete_resource()` that serve to identify the specific resource in question:
#' - `id`: The full ID of the resource, including subscription ID and resource group.
#' - `provider`: The provider of the resource, eg `Microsoft.Compute`.
#' - `path`: The full path to the resource, eg `virtualMachines`.
#' - `type`: The combination of provider and path, eg `Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines`.
#' - `name`: The name of the resource instance, eg `myWindowsVM`.
#' Providing the `id` argument will fill in the values for all the other arguments. Similarly, providing the `type` argument will fill in the values for `provider` and `path`. Unless you provide `id`, you must also provide `name`.
#' To create/deploy a new resource, specify any extra parameters that the provider needs as named arguments to `create_resource()`.