% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R \name{named_list} \alias{named_list} \alias{is_url} \alias{is_empty} \title{Miscellaneous utility functions} \usage{ named_list(lst, name_fields = "name") is_url(x, https_only = FALSE) is_empty(x) } \arguments{ \item{lst}{A named list of objects.} \item{name_fields}{The components of the objects in \code{lst}, to be used as names.} \item{x}{For \code{is_url} and \code{is_empty}, An R object.} \item{https_only}{For \code{is_url}, whether to allow only HTTPS URLs.} } \value{ For \code{named_list}, the list that was passed in but with names. For \code{is_url}, whether the object appears to be a URL (is character of length 1, and starts with the string \code{"http"}). Optionally, restricts the check to HTTPS URLs only. For \code{is_empty}, whether the length of the object is zero (this includes the special case of \code{NULL}). } \description{ Miscellaneous utility functions } \details{ \code{named_list} extracts from each object in \code{lst}, the components named by \code{name_fields}. It then constructs names for \code{lst} from these components, separated by a \code{"/"}. }